Obama, Republicans reach deal to extend tax cuts, unemployment benefits

The hate card...AGAIN!!!!!! Stow it jakey. It won't wash here anymore.

You are right, thereisnospoon, your hatred will not wash here.

You are not objective.

You are not a good Republican.

You are a fool, with the type of thinking that can return the GOP to a full minority status.

Yes, you are trailer trash of the worst sort: you think you understand but are too blinded to realize that you can't see because of your hatred.

Did you forget your medication again?

I understand that you, conspiracist, are sick about this issue and project on others your insecurities and fears. You have to stop your fear, son.
You are right, thereisnospoon, your hatred will not wash here.

You are not objective.

You are not a good Republican.

You are a fool, with the type of thinking that can return the GOP to a full minority status.

Yes, you are trailer trash of the worst sort: you think you understand but are too blinded to realize that you can't see because of your hatred.

Did you forget your medication again?

I understand that you, conspiracist, are sick about this issue and project on others your insecurities and fears. You have to stop your fear, son.

I hear you Jake!

It is almost like he has never posted any original topic in over 14,000 posts...
oh .... never mind
I came to the Board because a friend of mine noted that so much inaccurate OPs and arguments were made here that I could stay busy with just the refutation. How true dat!
I came to the Board because a friend of mine noted that so much inaccurate OPs and arguments were made here that I could stay busy with just the refutation. How true dat!

Hey , it is your story and you can tell it any way you want........

Many would believe it was/is for different reasons
Doesn't matter what those who don't like what I post think. They can always try being fair and balanced.

There is not a one of the hypocrites of the far left and the far right who are anything more than risible to me.
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I came to the Board because a friend of mine noted that so much inaccurate OPs and arguments were made here that I could stay busy with just the refutation. How true dat!

Really, to be honest...

it is rather sad that the majority of your posts are nothing but criticisms of others (oddly enough anything right of center or critical of Democrats)

Some would say that is all your goal is..........

Indeed, you have become the "Joe Scarborough" of this forum
I came to the Board because a friend of mine noted that so much inaccurate OPs and arguments were made here that I could stay busy with just the refutation. How true dat!

Really, to be honest...

it is rather sad that the majority of your posts are nothing but criticisms of others (oddly enough anything right of center or critical of Democrats)

Some would say that is all your goal is..........

Indeed, you have become the "Joe Scarborough" of this forum

And to be doubly ignored.
I know and like Joe a lot. If you can't value him, then that demonstrates your weakness, ideology before thought. However, why should I dump on the left? They wont' change. We to their right should change a lot of the stuff that is just not good for America.

Your comment reveals that type of trouble thinking, or what passes for thinking. Some could say to someone, "You are are as dumb as (mudwhistle) (daveman) (conspiracist) (crusader frank) (Neotrotksy ) (Dr. House)", and if it were you or any of the others, the reply would be: "Are not! They are dumber!!"

I have no time for hyper partisanship at all, for such undermines America.
I know and like Joe a lot. If you can't value him, then that demonstrates your weakness, ideology before thought. However, why should I dump on the left? They wont' change. We to their right should change a lot of the stuff that is just not good for America.

Your comment reveals that type of trouble thinking, or what passes for thinking. Some could say to someone, "You are are as dumb as (mudwhistle) (daveman) (conspiracist) (crusader frank) (Neotrotksy ) (Dr. House)", and if it were you or any of the others, the reply would be: "Are not! They are dumber!!"

I have no time for hyper partisanship at all, for such undermines America.

Your poor attempts to "personalize" it towards me

Tells us everything we need to know....

We know why in over 14,000 posts you have never posted an original one
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You get your "personalization" at me kicked back in your face and you cry? That is a clear example of risibility.
You get your "personalization" at me kicked back in your face and you cry? That is a clear example of risibility.

It does not surprise many that in your world, you may think this is some type of "personalization"

Truth is hard for some; I only state facts. I asked a legitimate question.
I can't help it if you take it so "serious". It does make one wonder why you are afraid to answer it.....

You sensitive types are like that...very defensive...showing their heart on their sleeves

I have to admit you have brought me many good laughs but tears
You must think highly of yourself

Again, we know why in 14,000 posts you have never started one

Hey, here's an idea- instead of just poor attempts at insulting people
try starting a post where you state what you believe
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You asked no reasonable question. You twist facts to your perverted philosophy. You put words in my mouth that I did not say or imply. You are not only risible but also pathetic, a simply ineffective hack. Risible.
You asked no reasonable question. You twist facts to your perverted philosophy. You put words in my mouth that I did not say or imply. You are not only risible but also pathetic, a simply ineffective hack. Risible.

Why have you not once, in over 14,000 posts, ever start a thread?

Yes, you are correct that is not a reasonable question.
Yes! Now I see it. This question is so "right-wing".

Hmm, speaking of hack.....
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Meanwhile the Reps want the top wage earners to get cuts in taxes. We KNOW that will increase the deficit, right?

No, we don't know that. An improved economy as a result of not increasing taxes (and there is no tax cut for top wage earners on the table) increases tax revenue.

Yes, we do know that, asterism, and, no, we don't know that the same tax levels are going to improve the economy. It has not so far, hmmm?

Not with an expectation of immediate higher costs. That expectation just got reduced. I'm fre to admit I'm wrong when I'm shown to be wrong, so let's talk this time next year. Lower tax rates did NOT cause revenues to fall below 2001 levels for the entire decade as was predicted by the pundits.
I know and like Joe a lot. If you can't value him, then that demonstrates your weakness, ideology before thought. However, why should I dump on the left? They wont' change. We to their right should change a lot of the stuff that is just not good for America.

Your comment reveals that type of trouble thinking, or what passes for thinking. Some could say to someone, "You are are as dumb as (mudwhistle) (daveman) (conspiracist) (crusader frank) (Neotrotksy ) (Dr. House)", and if it were you or any of the others, the reply would be: "Are not! They are dumber!!"

I have no time for hyper partisanship at all, for such undermines America.

Just as you undermine yourself by portraying yourself as something that you are not.

YOU are an attention whore Jokey.
I know and like Joe a lot. If you can't value him, then that demonstrates your weakness, ideology before thought. However, why should I dump on the left? They wont' change. We to their right should change a lot of the stuff that is just not good for America.

Your comment reveals that type of trouble thinking, or what passes for thinking. Some could say to someone, "You are are as dumb as (mudwhistle) (daveman) (conspiracist) (crusader frank) (Neotrotksy ) (Dr. House)", and if it were you or any of the others, the reply would be: "Are not! They are dumber!!"

I have no time for hyper partisanship at all, for such undermines America.

While I can understand your premise and agree, your framing in your first comment is off. Are you saying that anyone who disagrees with Scarborough is inherently wrong?
I am saying anyone who condemns someone for agreeing with Scarborough as somehow wrong in general principle is playing fruit loops. Asterism, I at times think Joe gives too much credit to the president, but I really think he may be the most honest broker out there in the media. Others I like are Fred Thompson and (gasp) Rachel Maddow: her ability to deflate right wing hot air is amazing. What we are all forgetting is that we are all Americans sharing a common heritage that is both wondrous and awful at the same time. Let's concentrate on the good!
No, we don't know that. An improved economy as a result of not increasing taxes (and there is no tax cut for top wage earners on the table) increases tax revenue.

Yes, we do know that, asterism, and, no, we don't know that the same tax levels are going to improve the economy. It has not so far, hmmm?

Not with an expectation of immediate higher costs. That expectation just got reduced. I'm fre to admit I'm wrong when I'm shown to be wrong, so let's talk this time next year. Lower tax rates did NOT cause revenues to fall below 2001 levels for the entire decade as was predicted by the pundits.
Trying to look ahead 12 to 18 months when electing the next president is galvanizing attention spans to a greater extent than today requires setting out benchmarks like comparitive revenue levels.

It's possible the end game that both Wall Street parties currently embrace will "free" the incomes of the richest Americans "to 'offshore' itself into assets denominated in harder currencies abroad."

What metics should we employ between 1/1/2012 and the following Labor Day to determine if our richest citizens are investing in this economy or one with a harder currency?

Make them reveal all of their investments, giving the deductions for investing in American and penalizing them $ for $ investing overseas in companies that directly compete for American market share domestically. Automatic felonies for any fudging the books or returns, including those who do the books and returns as well as the principles.

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