Obama Screws The Troops and Their Families – Again


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
No more base barber and beauty shops. No more Burger King or Popeye's or pizza franchises or any other contractor doing business on a military installation. :evil:

He already has made noises about shutting down the commissaries. Now this?

All because of King Barry's fiat – not enacted and signed legislation mind you – that they have to pay their employees $10.10 per hour.

And, it's not just that. This means no more organized athletic program for the military and their dependents, or exercise equipment, or support for social clubs and the like.

I hope every single active duty and retired military reading this puts the jab to your Representative and Senator and urge them to undue this injustice. And, find out their stand on it, remembering it when you go to the polls.

Read more @ Lost in America: Burger King Fleeing Military Bases

This is what I just sent my Congressional delegation:

We already have enough problems in the military but now comes this:

No more base barber and beauty shops. No more Burger King or Popeye's or pizza franchises or any other contractor doing business on a military installation.

Another of King Barry's fiats, not signed legislation mind you – that they have to pay their employees $10.10 per hour.

And he already made noises about closing commissaries.

Please, please see what you can do to stop this atrocity. Just think of the tens of thousands of low-paid military and their dependents who are going to suffer due to this.

MSgt, US Army - Retired
You do know that over 70% of the public supports raising the Minimum Wage? This is just another issue that demonstrates how much the far right is out of touch with Main Street America.
Why does the far right want the US workforce to continue with over three decades of flat wages? Why do they want the US to continue it's slide towards being a third rate country?
In other "wealthy" countries, the working class has seen much better wage growth than the working class in the US. Canada's Middle Class has passed the US as having the best paid working class in the world and soon other countries will pass the US's Middle Class.
But damn it, it'll hurt profits. OK, let's continue to fuck over the American working class!
Russell Beland, deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for military manpower and personnel, had sent a letter to DoL April 8 asking for an exemption from the wage regulations.

In that letter, Beland said Navy and Marine Corps exchange officials estimate that unless relief is granted, up to 390 fast food concession operations would close on installations across the U.S. and its territories, with a loss of nearly 5,750 jobs, many held by military family members and veterans.

This is from Mamooth's site............

Temporary waiver...............So, will this move be temporary or permanent.............................

That remains to be seen, and the consequences do go right to the OP...............via OBAMA'S EXECUTIVE ORDER.
The problem is that the base regulations also prohibit the restaurants from raising prices to cover the wage increases, which makes it impossible for them to turn a profit.

The obvious fix is to remove the price-fixing regulations.

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