obama: Single Payer Would Be Better Than ACA

No question single payer would be better than Obamacare

It eliminates the middle man


Wasn't there an entire Country that tried that?

What was its name........Oh, yeah -- Union Soviet Socialist Republics......?

I think that was it. The only thing they became proficient at was murdering their own people and dying at 10 to 1 odds against the Germans.

Talk about FAIL........???

If it weren't so sad and pathetic, it would be funny

Kinda like you

Dims had this planned long before Obama.

They want to slowly withdraw medical care, especially to the teminally ill and aged.

They want us to wind up in the same situation as Vets find themselves in today

Robert Reich is a midget scumbag. No wonder he is an advisor to Obama. Like Gruber. These people are scumbags and assholes.

Notice that Robert said that these are things politicians would say but can't say if they want to be elected.

He is openly admitting Obama lied to us so we would vote for him. Thier open disdain for democracy is duly noted.
No question single payer would be better than Obamacare

It eliminates the middle man

Senator Sanders then asked the panel what it would do for their respective businesses not to have to worry about the health care of their employees at all and concentrate on their products and services. Both the Democrat on the panel and the two Republicans agreed it would make things better.

Employers agree w Bernie Sanders on health care VIDEO
No question single payer would be better than Obamacare

It eliminates the middle man

Senator Sanders then asked the panel what it would do for their respective businesses not to have to worry about the health care of their employees at all and concentrate on their products and services. Both the Democrat on the panel and the two Republicans agreed it would make things better.

Employers agree w Bernie Sanders on health care VIDEO
Wow. Offer employers the opportunity to offload one of their biggest expenses on to the government and they're ready to jump all over it. Color me shocked!
No question single payer would be better than Obamacare

It eliminates the middle man

Senator Sanders then asked the panel what it would do for their respective businesses not to have to worry about the health care of their employees at all and concentrate on their products and services. Both the Democrat on the panel and the two Republicans agreed it would make things better.

Employers agree w Bernie Sanders on health care VIDEO

Denise Kucinich adamently refused to vote for Obamacare, calling it a sell out to insurance companies. He said he favored a single payer system instead

Then when his vote was needed, he met with President Obama and mysteriously voted for Obamacare

He never recanted. He essentially voted for something he publically said would help ruin the country
No question single payer would be better than Obamacare

It eliminates the middle man

Senator Sanders then asked the panel what it would do for their respective businesses not to have to worry about the health care of their employees at all and concentrate on their products and services. Both the Democrat on the panel and the two Republicans agreed it would make things better.

Employers agree w Bernie Sanders on health care VIDEO
Wow. Offer employers the opportunity to offload one of their biggest expenses on to the government and they're ready to jump all over it. Color me shocked!

You can be shocked until the cows come home...it will be the business community that drives us to single payer. It's the only way the US will be able to compete in the global community.
I've been telling you all along that the ACA was a false flag operation by dimocraps aimed at forcing a single payer plan on the United States.

IOW, it was designed to fail.

BTW, in case you are one of the few that don't follow my posts religiously like you should, I am favor of an ACA-like Health Insurance program in this Country.

I am tired of people who refuse to pay their own way. I am tired of people who refuse to buy Health Insurance and then, when they do get hurt or sick, go to the E Room with zero intention of ever paying their bill -- Which can go into the MILLIONS of dollars.

When you have Socialized Medicine, people. You have socialism. That simple

Here is the Audio --

Obama A Single Payer System Would Be Better than ObamaCare Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace

That rarely happens and you know it and that entire argument is bullshit from the beginning because whether or not i buy insurance or not and that happens to cause yiur rates to increase is irrelevant. Maybe we are not buying enough cheese burgers which causes fast food joints to raise prices. Everyone who doesn't buy a cheeseburger is a freeloader who is screwing over every one else. Is that your logic?
Listen to the audio recording. He said that if he was building a health care system from scratch, he would go with single payer. He then says the notion we were going to scrap the existing system just wasn't going to happen.

There is no "gotcha" there. There is nothing earth shaking there.
No question single payer would be better than Obamacare

It eliminates the middle man

Senator Sanders then asked the panel what it would do for their respective businesses not to have to worry about the health care of their employees at all and concentrate on their products and services. Both the Democrat on the panel and the two Republicans agreed it would make things better.

Employers agree w Bernie Sanders on health care VIDEO
Wow. Offer employers the opportunity to offload one of their biggest expenses on to the government and they're ready to jump all over it. Color me shocked!

You can be shocked until the cows come home...it will be the business community that drives us to single payer. It's the only way the US will be able to compete in the global community.

I would have to agree. After all, the top 1% are the people who keep funding people like Obama and Hillary. Corporate America are largely run by Progs. They are our task masters now.
what a pos. he stuck OScamCare on our backs and then comes out with this?

Have you seen another President who has Intentionally set out to HURT US?

this man has cost us TRILLIONS of dollars, grew this government by how much we have no idea and all with LIES, that he won LIE of the year with ObamaCare
The part about Obama deliberately sabotaging our health care system is a figment of the tard imagination. That is not what he said in the audio. That is something the voices in the heads of the rubes said, not Obama.

He said since it was politically impossible to tear down the whole health system and start from scratch, he had to provide a plan that had a chance of getting enacted. And on that point, he is entirely correct. The country was not willing to scrap the whole system and go with single payer.

They will be, though. In our lifetimes.
The part about Obama deliberately sabotaging our health care system is a figment of the tard imagination. That is not what he said in the audio. That is something the voices in the heads of the rubes said, not Obama.

He said since it was politically impossible to tear down the whole health system and start from scratch, he had to provide a plan that had a chance of getting enacted. And on that point, he is entirely correct. The country was not willing to scrap the whole system and go with single payer.

They will be, though. In our lifetimes.
Exactly, and it was not politically possible to do what some conservatives argued for in getting rid of all the tax credits for employer sponsored plans and the benefits that public employees get with just having so much market share to bring to getting a contract with an insurer. But the gop and tea party decided to just go with govt has no role in the healthcare market, even though it has had such a role since at least the 1950s, and in choosing not to be in the debate, ensured we got the "government program."
You have a "right" to health care.(...?)
How does having a right equate to the necessity of the state forcing other people to provide the means to exercise said right?
To what other rights does this apply?

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