Obama Skips D-Day, Celebrates Ford's Theater Instead

And anyone left of center right sees Obama as the perfect president and every error is fine by them.


Some people would prefer to criticize over more than just the lack of a PR stunt. Policy decisions, the validity of his congressional appointments, stuff like that.

His economic team, his chief of staff, Nancy Pelosi...etc. But that's not nearly as "fun" as shit like this.

We do discuss those topics. Take a look at the variety of threads in current events, politics, health care, economy etc. Obama is target rich for doing a lousy job on in many areas.
how foolish a statement.

When it was GOP President and a DEM majority in both houses, the GOP president got blamed for EVERYTHING.

Now it is a dem majority in both houses AND a dem president and you question the "evenness" of the criticism?

LMFAO...you guys are clueless.

Of course he did. And the Pubs had sputtering red-faced honking fits left, right and center.

But, I don't recall Bush being attacked for anything quite this ridiculous. And irony of ironies...the right brought up Clinton for comparison every time they could.

Politics never changes :D

Bush was atatcked for not landing in NO after Katrina. He did a flyover as he did not want to clog up the airport who was already having issues and he did not want to clog the few roads that were not flooded with his motorcade.

And he got bashed for it.

So? Obama has been bashed since April 21st when the oil platform first blew up for not rushing right down there with his entourage. Now you're even. Feel better?
Of course they are. All Obama Admin had to do was send out a simple press release commemorating the anniversary. Instead, the staff spend their time planning parties. It displays a lack of leadership, especially with the U.S. currently engaged in two wars.

For the past month, the entire administration has been focused on the biggest environmental catastrophe in history. Most adult thinkers would be a little more forgiving if someone dropped the ball by not issuing a fucking press release.

No. The Administration has not been focused on the oil spill crisis. It's been focused on the political and PR response to the crisis.

Having Meetings, announcing that Investigations Will Be Held, and initiating Ex Post Facto Legislation are not effective crisis response actions.

Jindal requested permits for dredging and berms weeks ago. The Obama admin has approved only 2% of the requested projects. Somehow they think sand bars to protect the coast require more environmental impact assessment than allowing the oil to cover it.
That's it. I'm done with the man. He's passe, past tense, finis. I am not voting for him ever again.

hopefully you won't get the chance to.

So...are you saying you've actually found a candidate who promises to faithfully and without deviation commemorate every D-Day? I hope he (or she) has a record to support this noble endeavor. :)

Republicans are still floundering around trying to find a candidate that would be suitable and not have any skeletons or known bad history to drag along, but so far they don't have one. I've heard rumblings lately that they're now concentrating on Mitch Daniels, that is until it began making the rounds that he was previously the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under George W. Bush. AARGH!!!!!!!!!!
Gee. Bush spent the day in a meeting on emergency relief efforts for victims of the Chinese Earthquake. Obama filmed a TV special with American Idol Kelly Clarkson.


If Obama had spent the day actually doing something to Plug The Hole, then perhaps your comparison would be apt.

Oh ho - now the excuses fly! Heh.

Umm no, President Bush didn't spend "the day" in that meeting. He had time for a number of other things (excluding a mention of D-Day).

I also seriously doubt that Obama spent the entire filming a TV special either. Not that accuracy matters in the least on this thread.

Bub. I'm not the one who dragged BOOOOSSSSHHHHHHHHH into this.

I'm perfectly copacetic with holding each president responsible for his own decisions and actions without throwing up everything done by his predecessors.

Obama is a shameful and pathetic excuse for a leader. How he spends his time is quite indicative of his lack of executive ability.

You know, if you were genuinely interested in how Obama spends his time, you could always check his daily schedule here, and then start your bitching. At least it might have some measure of accuracy if you chose specific meetings or other occasions that you take issue with, rather than just more of your bloviating generalizations.

POLITICO 44: The Obama Presidency. Minute by Minute
Certainly not me. I am and have been referring to a disturbing pattern with this president. He has never used the word victory even though we are in 2 wars.
There is a pattern with this guy that is bothering me. I would like him to say something poisitive about our military.
Hell, learn how to pronounce Corpman...show you really care about your role as CiC.

There again, is another example of a ridiculous criticism. How you pronounce Corpman.

Barack Obama praises troops, presses Hamid Karzai - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com -- Obama praises military. That's just the first one that came up. Sounds pretty positive to me. Partisan blinders anyone?

Victory is a word - one of many. And overused.

Quite obviously, you are not military.

A speech prepared by a pseechwriter and read word for word is not praise for the military. Sure, some in the public stare at him in awe when he readsa his speeches.

The military look at him as their leader in life and death.

The miltary WANT to hear the word victory.

We NEED to hear the word victory when we are recovering from losing a few of our men 24 hours earlier.

Nope. You are definately not military.

"Victory" implies winning a war against an enemy state. Since we haven't been AT WAR with another country since World War II, it is indeed just a word and the "military" needs to get over its hurt feelings because we are NOT going to engage in another world war.
Yessssssssssssssssss. You see the more you post "items" that your own idol was equally guilty, the more we will push back at you. There's plenty of real issues to disparage this president for, but people like you have gone far beyond normal ODS into full-blown OCD.

Bush is far from my idol. He made significant mistakes. Disrespecting the military is not one of them. Please feel free to start more Bush bashing threads of your own.

This thread is about holding Obama accountable for his own leadership decisions and actions. I doubt, however, that you are able to do that.

I can't because I don't respond to generalities. Why don't you start a new thread every day that just says I HATE OBAMA, and I'm sure all your buddies will leap to ^5 you. On the other hand, if you start a thread or participate in a thread where a serious issue is discussed, you know I'm there. With respect to this one, it's just silly and petty. Period.
It truly disgusts me that that mispronunciation is ALL that you remember, or paid any attention to.

Well, considering he thinks there are 57 states, and that people from Michigan are "Michianers", and can't discern between a "corpse" and a "corps", and that he has referred to his "Muslim faith", and that he refers to his grandmother as a "typical white woman", etc.... it just kinda gets to the notion that he ain't that smart. Just say'n.

Yeah, that's another big fucking deal that you morons hang onto as though he had pushed the red button sending nukes to Russia. Frankly, people who dwell on that kind of stuff must have brains too tiny to handle more that those kinds of amusing snippets. Anything else might actually take some deep thought.
It truly disgusts me that that mispronunciation is ALL that you remember, or paid any attention to.

Well, considering he thinks there are 57 states, and that people from Michigan are "Michianers", and can't discern between a "corpse" and a "corps", and that he has referred to his "Muslim faith", and that he refers to his grandmother as a "typical white woman", etc.... it just kinda gets to the notion that he ain't that smart. Just say'n.

I have to say, that when the left spend 8 years ridiculing a guy for mis-speaking, then you don't have a right to say shit when the right gives it back to you with both barrels.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

True, but that one 57-state thing is remembered over and over again, now a full two years after he said it? Come ON...
Google ignored D-Day yesterday too. Bing had a nice pic of the cemetery monument at Normandy though, gorgeous aerial shot. I switched to Bing a few months ago. Google's gone all leftish and invasive if you ask me. Creepy.

How do you "switch" from Google to Bing? It's either Google.com or Bing.com or added to your own menu. Is there anything else you idiots can make up that's "gone all leftish" on ya? How about that last beer that made you puke? Goddamned leftist warm beer? Go ahead. Some other moron will believe you, I'm sure! :lol:

Get over your cheap, adolescent, Tiger Beat crush on Barry already, will you? It's pathetic how affronted you are every time somebody notices that the guy's out partying instead of attending to his State duties.

I just pointed out that Google did it too, and if they hadn't already lost my patronage, they'd have lost it then. Because some people care about honoring the sacrifice of those who have given their last measure in service to this country. Some people will NEVER forget... unlike Barry who couldn't even remember it from last year. :rolleyes:

I get angry over the small stuff, period. You don't see everything I write, so until you do, save your righteous indignation.
Imagine their shock if a Republican does become president in 2012, and they get it shoved right back full barrel that they can't be blaming ex-president Obama for everything, nor comparing the new president to the old.

If the next GOP president's homeland security department declares returning veterans to be a terrorist threat while treating Islamic terrorists as mirandized criminals, then perhaps you'll have a valid comparison.

The overarching issue here is the President's role as CIC. Does he show enough support and respect for the military? If Obama had an established pattern of supporting the military (and were spending the day on BP response), the D-Day lapse would not be of much concern. But as he chose to film a TV special instead, after a long period of vacations and parties during a national crisis, it is just one more example of his poor judgment, values, and leadership abilities.

It wouldn't have mattered what he did yesterday, and you know it. I think HE knows it too.
Oh no one is riled, just taking and keeping notes to use come the next elections.

hope you're rolling on the floor laughing your ass off then.

Just make sure you're next candidate memorializes EVERY D-Day without fail (you've yet to have one).

Ok, now that we got that done with, what's the next celebratory outrage-du-jour? Shall I bring rotten tomatos? Tar and feathers? Duct tape and baling wire? Or...just some sparklers and confetti?

Imagine their shock if a Republican does become president in 2012, and they get it shoved right back full barrel that they can't be blaming ex-president Obama for everything, nor comparing the new president to the old.

They will anyways....as they still blame Clinton...and at times, even Carter as if there were no other presidents in between.
Some people would prefer to criticize over more than just the lack of a PR stunt. Policy decisions, the validity of his congressional appointments, stuff like that.

His economic team, his chief of staff, Nancy Pelosi...etc. But that's not nearly as "fun" as shit like this.

We do discuss those topics. Take a look at the variety of threads in current events, politics, health care, economy etc. Obama is target rich for doing a lousy job on in many areas.

That was my point. So why start in on this topic? Did you ever once stop to THINK that probably two-thirds of the country was far more concerned about the oil crisis that may be an environmental hazard to the entire country for years to come and NOT concentrating on the soldiers who lost their lives on D-Day 66 years ago??????? I know I didn't give it a thought. Too much else going on in the news.
I've a question, be honest. If he actually decided to "properly" celebrate today, would you be pleased by it, or would you complain that he wasn't doing enough to handle the country's problems?

I'm with Coyote and ConHog, this isn't news, or really that important.
If BamBam would have skipped the taping of an Independence Day special to speak at Normandy he would have been accused of kissing up to the French.

Obama has portrayed himself as a omnipresent messiah for so long even the too-partisan right wing expect him to be everywhere at once.

Without July 4, 1776, the storming of Normandy Beach on June 6, 1944 would have never happened.
Of course they are. All Obama Admin had to do was send out a simple press release commemorating the anniversary. Instead, the staff spend their time planning parties. It displays a lack of leadership, especially with the U.S. currently engaged in two wars.

For the past month, the entire administration has been focused on the biggest environmental catastrophe in history. Most adult thinkers would be a little more forgiving if someone dropped the ball by not issuing a fucking press release.

No. The Administration has not been focused on the oil spill crisis. It's been focused on the political and PR response to the crisis.

Having Meetings, announcing that Investigations Will Be Held, and initiating Ex Post Facto Legislation are not effective crisis response actions.

Jindal requested permits for dredging and berms weeks ago. The Obama admin has approved only 2% of the requested projects. Somehow they think sand bars to protect the coast require more environmental impact assessment than allowing the oil to cover it.

You're obviously not bothering to pay attention to the daily briefings by Admiral Allen, nor anything else of substance. Here is his first lengthy update, and transcripts will be available from hereon, should you care to educate yourself. Jindal's request to go tearing up the wetlands isn't viable, because it's been determined it will do more damage than good. Berms ARE in place, and being replaced all the time. READ!!!!

Transcript of Adm. Thad Allen's Thursday oil spill briefing: Gulf of Mexico oil spill | adn.com
Will this be on Hannity tonite? Front liner? Beck? O'Reilly?

Will Coulter start a book on this?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Well, considering he thinks there are 57 states, and that people from Michigan are "Michianers", and can't discern between a "corpse" and a "corps", and that he has referred to his "Muslim faith", and that he refers to his grandmother as a "typical white woman", etc.... it just kinda gets to the notion that he ain't that smart. Just say'n.

I have to say, that when the left spend 8 years ridiculing a guy for mis-speaking, then you don't have a right to say shit when the right gives it back to you with both barrels.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

True, but that one 57-state thing is remembered over and over again, now a full two years after he said it? Come ON...

Meh, it's a real good one though. I seem to remember some of Bush's better gaffes being used for nearly to whole 8 years. My personal favorite -- "I'm the decider and I'll do the decidering." Not sure if he said the second part or someone just tacked that on over the years, but I love that one.

Look Obama's gonna have the shit kicked out of him for as long as he has the office. The left set the standard and now that's the way the game is played. My advice, relax and get used to your guy getting ridiculed for very small shit. It says right in Rules for Radicals that ridicule is very effective because there no response for it.

That's why John Stewart and Colbert are so insidious. Kinda cool they discovered that Obama is the President and what they do is ridicule the guy who's president. You'll grow to really love them as they unfairly hatchet your guy.
Just make sure you're next candidate memorializes EVERY D-Day without fail (you've yet to have one).

Ok, now that we got that done with, what's the next celebratory outrage-du-jour? Shall I bring rotten tomatos? Tar and feathers? Duct tape and baling wire? Or...just some sparklers and confetti?

Imagine their shock if a Republican does become president in 2012, and they get it shoved right back full barrel that they can't be blaming ex-president Obama for everything, nor comparing the new president to the old.

They will anyways....as they still blame Clinton...and at times, even Carter as if there were no other presidents in between.

There really isn't enough blame heaped on Carter. He deserves more than he gets. But, on the bright side, at least we finally got to his second term. :eusa_whistle:

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