Obama Urges Soviet-Style Voting Laws

How democratic! Forcing people to vote what they don´t want to vote is totalitarian and the admission of terrible politics.
Well, WE tried to warn you people.

If he can FORCE you to do something he'll look to find a way to do it

YOU put him office

I can see it now: You want welfare show you voted
You want anything from that daddy guberment. Show proof you voted

Oh and the joys just goes on and on and on
Why do Republicans always object to people voting?
The article fails to point out that the USSR copied the Australian model to encourage voting.

We see the far right here discouraging voting. Why?
I'd like to see it where you are not punished for failing to vote but you pay a lower tax rate if you can prove you voted

Aren't Republicans for lower taxes?
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Mandatory voting would spell the end of the republican party. Democrats won the popular votes like in the last election, republicans won due to gerrymandering. And that was an off year election.
Another article on this. One comment with this said it all. Obama just never stop community agitating. Every week he has another brilliant VISION for transforming us. We should all be happy happy happy. He makes me sick

Obama: How About Mandatory Voting
Katie Pavlich | Mar 19, 2015


During a town hall style meeting in Cleveland Wednesday, President Obama suggested mandatory voting in the United States would be a good, "transformative" thing for the country. He also suggested it would be a good way to combat campaign spending in elections.

As a reminder, President Obama spent more than $750 million to get elected in 2008 and more than $1 billion to get re-elected in 2012. He also reversed his long time position of taking PAC money in order to win in 2012 and has been supported by big labor union donations.

ALL of it here with a video
Obama How About Mandatory Voting - Katie Pavlich
Gawd give us a break from this community Agitator idiot
a video with article at the site

Obama confirms: I really love mandates
posted at 10:41 am on March 19, 2015 by Ed Morrissey

No kidding. Suggesting mandates — and especially enforcing them — seems to be all that’s on Barack Obama’s mind as President. Yesterday, Obama told an audience during a speech on middle-class economics that the US should really consider making voting mandatory … like health insurance and footing the bill for contraception, et cetera et cetera et cetera:

“Other countries have mandatory voting,” Obama said Wednesday in Cleveland, where he spoke about the importance of middle class economics.

“It would be transformative if everybody voted — that would counteract money more than anything.”

The clout of millionaires and billionaires in campaign funding has been enormous, and many claim the uber wealthy have undue leverage in politics.

“The people who tend not to vote are young, they’re lower income, they’re skewed more heavily toward immigrant groups and minorities,” Obama said. “There’s a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls.”

The President cited Australia as one of the countries that has mandatory voting. But there are many more.

At least 26 countries have compulsory voting, according to the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Failure to vote is punishable by a fine in countries such as Australia and Belgium; if you fail to pay your fine in Belgium, you could go to prison.

“I don’t think I’ve ever said this publicly,” Obama started out his argument … and there’s a reason for it. As Popehat noted on Twitter this morning, the act of not voting is political speech, protected by the First Amendment. He’s also nonplussed that someone would have to explain that to a person often described as a Constitutional scholar:

ALL of it here:
Obama confirms I really love mandates Hot Air
Mandatory voting would spell the end of the republican party. Democrats won the popular votes like in the last election, republicans won due to gerrymandering. And that was an off year election.

If Obumbler forces this, it would require total approval from the Democrat Party - and that would drive millions away from the party! Maybe not to the GOP and that would mean the rise of many secondary parties that have never had a chance.
I can see it now: You want welfare show you voted
You want anything from that daddy guberment. Show proof you voted
Oh and the joys just goes on and on and on

For things like that you will need to be able to prove you voted for the DEMOCRATIC PARTY candidates..

Yes, I forgot to add that.
Obama makes my skin crawl. Every damn day it's something else. I'll be so glad when he's gone and out of lives.... and if I never heard his name again my life would be complete
Why do Republicans always object to people voting?

Are you kidding?

I never thought even the most rabid of liberals could even consider crap like this!!!!!

My question stands

Why aren't Republicans doing everything they can to get more people to vote?

They restrict registration, limit voting hours and number of booths, cut back on days you can vote, intill useless voter ID laws, make the ballot more complicated

What recent Republican policy has opened up voting opportunities?
I'm not for a mandate. I'm OK with requiring ID. I also want a voting week instead of a voting day. One day of which is a national holiday. I'd like automatic registration for all citizens. A voter registration number would work. Online voting ought to be explored.

More people voting equals a good thing. Right?
My question stands

Why aren't Republicans doing everything they can to get more people to vote?

As I said..... Most human beings are not sufficiently intelligent, moral and sensible to be allowed to vote. That incluses at least 90% of Americans.

In this day and age I have to agree. Up to about Clinton, the citizens were more involved and gave a crap.

NOT today. they vote for a letter in the Democrat party and say, have at it do as you want. If it means steamrolling over the people in this country, go for it..the Republicans hasn't gotten that bad yet, but time will tell
I'm not for a mandate. I'm OK with requiring ID. I also want a voting week instead of a voting day. One day of which is a national holiday. I'd like automatic registration for all citizens. A voter registration number would work. Online voting ought to be explored.

More people voting equals a good thing. Right?

In the absence of a mandate, how about some positive encouragement on your tax form for those of us who do vote?

Why the insistence from Republicans that voting must be an ordeal? Unless their are countless hurdles, long lines and complicated forms you haven't really "earned" your vote

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