Obama warns of 'devastating' hurricanes from climate change Read more: http://thehil

This is ridiculous. Everyone knows hurricanes is God's way of punishing America for allowing gays to exist.
This is ridiculous. Everyone knows hurricanes is God's way of punishing America for allowing gays to exist.
We get it, you're gay. Keep it to yourself, nobody cares. Regarding the OP, it doesn't take any special awareness or knowledge to predict there will be more hurricanes in areas that are known for hurricanes.
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This is ridiculous. Everyone knows hurricanes is God's way of punishing America for allowing gays to exist.

You know it is like that. Liberals want everything their way and when someone doesn't they are vilified without merit or reason.
resident Obama warned Friday that storms like Hurricane Sandy will become more frequent as climate change intensifies.

While being briefed by emergency response officials at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) headquarters, Obama urged the public to prepare now for this year's hurricane season.

"The changes we’re seeing in our climate means that, unfortunately,
storms like Sandy could end up being more common and more devastating," Obama said.

Obama warns of 'devastating' hurricanes from climate change | TheHill

Except that they haven't.

"Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'"
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' | PolitiFact

So.....Obama's got an early entry for this year's award?
It is astonishing that these "Climate Disruption" advocates keep warning us that all of this bad shit is going to get worse and worse and yet it never does.

So what do they do?

They double down.
It is astonishing that these "Climate Disruption" advocates keep warning us that all of this bad shit is going to get worse and worse and yet it never does.

So what do they do?

They double down.

What you talkin' about Willis? The vortex of unmitigated BS coming from the GW/CC crowd is getting worse everyday.
This is ridiculous. Everyone knows hurricanes is God's way of punishing America for allowing gays to exist.

You know it is like that. Liberals want everything their way and when someone doesn't they are vilified without merit or reason.

Thank God right wingers love to negotiate and work together.:badgrin:

And it is so gracious that you start out with "wingers." :evil:
Sandy wasn't a hurricane. If anything Sandy was made worse by cooling not warming. Continuing to call it a hurricane is dishonest.

Tropical storms often broaden, as they cool, dumping more rain. Flooding is often worse than with a fast moving hurricane. I live in North Florida; a TS can drown the area. The dangers are not just wind strength. Still, it is too late to be worrrying, climate change is upon us, whatever the cause.
resident Obama warned Friday that storms like Hurricane Sandy will become more frequent as climate change intensifies.

While being briefed by emergency response officials at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) headquarters, Obama urged the public to prepare now for this year's hurricane season.

"The changes we’re seeing in our climate means that, unfortunately,
storms like Sandy could end up being more common and more devastating," Obama said.

Obama warns of 'devastating' hurricanes from climate change | TheHill

Except that they haven't.

I live in hurricane central and we really have not had that many Huge hurricanes that hit the us besides Sandy , which was 2 yrs ago. And really if Sandy had hit in the south where we are prepared for Hurricanes it would not have been a major hurricane like it was up north..
Aren't we lucky to be governed by people who uses crystal balls and voodoo science
"OK Mr. President. We have crunched the numbers like you wanted us to. The odds of a major hurricane happening are going up every day there isn't one right? That means if you start talking about your 'New Focus' on climate change now if we're lucky you'll get your hurricane sometime b/c the 16 elections. Maybe not before this fall though.
If we're lucky you end up look like a 'profit in your own land' so-to-speak. LOL.
You'll be able to avoid a lot of talk even among your own 'people' about what an laughable fucking failure you've been as a President.
We've already got your 'Air Force One jacket' and matching ball cap ready for when you stand at the edge of the huge surf coming in and destroying 'the Chocolate City'. You can affect your best steely-eyed glare as you look into the MSNBC camera as basically tell the world: "See I told you all so! But you were too interested in all those 'phony scandals' I kept finding out about from Valerie".
So now Obama's new super power is being able to control the weather.
I wonder how he manages to live the life of a GOD among us mere inferior mortals.

Well I guess he manages because he does have many worshippers.
It is so humourous to see the people stating that Hurricane Sandy really wasn't all that bad, simply because they do not wish to admit that we have had some pretty extreme weather in the last ten years.

Sandy caused 117 deaths in the US, and 69 in Canada and the Carribean.

Sandy shut down the New York Stock exchange for two days, the first time since 1888 that has happened because of weather.

Sandy put 7.9 million people out of power.

It caused three nuclear reactors to shut down temporarily.

Hurricane force winds extended 175 miles from the eye, making it a much larger storm than most hurricanes.

The economic damage done by Sandy is exceeded only by Katrina.

Hurricane Sandy Fast Facts - CNN.com
We, the US, EU, China, and India, are loading the dice for extreme weather events by continueing to put GHGs into the atmosphere. That the President is pointing this out is a good thing, expecially since the GOP seems to have taken the position that the scientists from every nation in the world do not know what they are talking about, and the Energy company CEO's do.

I was first introduced to the concepts behind the science involved in global warming in a geology class in the mid-60's. I have watched as the scientists predictions have been fulfilled, one by one, often sooner than they were supposed to. And watched as the denial factory went down the same path as the tobacco companines denial of the impact of smoking tobacco on the human body. In fact, even using the same people to testify.

We are seeing the melting of the glaciers to the extent that in my lifetime, and I am 70, there will no longer be any glaciers in Glacier National Park. In that same time, we will see an ice free Arctic Ocean for part of the summer. The Southwest is in a continueing drought, with fires each year that just seem to get bigger and more devastating. And the rest of the nation is also seeing an increase in the intensity of the wildfires. In the Pacific Northwest we are losing a large amount of seafood to increasing acidity events just offshore, and other areas in other nations are seeing this same effect.

And we know the cause. Have since 1896. Here you can see what that is;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Obama is superman and he knows all

We need to all bow and kiss the ground the he walks all over us on

the man won't be satisfied until he has us

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