Obamacare is so GREAT... why wait until after the upcoming elections to announce rates??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Those planning to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare exchange will soon find out how much rates have increased — after the Nov. 4 election.

Enrollment on the Healthcare.gov website begins Nov. 15, or 11 days after the midterm vote, and critics who worry about rising premium hikes in 2015 say that’s no coincidence. Last year’s inaugural enrollment period on the health-care exchange began Oct. 1
Obamacare website won t reveal insurance costs for 2015 until after election - Washington Times
Wouldn't you think now with a year's experience, all the web problems resolved, the rates should be announced BEFORE the elections... unless...oh my...no...say it ain't so.. this is a political decision?
I mean Obamacare was to in Obama's promise:
I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.” "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too.
I mean we read how great Obama care is. How it is saving so much money. You'd think with all that good news there would be
PRIOR to the election announcements of the rates.
I mean good news would help get those politicians elected and I've read from the MSM how wonderful Obamacare is for the few people that they are reporting about.
I mean we read how great Obama care is. How it is saving so much money. You'd think with all that good news there would be
PRIOR to the election announcements of the rates.
I mean good news would help get those politicians elected and I've read from the MSM how wonderful Obamacare is for the few people that they are reporting about.

You're not going to get a response...well not one that makes sense anyway.
I mean we read how great Obama care is. How it is saving so much money. You'd think with all that good news there would be
PRIOR to the election announcements of the rates.
I mean good news would help get those politicians elected and I've read from the MSM how wonderful Obamacare is for the few people that they are reporting about.

You're not going to get a response...well not one that makes sense anyway.

I think you are right. The ONLY response Obamacare supporters can make is blame conservatives for .....???
1) One year past since 2 billion web site launched.
2) The government STILL insists on counting 18 million people that NEVER wanted never needed insurance though as "uninsured"!
3) The government NOW after ACA passed and 46 million supposedly uninsured was the reason... NOW agree the Census which provided
that number of 46 million included and ACA now doesn't include 10 million illegal citizens!
4) ACA NOW enrolling some of the 14 million that were also bogusly counted as "uninsured" that were BEFORE ACA eligible for Medicaid.
Again the Census agrees that the 46 million number was inflated because of the undercounting of Medicaid covered insured!

When it is all said and done this massive destruction of health care NOW doubly burdened by Ebola... was over less then 4 million people that
wanted and needed insurance...NOT 46 million when you subtract:
10 million non-citizens, 14 million agreed by Census covered by Medicaid and the totally bogus counting of 18 million that don't want, need but could afford health insurance! Leaving 4 million truly uninsured...NOT 46 million.

So truly this gigantic mess known as Obamacare was all over less then 4 million but to get it passed they lied with 46 million!
I mean we read how great Obama care is. How it is saving so much money. You'd think with all that good news there would be
PRIOR to the election announcements of the rates.
I mean good news would help get those politicians elected and I've read from the MSM how wonderful Obamacare is for the few people that they are reporting about.

You're not going to get a response...well not one that makes sense anyway.

Insurance companies wanted to have a better idea of who would be in their pool before they set their rates in case they get a disproportionate number of high-cost insureds like diabetics, cancer patients, old people, etc. The enrollment season has also been extended a week.
First of all, this conversation would be more honest if you would refer to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is its true name. When you use the word "Obamacare," you already illustrate your prejudice.

And, remember, the ACA has a much more favorable rating than "Obamacare." Let's be honest about why you folks REALLY hate the ACA so much.
I mean we read how great Obama care is. How it is saving so much money. You'd think with all that good news there would be
PRIOR to the election announcements of the rates.
I mean good news would help get those politicians elected and I've read from the MSM how wonderful Obamacare is for the few people that they are reporting about.

You're not going to get a response...well not one that makes sense anyway.

Insurance companies wanted to have a better idea of who would be in their pool before they set their rates in case they get a disproportionate number of high-cost insureds like diabetics, cancer patients, old people, etc. The enrollment season has also been extended a week.

Good One!! :laugh:
I mean we read how great Obama care is. How it is saving so much money. You'd think with all that good news there would be
PRIOR to the election announcements of the rates.
I mean good news would help get those politicians elected and I've read from the MSM how wonderful Obamacare is for the few people that they are reporting about.

You're not going to get a response...well not one that makes sense anyway.

Insurance companies wanted to have a better idea of who would be in their pool before they set their rates in case they get a disproportionate number of high-cost insureds like diabetics, cancer patients, old people, etc. The enrollment season has also been extended a week.

Good One!! :laugh:

This was announced quite awhile ago (and the true name isn't the Affordable Care Act but The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)
I mean we read how great Obama care is. How it is saving so much money. You'd think with all that good news there would be
PRIOR to the election announcements of the rates.
I mean good news would help get those politicians elected and I've read from the MSM how wonderful Obamacare is for the few people that they are reporting about.

You're not going to get a response...well not one that makes sense anyway.

Insurance companies wanted to have a better idea of who would be in their pool before they set their rates in case they get a disproportionate number of high-cost insureds like diabetics, cancer patients, old people, etc. The enrollment season has also been extended a week.

Good One!! :laugh:

This was announced quite awhile ago (and the true name isn't the Affordable Care Act but The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)

It's really called obamacare...or it use to be before it became a total failure.
First of all, this conversation would be more honest if you would refer to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is its true name. When you use the word "Obamacare," you already illustrate your prejudice.

And, remember, the ACA has a much more favorable rating than "Obamacare." Let's be honest about why you folks REALLY hate the ACA so much.

OK let's be honest. You think it is "honest" to say:

“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”
He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013
Obama said 46 million BEFORE ACA was passed ... why ... to inflate the number thus exaggerate the problem.
So is it HONEST to count:
1) 10 million people that are NOT citizens as part of the 46 million "Americans"??? The Census agreed they counted these 10 million as part of the 46 million... Now Obama doesn't count these 10 million AFTER ACA was passed.
Proof: Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

2) Is it honest to count 14 million Americans that the CENSUS actually says were eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA.. all these 14 million needed were to be registered by the SAME CMS that wants to manage ALL our health care and they can't even get 14 million registered for Medicaid?

3) Is it HONEST to include 18 million people THAT never wanted. Never Needed (under age 34) Can afford (make over $50,000) YET
the dishonesty of including these people that don't want,don't need in the count of 46 million. Dishonest. Bloated the number. Wrong.

Honestly why not pass ACA using the real number of 4 million?
Why if ACA was SO good would it require being dishonest by including
10 million illegals,
14 million already eligible and
18 million that don't want insurance?
Check out these links and tell me HONESTLY why was the number inflated? Bloated! Exaggerated by nearly 1,000%!

You want "HONESTY"??? You can't handle the simple truth that there never were 46 million uninsured!
Enrollment on the Healthcare.gov website begins Nov. 15, or 11 days after the midterm vote, and critics who worry about rising premium hikes in 2015 say that’s no coincidence.

Those critics should open a newspaper once in a while. There's been plenty of information on what's happening to 2015 premiums.

Enrollment on the Healthcare.gov website begins Nov. 15, or 11 days after the midterm vote, and critics who worry about rising premium hikes in 2015 say that’s no coincidence.

Those critics should open a newspaper once in a while. There's been plenty of information on what's happening to 2015 premiums.

Well with ALL this good news why the delay? Surely it can't be blamed on the insurance companies!
This marvelous administration that LIED about 46 million surely they are telling the truth about premiums!

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