Obama's approval rating falls below JIMMY CARTER'S--say bye--bye


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
President Barack Obama’s job approval rating has hit new lows, dipping even below Jimmy Carter’s rating at this point in his presidency.

That’s remarkable considering that Carter was smack in the middle of the Iranian Hostage Crisis about this time in his first and only term. Approval of Obama on the job, as measured by Gallup, had fallen to 43 percent. Carter was at 51 percent by this time.
Obama’s low rating is more stark when you match it up against other recent presidents.
At this time in the first term, Richard Nixon was at 50 percent approval, Ronald Regan was at 54 percent, George H.W. Bush was at 52 percent, Bill Clinton was at 51 percent and George W. Bush was at 55 percent.

The only recent president whose popularity was almost as low as Obama’s is now, was Lyndon Johnson, who dropped out of the 1968 presidential election as support bottomed out for the Vietnam War.

Johnson was at 44 percent at this point in his first and only elected term.

Obama’s job approval rating falls below Jimmy Carter’s

And the below map is the Carter/Reagan race---


Frankly--I was surprised to see it take so long to get this low--and I believe Obama's higher approval ratings were based more on personal likability--rather than actual job performance. The fat lady is starting to hum very loudly on Obama's chances to a second term. The best thing he could do now is gracefully back out of this race like LBJ did--in an effort to save his party from going off a cliff with him. I think his ego is way to big to do that--so I imagine if not by some miracle in a grandeoso comeback with our economy--I believe we will be looking at the same type of map in November of 2012, if not worse.
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What no liberals commenting on this one?
I'd vote for Tim Tebow over Obama.

And thats not a joke. I literally would trust Tim Tebow just "winging it" in the Oval Office over Obama's intended direction. AT least Tebow would have America's best interest in mind.
bye-bye don't let that dumb WH kitchen door hit you in the ass Obamafuck and mis alien potato head....
I'm sure in January or 2013 Obamafuck and his elitists will steal everything they can from the White House that isn't bolted down like Bill did...
And? The election is a YEAR away. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. In other words, it's a lifetime in politics. Anything can happen. Unemployment drops below 9%? A boost for Obama. Republicans nominate an extreme right-wing nut? A boost for Obama.
And? The election is a YEAR away. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. In other words, it's a lifetime in politics. Anything can happen. Unemployment drops below 9%? A boost for Obama. Republicans nominate an extreme right-wing nut? A boost for Obama.
how many seconds?
I don't see your correlation.

The US Embassy in Iran was taken at almost exactly this point in Carters presidency. His ratings dropped off the charts in his last year.

What were Reagans approval numbers at this point?
And? The election is a YEAR away. 12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days. In other words, it's a lifetime in politics. Anything can happen. Unemployment drops below 9%? A boost for Obama. Republicans nominate an extreme right-wing nut? A boost for Obama.

actually if you wanted to be technical the election is on Nov 6 2012 which is 5 days shy of being 11 months away :lol: Closer to get OBAMA OUT:clap2:
Pakistan is going to be obama's Iran.

Supporting islam in Egypt, the Libyan fiasco.
Come on folks, O needs another four years to finish his good work.


His goal is an America that looks like Detroit...

Mike Tyson once said: "I want to jump on his babies nuts so he can feel the pain that I'm feeling."

I believe that's Obama's goal.... Destroy capitalism so we can feel the pain that other 3rd world nations feel - its only fair in his mind...

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