“Obama’s economy” tanking this morning.

i was just about to make this thread,,,,who's economy will it be the next time we tank 1000 points? right?

Who started the trade war that tanked the market?

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The causation principle....the Kenyan was a scared bitch...he didn’t have the nuts to ‘rock the boat’ with China...His nutlessness compelled a real leader to act...TA-DA!

Under the current trade deals we have...

Record setting sustained unemployment.

An on going record of the most consecutive months of positive job growth.

Two months shy of the record for the longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country.

More than a million more open positions than people to fill them.

Till the start of the trade war we had record setting financial markets.

Why do you want these things to end?

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The Dow has crashed >500 points already....Thanks Obama.
The Great Obama knew better than to start a trade war

He relied on international cooperation......a concept Trump does not understand

Haha...”international cooperation”...that’s funny shit.
“International cooperation” translated:
Let American get fucked because I’m nutless and it’s easier to do exactly what we’ve always done.
No, it’s called negotiating trade deals where everyone benefits

America first means America all alone
Why don't wingers understand the difference between the stock market and the economy on any given day?

Is willful ignorance required when they get their winger badge, or is this just one of the symptoms of the pathology?

How about the stock market over a given 476 days?

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Liberals claim its Obama's economy when the market is up. When the market is down they claim its Trump's economy. Tune in next week when they flip flop again.
Why don't wingers understand the difference between the stock market and the economy on any given day? Is willful ignorance required when they get their winger badge, or is this just one of the symptoms of the pathology?
How about the stock market over a given 476 days?
Much better sample size, and fairly reflective, but not predictive.
Obama started a trade war with China?

No. He did not

And just yesterday you...YOU.... were calling this Trump's "great" economy

There are threads all over this site claiming the economy, the low unemployment and on and on how it is still Obama's economy. Are you saying it isn't Obama's economy, which is it?
next time we have a 1500 point week in the DOW,,,,going up,,,then who gets the credit?
Liberals claim its Obama's economy when the market is up. When the market is down they claim its Trump's economy. Tune in next week when they flip flop again.
It is Obama’s economy until Trump screws it up
Obama’s economy tanking?

Well, that’s it, I won’t be voting for him next time around.
Liberals claim its Obama's economy when the market is up. When the market is down they claim its Trump's economy. Tune in next week when they flip flop again.
It is Obama’s economy until Trump screws it up

Apparently Trump screwed it up 40 times since he was elected that's about how many times your side has flipped flopped on who's economy it is. :auiqs.jpg:
Obama started a trade war with China?

No. He did not

And just yesterday you...YOU.... were calling this Trump's "great" economy

There are threads all over this site claiming the economy, the low unemployment and on and on how it is still Obama's economy. Are you saying it isn't Obama's economy, which is it?
The downward trend has been going on for ten years
Why is Trump trying to screw it up?
It is the Obama economy until something is done to alter the trajectory. Like, say, starting a trade war with China.

Get it? Of course you don't, you're a Trump supporter.

So when the economy was tanking in 2000 and went into a recession in 2001 that was Clinton's economy?

So you are saying when Trump started the trade war that is when it became Trump's economy, so over the last year and a half, it has been Trump's and not Obama's economy? That's fair.
Under the current trade deals we have...

Record setting sustained unemployment.

An on going record of the most consecutive months of positive job growth.

Two months shy of the record for the longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country.

More than a million more open positions than people to fill them.

Till the start of the trade war we had record setting financial markets.

Why do you want these things to end?

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First and foremost; this is not a Trade War. Not even close to one.

China and the US are in, perhaps, a Trade Tiff.

Trump is doing something no other President has had the balls to do...... Stand up to foreign Trade adversaries of the United States.

We gave China special dispensations when they were first starting to get on their feet. We let a lot of things slide.

We had to if we wanted them to get up and running.

We did the same thing for Europe and Japan after WWII. Had to. Otherwise, they fall on their faces.

Now, China is taking advantage and it needs to stop.

Serious question?

How long do you think this little tiff will last? Forever? Do you really think China will cut off its nose to spite its face?

They have always been arrogant, the Chinese. The main reason Britain got them hooked on Opium and kicked the snot out of them later on. The Chinese wouldn't pay cash for anything. Always traded for it. To their advantage.

The one thing they would pay cash for was Opium. So they got them hooked on it.

I digress.

But the Chinese have always been arrogant. Extremely arrogant. For thousands of years -- Arrogant.

If they want to lose what they've gained since Richard Milhouse Nixon opened the world to them..... So be it.

Will they?

I don't think so. They're a one-party semi-totalitarian State but I just don't think they're willing to go backwards in time.

They will cave and try to make it look like we caved instead. Cool. We got big shoulders.

By Nov, 2020, Trump will have all this shit under control -- Iran, China, the Norks..........

Those boys on the Trump Team are a lot smarter than dimocraps give them credit for.

Just ask Ubercunt
It is the Obama economy until something is done to alter the trajectory. Like, say, starting a trade war with China.

Get it? Of course you don't, you're a Trump supporter.
Exactly! That’s what I was trying to say but you said it way more clear. Thanks.
Liberals claim its Obama's economy when the market is up. When the market is down they claim its Trump's economy. Tune in next week when they flip flop again.
Trump has taken the reins of the economy by changing course and taking on China. If the tariffs work he alone should get the credit. If they don't he should get the blame, pure and simple. As an American, I hope his tactics work. Unfortunately I don't think very highly of his track record so far so I'm not optimistic.

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