Obama's Speech - comments

Middle class tax cuts don't create jobs.

neither do tax cuts for the rich or baby bush wouldn't have gotten us to where we were. haven't y'all figured that out yet?

middle class tax cuts move the economy because then middle class people spend money....which pays for the things made by rich people....that they ship overseas to be manufactured.

You really are clueless aren't you? Why don't you to stick to things you know something about? Like, umm. umm.
I'll get back to you on that.
You really are clueless aren't you? Why don't you to stick to things you know something about? Like, umm. umm.
I'll get back to you on that.

You of all people have no room to talk. Why don't you go back to wishing for the death of more people, scumbag.
Wow ... he's going to have a busy year. Him and his left-winged progressives. Between all these new promises and pushing thier socialistic agenda, he probably won't have time for the numerous speeches and other engagements. So does this mean he won't be on our televisions as much as he was last year? ( hands clasped ... looking up and praying to God )

sure he will....he's got pelosi and reid to do the hard stuff.

Well, we know Harry is going to be busy, trying to save his own ass. Oh, I mean seat. Excuse me. Now if only Pelosi was in the same predicament.
I am signing off.

Either we work with the Dems, my fellow GOPers, or we will be in the minority.

BHO kicked out butts in the eys of America. I thought McConnell was going to weep when BHO called him out by inferrences for being an obstructionist. Good.

repubs have been trying to work across the lines...but they keep getting left out of closed door meetings...how the hell are WE (not sure if you fit in here) supposed to have faith in that system?

Guess they're gonna have to learn to behave a little better and not act like they're trying to sabotage what they want to play a part in.

Despite what some Repubs have argued, Dems have at least let them add amendments, btw:

Slate examines the GOP amendments to a Senate health care bill. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine
He don't quit yall!!! He don't quit!!! which seems to say...get ready for more of the same!!! It's coming yall...
ok, that was pretty fucking funny. he spent the whole night blaming Bush and the republican minority then said that politician tearing people down is derisive, dismissive even arrogant.
he certainly didn't move to the center...did he? as a matter of fact, he stayed far left and lobbed bombs toward the middle
I am signing off.

Either we work with the Dems, my fellow GOPers, or we will be in the minority.

BHO kicked out butts in the eys of America. I thought McConnell was going to weep when BHO called him out by inferrences for being an obstructionist. Good.

repubs have been trying to work across the lines...but they keep getting left out of closed door meetings...how the hell are WE (not sure if you fit in here) supposed to have faith in that system?

Which Republicans closed the door?

The "we want him to fail" Republicains?

The "This will be his Waterloo" Republicans?

The "We are only pretending to go along so we can sink the bill" Republicans?

The "He's not a citizen" Republicans?

The "He's a Nazi/Socialist/Marxist" Republicans?

The "Let's start a bipartisan commission and then vote against our own commision" Republicans?

Which Republicans are you talking about?
he certainly didn't move to the center...did he? as a matter of fact, he stayed far left and lobbed bombs toward the middle

Obama is the most clueless president since Carter. He doesn't know what he doesnt know. His advisors are simply yes-men.
I see a huge failure of the Dems in Nov, assuming they don't all bolt in the meantime.

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