Obama's Speech - comments

He don't quit yall!!! He don't quit!!! which seems to say...get ready for more of the same!!! It's coming yall...

Well, with any luck, certain things will actually get accomplished as a result of him not quitting.

Marxism will not overcome the will of the American people.

Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder! History shows it!
Republicans are going to let poor people build it for food. It will be called a "breeder reactor".

You mean the same ones who jacked up food prices pushing ethanol?
Oops, that was the Democrats, wasn't it?


Actually, without seeing a link, I think he may be right about that part.

Not to say that makes him any less of a rightwingnut asswipe, mind you....:D
Obama doesn't want perpetual campaigns?
He wants the republicans to stop blocking bills?

The guy is in the twilight zone, I hope he is the twilight of his presidency .
I wouldn't expect much applause from the republicans...they've been left out of so much over the past several months. Why should they show support for that?

pelosio and reed froze out the republicans....now obama takes the piss out of them on national tv......yea i can see the gop jumping in and helping....

love chris mathews line that he forgot obama was a black man for an hour....
I half way listened to the speech. It was purely a non fiction.

Obama lacks the semi sincerity and advanced lying skills of Clinton and lacks the gravity of Bush. And those are both lightweights imo.

Of those on the political short bus Obama is having trouble keeping up.

You can test your own sanity and prescience by whether or not you took a word of it seriously.

Obama = Santa Claus.
He don't quit yall!!! He don't quit!!! which seems to say...get ready for more of the same!!! It's coming yall...

Well, with any luck, certain things will actually get accomplished as a result of him not quitting.

Marxism will not overcome the will of the American people.

Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder! History shows it!

Actually, I think your response shows a little bit of mental unbalance.

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