Obama's Speech - comments

You know, it is very seldom that you see a member of congress withhold applause. For one entire party to refuse to applaud in unison is incredible. I hope the Democrats remember this when a republican occupies the Oval Office.

Pretty classy for the GOP to illustrate their dedication to bi-partisan ship. Very Classy!

I've been watching these for 40 years. It's pretty standard. You don't applaud what you disagree with. Republicans don't like the middle class. They can't even bring themselves to say the words. So when Obama talks about supporting America's middle class, of course the Republicans, who refer big corporations, aren't going to applaud.

second chance for a link big boy,,, and I think you mean prefer not refer,, now what were you saying about scientists again..

I never said I was a scientist. But I know for a fact that only 6% of Scientists identify themselves as Republicain. And I never met a "magical creationist" that wasn't a Republican.
Fool. Those are all quotes from Republicans.

C'mon dean....you don't really want to hang your hat on this do you? Blaming republicans for dems shutting out ANY interaction? You're not the glib....I refuse to believe it. If you are, then you should consider that the world smells and looks so much better when you keep your head on your shoulders and out of your ass.

One of the reasons Democrats are angry with Obama is because he has extended his hand to Republicans and they spit in it. Who doesn't know that? Especially since they have been doing it in a VERY public way ever since he took office.

too funny...obama asks the gop to help and harry and nancy tell the gop to go fuck themselves....this is politics at its finest...even with a supper majority for three years the dems blew it...what you watched tonight is obama lay the groundwork for the dems blocked us... elect us all again....
Obama did not blame Bush!!! He was reporting on the state of the union during his first year as prez, and how things were last January when he took over. What is wrong with that???

He did inherit two wars and a crummy economy. He's not lying!!!

He blamed the past 10 times on my count, as an excuse, but didn't mention Bush.
It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.
Maybe next year, he can give the SOTU from a balcony. :eusa_shifty:
I'd prefer he gave his speech of resignation.
I've been watching these for 40 years. It's pretty standard. You don't applaud what you disagree with. Republicans don't like the middle class. They can't even bring themselves to say the words. So when Obama talks about supporting America's middle class, of course the Republicans, who refer big corporations, aren't going to applaud.

second chance for a link big boy,,, and I think you mean prefer not refer,, now what were you saying about scientists again..

I never said I was a scientist. But I know for a fact that only 6% of Scientists identify themselves as Republicain. And I never met a "magical creationist" that wasn't a Republican.

scientists are magical creationists as well ... boom life started randomly from nothing then ....fast forword.....humans were here.....

both groups don't know and are making shit up....
Obama did not blame Bush!!! He was reporting on the state of the union during his first year as prez, and how things were last January when he took over. What is wrong with that???

He did inherit two wars and a crummy economy. He's not lying!!!

He blamed the past 10 times on my count, as an excuse, but didn't mention Bush.

He kept saying previous administration or previous decade, but avoided mentioning chimp by name.
It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

i seem to recall they are required to sit there stoned faced....they serve the president not a party...
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Sounded exactly like all of his campaign speeches. More of the same ole same ole. It was kind of disappointing. He needs some new material i guess. Just my take anyway.
It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

i seem to recall they are required to sit there stoned faced....they serve the president not a party...
The Supreme Court does not serve the POTUS.
Obama did not blame Bush!!! He was reporting on the state of the union during his first year as prez, and how things were last January when he took over. What is wrong with that???

He did inherit two wars and a crummy economy. He's not lying!!!

He blamed the past 10 times on my count, as an excuse, but didn't mention Bush.

He kept saying previous administration or previous decade, but avoided mentioning chimp by name.

You gotta give the speech writers some cuddos for avoiding any specific names...but, even though the left doesn't accept the fact, Americans aren't stupid.
It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

i seem to recall they are required to sit there stoned faced....they serve the president not a party...
The Supreme Court does not serve the POTUS.

sorry i was unclear i was addressing the military portion...
One of the reasons Democrats are angry with Obama is because he has extended his hand to Republicans and they spit in it. Who doesn't know that? Especially since they have been doing it in a VERY public way ever since he took office.

What planet do you inhabit again, dean?
Please show one example where this happened? I mean outside of your own brain.


The "we want him to fail" Republicans?

The "This will be his Waterloo" Republicans?

The "We are only pretending to go along so we can sink the bill" Republicans?

The "He's not a citizen" Republicans?

The "He's a Nazi/Socialist/Marxist" Republicans?

The "Let's start a bipartisan commission and then vote against our own commission" Republicans?


There have been at least three threads on this very site talking about the seven Republicans who sponsored a bipartisan commission and then voted against their own commission when it came up for vote, John McCain was one of them.

He's not a citizen - Michelle Bachman

Sen. Jim DeMint's (R-S.C.) assessment that health care reform could be Obama's Waterloo -- a chance for the Republican Party to break the president politically.
Steele Calls Obama Health Care Socialism, Agrees This His Waterloo

Ok, that's three. You go look for the others. All of it is stuff that had been repeated over and over again. How can you not know that? You been living under a rock?
It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

i seem to recall they are required to sit there stoned faced....they serve the president not a party...

Um... No, they don't...

You must have been sleeping when they went through that whole 3 equal branches stuff...

dude...the military is not a branch....................................they obey the commander in chief............obama
It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

i don't recall obama saying anything about gays in the military
What planet do you inhabit again, dean?
Please show one example where this happened? I mean outside of your own brain.


The "we want him to fail" Republicans?

The "This will be his Waterloo" Republicans?

The "We are only pretending to go along so we can sink the bill" Republicans?

The "He's not a citizen" Republicans?

The "He's a Nazi/Socialist/Marxist" Republicans?

The "Let's start a bipartisan commission and then vote against our own commission" Republicans?


There have been at least three threads on this very site talking about the seven Republicans who sponsored a bipartisan commission and then voted against their own commission when it came up for vote, John McCain was one of them.

He's not a citizen - Michelle Bachman

Sen. Jim DeMint's (R-S.C.) assessment that health care reform could be Obama's Waterloo -- a chance for the Republican Party to break the president politically.
Steele Calls Obama Health Care Socialism, Agrees This His Waterloo

Ok, that's three. You go look for the others. All of it is stuff that had been repeated over and over again. How can you not know that? You been living under a rock?

Hey, where did Rabbi go? He said put up ONE example and I put up THREE. I wanted to gloat.

What kind of sound does a "gloat" make?

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