Obama's Speech - comments

Obama did not blame Bush!!! He was reporting on the state of the union during his first year as prez, and how things were last January when he took over. What is wrong with that???

He did inherit two wars and a crummy economy. He's not lying!!!

He again blamed the previous administration something I have never seen a President do.

What really got to me is his finger shaking at our Supreme Court Justices, what arrogance, these people are constitutional scolars. They are there to uphold the constitution. Just because he does not like one of their decisions about the 1st amendment does not give him the right to try and shame them in front of the nation. I have never seen this kind of arrogance of leadership and personally it's downright disgusting. Who does Obama think he is??? A king, a dictator?? More like a tyrant.:evil:
Yea does anyone still actually remember his campaign rhetoric about "Uniting?" Man,has he waved bye bye to that stuff or what? This President and current Democrats have been the most bitter partisan hacks in political history. Locking Republicans out of meetings? I mean literally locking the doors so Republicans couldn't attend meetings. Yikes! This speech was just more stale blame BOOOOOOOSSH and "It's all the other guy's fault" stuff. Seriously though,how could Pelosi & Reid manage to f*ck up a Super Majority? I didn't think that was even possible. "Reaching out to Republicans" was and still is just Bull Chit. The Republicans don't need to be Bi-Partisan anymore and why should they? Just sit back and watch the Dem Titanic sink to the bottom. No need to hop aboard that goner. This speech gets a failing grade in my humble opinion.

I agree-

"Never interupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." Napoleon Bonaparte :lol:

It was all smoke and mirrors and blaming everyone but himself. The only thing I heard that I liked was off shore drilling, ( like that's gonna happen) the libs will fight that tooth and nail like they always have. The libs stand in the way of every step this nation takes for energy independence but always pretend to be for it. Obama is against nuclear power, France runs 80% on nuclear yet we are not even talking about a plant. We could put thousands of people to work creating millions of jobs related to energy, drilling for oil, natural gas and building nuclear plants but the libs will fight this to the death.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Obama did not blame Bush!!! He was reporting on the state of the union during his first year as prez, and how things were last January when he took over. What is wrong with that???

He did inherit two wars and a crummy economy. He's not lying!!!

He blamed the past 10 times on my count, as an excuse, but didn't mention Bush.

No, Lumpy, he took responsibility for the last year. He really did. And he should. But I don't blame him for bringing up the last administration. A lot of what they did has affected Obama's presidency.

And let's face it. Republicans try to act as though nothing happened under Bush.

Long time, no see!!! Hope you're doing well.
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Obama did not blame Bush!!! He was reporting on the state of the union during his first year as prez, and how things were last January when he took over. What is wrong with that???

He did inherit two wars and a crummy economy. He's not lying!!!

He again blamed the previous administration something I have never seen a President do.

What really got to me is his finger shaking at our Supreme Court Justices, what arrogance, these people are constitutional scolars. They are there to uphold the constitution. Just because he does not like one of their decisions about the 1st amendment does not give him the right to try and shame them in front of the nation. I have never seen this kind of arrogance of leadership and personally it's downright disgusting. Who does Obama think he is??? A king, a dictator?? More like a tyrant.:evil:

Good God!!! He didn't cuss them out. He just gave his opinion. And I think he is entitled to do that. If you didn't complain about this, you'd complain about something else. I don't think it's any big deal.
Middle class tax cuts don't create jobs.

neither do tax cuts for the rich or baby bush wouldn't have gotten us to where we were. haven't y'all figured that out yet?

middle class tax cuts move the economy because then middle class people spend money....which pays for the things made by rich people....that they ship overseas to be manufactured.

neither do tax cuts for the rich or baby bush wouldn't have gotten us to where we were. haven't y'all figured that out yet?

middle class tax cuts move the economy because then middle class people spend money....which pays for the things made by rich people....that they ship overseas to be manufactured.

Kennedy and Reagan tax cuts all created millions of jobs

actually, no Reagan had to raise taxes when the economy started to tank. That's why Daddy Bush called trickle down "voodoo economics".

There are three distinct tax cuts that have raised government revenue

The Historical Lessons of Lower Tax Rates

The tax cuts of the 1920s
Tax rates were slashed dramatically during the 1920s, dropping from over 70 percent to less than 25 percent. What happened? Personal income tax revenues increased substantially during the 1920s, despite the reduction in rates. Revenues rose from $719 million in 1921 to $1164 million in 1928, an increase of more than 61 percent

According to then-Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon:

The history of taxation shows that taxes which are inherently excessive are not paid. The high rates inevitably put pressure upon the taxpayer to withdraw his capital from productive business and invest it in tax-exempt securities or to find other lawful methods of avoiding the realization of taxable income. The result is that the sources of taxation are drying up; wealth is failing to carry its share of the tax burden; and capital is being diverted into channels which yield neither revenue to the Government nor profit to the people.

The Kennedy tax cuts
President Hoover dramatically increased tax rates in the 1930s and President Roosevelt compounded the damage by pushing marginal tax rates to more than 90 percent. Recognizing that high tax rates were hindering the economy, President Kennedy proposed across-the-board tax rate reductions that reduced the top tax rate from more than 90 percent down to 70 percent. What happened? Tax revenues climbed from $94 billion in 1961 to $153 billion in 1968, an increase of 62 percent (33 percent after adjusting for inflation).

According to President John F. Kennedy:

Our true choice is not between tax reduction, on the one hand, and the avoidance of large Federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits… In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.

The Reagan tax cuts
Thanks to “bracket creep,” the inflation of the 1970s pushed millions of taxpayers into higher tax brackets even though their inflation-adjusted incomes were not rising. To help offset this tax increase and also to improve incentives to work, save, and invest, President Reagan proposed sweeping tax rate reductions during the 1980s. What happened? Total tax revenues climbed by 99.4 percent during the 1980s, and the results are even more impressive when looking at what happened to personal income tax revenues. Once the economy received an unambiguous tax cut in January 1983, income tax revenues climbed dramatically, increasing by more than 54 percent by 1989 (28 percent after adjusting for inflation).

According to then-U.S. Representative Jack Kemp (R-NY), one of the chief architects of the Reagan tax cuts:

At some point, additional taxes so discourage the activity being taxed, such as working or investing, that they yield less revenue rather than more. There are, after all, two rates that yield the same amount of revenue: high tax rates on low production, or low rates on high production.

It fact that these three tax cuts increased government revenue and it is fact that we still have an unsustainable debt.

So tell me what is the problem here?

The problem is government spending not revenue. And what is Obama doing? More spending.
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It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

I'd thought you'd be happy to see a president show some 'nads...

only when he's doing what they want him to.
First comment.

Obama mentioned tax cuts for the middle class. For students. For families. NOT ONE REPUBLICAN APPLAUDED. But they did show a sense of humor when Obama said he thought some of them might applaud that and they laughed.
But the tax cuts were for the middle class (don't feed 'em or they breed) and NOT business. No wonder no applause.

Only a class envy k00k could listen to a 70 minute speech and take that ^^ out of it.:lol:

You only create jobs out of stimulating small business. Period.

Personally.........during the State of Confusion speech, I LOVED the fact that Obama had a tin ear with regards to expanding government even more........a Jobs Bill ( :eek:) the massive Tax and Trade bill and the Health Care goof. That alone will ensure that the unemployment rate will remain in the stratosphere. The general tone was, "Fcukk you........Im doing it my way!!!". Fcukking brilliant I say!! Radical liberal public policy at all costs!!

About as popular as a root canal!!!:funnyface:
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It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

i didn't notice anything when he announced that. but might have missed it.

the only one who looked annoyed was alito... they're the one's who overreached... didn't see anything wrong with it.
I love how the Democrats are now pretending to want to work with the Republicans now that their Titanic is sinking. I think the Republicans should tell them to just go ahead and keep their meeting room doors locked. Why would the Republicans want to hop aboard the Dem Titanic? They should just sit on shore and watch the Dems go down. They have elections to win this year so let the Democrats keep those doors locked. Reaching out to Republicans only when things are going bad for you is not Bi-Partisanship. Too little too late.

Another lie. Have you no shame (that's rhetorical, having read your partisan stuff for years now, it's obvious you have no shame and no integrity).

Actually the Senate Dems have ALREADY announced they WILL NOT work with the Republicans on Deficit reduction at ALL. So much for that pie in the sky claim. I seriously DOUBT Pelosi plans to let Republicans in on anything either.
It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

i didn't notice anything when he announced that. but might have missed it.

the only one who looked annoyed was alito... they're the one's who overreached... didn't see anything wrong with it.

Hmmm...........I think any educated American who saw that little snipet said to themselves, "w0w..........this president has some balls...........with the Supreme Court Justices sitting 20 feet in front of him, he's saying 'Fcukk the First Ammendment'!!!"

Radical progressives like Obama dont belive in the First Ammendment anyway..............havent since the beginning of the movement in the 1880's.
I love how the Democrats are now pretending to want to work with the Republicans now that their Titanic is sinking. I think the Republicans should tell them to just go ahead and keep their meeting room doors locked. Why would the Republicans want to hop aboard the Dem Titanic? They should just sit on shore and watch the Dems go down. They have elections to win this year so let the Democrats keep those doors locked. Reaching out to Republicans only when things are going bad for you is not Bi-Partisanship. Too little too late.

Another lie. Have you no shame (that's rhetorical, having read your partisan stuff for years now, it's obvious you have no shame and no integrity).

Actually the Senate Dems have ALREADY announced they WILL NOT work with the Republicans on Deficit reduction at ALL. So much for that pie in the sky claim. I seriously DOUBT Pelosi plans to let Republicans in on anything either.

This administration considers anyone who doesn't fall in line with them as an adversary. Their idea of "working with them" is to adopt their policy, and if you don't, then you just aren't cooperative.
Another lie. Have you no shame (that's rhetorical, having read your partisan stuff for years now, it's obvious you have no shame and no integrity).

Actually the Senate Dems have ALREADY announced they WILL NOT work with the Republicans on Deficit reduction at ALL. So much for that pie in the sky claim. I seriously DOUBT Pelosi plans to let Republicans in on anything either.

This administration considers anyone who doesn't fall in line with them as an adversary. Their idea of "working with them" is to adopt their policy, and if you don't, then you just aren't cooperative.
Based on what has occurred before, I agree with the adversarial set up. He is pitting the classes, parties, and ideologies against each other. The speech made crystal that he is a total ideologue, the question is whether or not the legislators really bought it or for how long?

There is no way that Obama would go for off-shore drilling, much less building refineries or nuclear power plants. Red herrings thrown out to show 'reaching out,' and coupling with cap and trade, health care, and growing the deficits.
C'mon dean....you don't really want to hang your hat on this do you? Blaming republicans for dems shutting out ANY interaction? You're not the glib....I refuse to believe it. If you are, then you should consider that the world smells and looks so much better when you keep your head on your shoulders and out of your ass.

One of the reasons Democrats are angry with Obama is because he has extended his hand to Republicans and they spit in it. Who doesn't know that? Especially since they have been doing it in a VERY public way ever since he took office.

too funny...obama asks the gop to help and harry and nancy tell the gop to go fuck themselves....this is politics at its finest...even with a supper majority for three years the dems blew it...what you watched tonight is obama lay the groundwork for the dems blocked us... elect us all again....

whattya mean "a super majority for three years"???
Actually the Senate Dems have ALREADY announced they WILL NOT work with the Republicans on Deficit reduction at ALL. So much for that pie in the sky claim. I seriously DOUBT Pelosi plans to let Republicans in on anything either.

This administration considers anyone who doesn't fall in line with them as an adversary. Their idea of "working with them" is to adopt their policy, and if you don't, then you just aren't cooperative.
Based on what has occurred before, I agree with the adversarial set up. He is pitting the classes, parties, and ideologies against each other. The speech made crystal that he is a total ideologue, the question is whether or not the legislators really bought it or for how long?

There is no way that Obama would go for off-shore drilling, much less building refineries or nuclear power plants. Red herrings thrown out to show 'reaching out,' and coupling with cap and trade, health care, and growing the deficits.

I didn't watch the speech. I had better things to do.

I already knew what he was gonna say.

He was gonna say he would continue to fight, that his policies were making history, that he won't tolerate this and that, he wants this and that done now without delay, and he would continue to blame everyone else for the crap that he's responsible for.

He has no clue that every speech seems to turn more and more people off because he never changes. In every speech you can point out several obvious lies that anyone who is awake knows is a lie. As a matter of fact the only time he makes sense is when he's lying.

I didn't watch because I don't need to raise my blood-pressure. Every time I listen to him I want to kick his ass. If I wanted to spend over an hour cursing at the TV I'd watch a Chargers game.
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It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

i didn't notice anything when he announced that. but might have missed it.

the only one who looked annoyed was alito... they're the one's who overreached... didn't see anything wrong with it.
Hmm, noooooo.

They are the supreme court, its their job to uphold the Constitution, so no over reach there.

Its also Barry';s job, he swore an oath to that effect, although I doubt he cares much for it after his comments last night.

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