Obama's Speech - comments

I watched the focus group on fox.. the obama speech they said, was a good speech, they didn't hear much new, they don't believe what he says, they've heard it all before, he's all words and no action., they doublt he will get anything done, and they thought his attacking the Supreme Court was very inappropriate.. that's what I saw.

Hmmm...........I think any educated American who saw that little snipet said to themselves, "w0w..........this president has some balls...........with the Supreme Court Justices sitting 20 feet in front of him, he's saying 'Fcukk the First Ammendment'!!!"

Radical progressives like Obama dont belive in the First Ammendment anyway..............havent since the beginning of the movement in the 1880's.

Why doesn't he believe in the first amendment and how did he say Fuck the first amendment? If you think for one nanosecond any member of the USSC would take into consideration anything Bazza said when making decisions you're bonkers...and a scaremonger...

The "we want him to fail" Republicans?

The "This will be his Waterloo" Republicans?

The "We are only pretending to go along so we can sink the bill" Republicans?

The "He's not a citizen" Republicans?

The "He's a Nazi/Socialist/Marxist" Republicans?

The "Let's start a bipartisan commission and then vote against our own commission" Republicans?


There have been at least three threads on this very site talking about the seven Republicans who sponsored a bipartisan commission and then voted against their own commission when it came up for vote, John McCain was one of them.

He's not a citizen - Michelle Bachman

Sen. Jim DeMint's (R-S.C.) assessment that health care reform could be Obama's Waterloo -- a chance for the Republican Party to break the president politically.
Steele Calls Obama Health Care Socialism, Agrees This His Waterloo

Ok, that's three. You go look for the others. All of it is stuff that had been repeated over and over again. How can you not know that? You been living under a rock?

Hey, where did Rabbi go? He said put up ONE example and I put up THREE. I wanted to gloat.

What kind of sound does a "gloat" make?

Zero times zero is zero, deeny-weeny. I asked for where Obama put his hand out to make a bipartisan effort. You haven't come up with a single thing. Individual comments don't count.
And Olympia Snowe specifically said that the bipartisan effort on HCR in the Senate fell apart because of pressure from the White House.
So your gloating is premature. Actually sticking your head in the toilet would be more appropriate.
Who volunteers to flush?
With the economy still weak and unemployment at a painful 10 percent, "Jobs must be our number one focus in 2010," Obama told Congress in his annual State of the Union address on Wednesday.

I'm sorry Mr. Obama, but jobs and the economy should have been your number one focus in 2009! Instead, you pushed Cap & Trade and Healthcare. Tsk .. tsk!
I am signing off.

Either we work with the Dems, my fellow GOPers, or we will be in the minority.

BHO kicked out butts in the eys of America. I thought McConnell was going to weep when BHO called him out by inferrences for being an obstructionist. Good.

i would leave too....see ya Jake.....
I love how the Democrats are now pretending to want to work with the Republicans now that their Titanic is sinking. I think the Republicans should tell them to just go ahead and keep their meeting room doors locked. Why would the Republicans want to hop aboard the Dem Titanic? They should just sit on shore and watch the Dems go down. They have elections to win this year so let the Democrats keep those doors locked. Reaching out to Republicans only when things are going bad for you is not Bi-Partisanship. Too little too late.

Another lie. Have you no shame (that's rhetorical, having read your partisan stuff for years now, it's obvious you have no shame and no integrity).

Actually the Senate Dems have ALREADY announced they WILL NOT work with the Republicans on Deficit reduction at ALL. So much for that pie in the sky claim. I seriously DOUBT Pelosi plans to let Republicans in on anything either.

If "the Senate Dems have ALREADY announced they will NOT WORK with the Republicans on Deficit reduction at ALL" you must have a quote, source or other evidence that this is true. POST IT!
Obama's speech was everything I was hoping for: rabidly partisan, self-centered, big on talk and totally devoid of effective solutions.
he certainly didn't move to the center...did he? as a matter of fact, he stayed far left and lobbed bombs toward the middle

You mean when talked about not raising taxes and talked up small businesses?

What is "far left", anyway?

Rdean,Zona,Chris and their crew chief Midcant....and their leader Pelosi....is an example....and we can include their confused supporter.....Jake.....
It was interesting watch the military men sit stone faced when barry announced openly gay people will now be allowed in the military.

That he annouced in a SOTU was a little unusual.

The USSC looked REALLY angry that Barry attacked their decision, even the dissenting judges were stone faced at the POTUS's incredible over reach there.

i didn't notice anything when he announced that. but might have missed it.

the only one who looked annoyed was alito... they're the one's who overreached... didn't see anything wrong with it.

Hmmm...........I think any educated American who saw that little snipet said to themselves, "w0w..........this president has some balls...........with the Supreme Court Justices sitting 20 feet in front of him, he's saying 'Fcukk the First Ammendment'!!!"

Radical progressives like Obama dont belive in the First Ammendment anyway..............havent since the beginning of the movement in the 1880's.

Reactionary conservatives don't believe in the First Amendment, the bible according to Ronnie the Reagan commands avarice, bigotry and consorship as traditional values of the right. I'll post my source of this fact once S the Kook posts his.
The Prez already talked about building more nuclear plants and building more offshore rigs and here he is complaining about them not being built.

Erik ....lets see Obama take on the Environmentalists.....when he does that and a rig gets started....ill praise the guy.....until then.....
It means lowering energy cost and cuttign taxes HOLY CRAP he said building nuclear power????

He's a POD!!!

Republicans don't build nuclear power plants. For one, they don't have enough education. To build nuclear power plants, you need engineers, physicists and science. All things Republicans abhor and mock as "elitist".

Dean come on take your head out of your ass.....for one damned discussion.....then if you must you can go back in.....
The Prez already talked about building more nuclear plants and building more offshore rigs and here he is complaining about them not being built.

why would anyone build one....where would they build one....there isn't a city in the us that would approve one....

The technology has changed. Their are all types of nuclear reactors. They aren't all like "Chernobly".


Hyperion Power Generation Uranium Hydride Nuclear Reactor Factories

no shit....same thing with land based oil rigs....advancement.....
It means lowering energy cost and cuttign taxes HOLY CRAP he said building nuclear power????

He's a POD!!!

Republicans don't build nuclear power plants. For one, they don't have enough education. To build nuclear power plants, you need engineers, physicists and science. All things Republicans abhor and mock as "elitist".

Dean come on take your head out of your ass.....for one damned discussion.....then if you must you can go back in.....

rdean cannot stop the sloganeering, blatant lying, and hyper-partisanship for even a second... it is a mental disorder
The GOP should pick a shovel ready nuclear plant and ask to fast track it and keep it front and center every day until Dems lose 100+ seats in November
he certainly didn't move to the center...did he? as a matter of fact, he stayed far left and lobbed bombs toward the middle

You mean when talked about not raising taxes and talked up small businesses?

What is "far left", anyway?

Rdean,Zona,Chris and their crew chief Midcant....and their leader Pelosi....is an example....and we can include their confused supporter.....Jake.....

If they're far left, how would you characterize PETA or the Socialist Worker's Party? Harry, admit you don't know anything and simply parrot the words of Limbaugh and other purveyors of far right propaganda. Your post are all opinion, which would be okay, if your opinions were really your own or thoughtful and once in a while (once would be good) supported with evidence and not hysterical hyperbole.
The GOP should pick a shovel ready nuclear plant and ask to fast track it and keep it front and center every day until Dems lose 100+ seats in November

"Shovel ready, nuclear plant"..."fast track it"; again, Frank flies the flag of ignorance for all to see.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there is a community in the United States already considering a Nuclear Power Plant in their backyard. Sorry Frank, I'm sure you have at your fingertip the informtion I don't. Which regions, which states, which communities already have designated sites for a new NPP?
BTW, I agree with Obama, we need to move forward and demystify nuclear power and begin the planning process. Being dependent on foreign sources of oil, and the oil cartel to provide our citizens with energy is foolish. Nuclear power is the future, progressives should not fear change, that's a characteristic of conservatives.
The GOP should pick a shovel ready nuclear plant and ask to fast track it and keep it front and center every day until Dems lose 100+ seats in November

"Shovel ready, nuclear plant"..."fast track it"; again, Frank flies the flag of ignorance for all to see.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there is a community in the United States already considering a Nuclear Power Plant in their backyard. Sorry Frank, I'm sure you have at your fingertip the informtion I don't. Which regions, which states, which communities already have designated sites for a new NPP?
BTW, I agree with Obama, we need to move forward and demystify nuclear power and begin the planning process. Being dependent on foreign sources of oil, and the oil cartel to provide our citizens with energy is foolish. Nuclear power is the future, progressives should not fear change, that's a characteristic of conservatives.

Wow, you and Obama sound like John McCain


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