Obama's Speech - comments

Seemed more like an angry lecture than a State of the Union speech. This guy's ego is completely out of control. He also has a very bad habit of sounding very condescending. My guess is that he picked this up from the honorable Reverend Wright. He just sounded angry and preachy to me. He gets an F fo sho.

He sounds condescending because he is.
Mr. Limbaugh is at this moment providing the talking points which will be posted here for the next few days. He is ranting and raving to the RW base with the usual hysterics, readiing from a script written in the days before the STOU address, and filled with plaitutudes soon to fill this and other messages boards by the parrots on the right.
Rather than listen to his words, think about our current problems and evaluate suggested solutions, the conservative fringe - which includes and is lead by Limbaugh - has continued the attack on the president which began even before his nomination.

You mean we have been talking for the last 16 hours without talking points to work off of? How did we ever pull that off? :eek:
The "we want him to fail" Republicans?

The "This will be his Waterloo" Republicans?

The "We are only pretending to go along so we can sink the bill" Republicans?

The "He's not a citizen" Republicans?

The "He's a Nazi/Socialist/Marxist" Republicans?

The "Let's start a bipartisan commission and then vote against our own commission" Republicans?


There have been at least three threads on this very site talking about the seven Republicans who sponsored a bipartisan commission and then voted against their own commission when it came up for vote, John McCain was one of them.

He's not a citizen - Michelle Bachman

Sen. Jim DeMint's (R-S.C.) assessment that health care reform could be Obama's Waterloo -- a chance for the Republican Party to break the president politically.
Steele Calls Obama Health Care Socialism, Agrees This His Waterloo

Ok, that's three. You go look for the others. All of it is stuff that had been repeated over and over again. How can you not know that? You been living under a rock?

Hey, where did Rabbi go? He said put up ONE example and I put up THREE. I wanted to gloat.

What kind of sound does a "gloat" make?

Zero times zero is zero, deeny-weeny. I asked for where Obama put his hand out to make a bipartisan effort. You haven't come up with a single thing. Individual comments don't count.
And Olympia Snowe specifically said that the bipartisan effort on HCR in the Senate fell apart because of pressure from the White House.
So your gloating is premature. Actually sticking your head in the toilet would be more appropriate.
Who volunteers to flush?

Wow, not too bright are you . Just the fact that 7 senators co-sponsored a bill that they voted against proves it. It wasn't Democrats voting against the bill, they were dumb enough to trust the Republicans. Uh oh, you are foaming at the mouth again. You have some spittle, riiiight there. Ok, got. Obama has always wanted to work with Republicans. Why do you think Obama's base is angry? Because he wants to work with Republicans and they want him to stop trying.

Agrees This His Waterloo - Republicans hate the middle class. If you didn't feed 'em, they wouldn't breed.
Mr. Limbaugh is at this moment providing the talking points which will be posted here for the next few days. He is ranting and raving to the RW base with the usual hysterics, readiing from a script written in the days before the STOU address, and filled with plaitutudes soon to fill this and other messages boards by the parrots on the right.
Rather than listen to his words, think about our current problems and evaluate suggested solutions, the conservative fringe - which includes and is lead by Limbaugh - has continued the attack on the president which began even before his nomination.

If you weren't such a partisan fucking asshole, you'd see and hear that Rush is picking up a lot of what he said here as Obama was complaining, er I mean speaking.

Get you face out of the ObamaKoolAid
McConnell's mouth looke like a cat's anus when BHO called him out on governance last night.

I want my GOP to part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Let's get on board seriously. If the Dems screw up, we can point out. But obstructionism is anti-Americanism, and I am not afraid to call out a 'party of no'.
McConnell's mouth looke like a cat's anus when BHO called him out on governance last night.

I want my GOP to part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Let's get on board seriously. If the Dems screw up, we can point out. But obstructionism is anti-Americanism, and I am not afraid to call out a 'party of no'.

Stop pretending to be a Republican, it's kind of creepy, like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs dressing all womanly and saying "I'd fuck me, I'd fuck me hard"
Mr. Limbaugh is at this moment providing the talking points which will be posted here for the next few days. He is ranting and raving to the RW base with the usual hysterics, readiing from a script written in the days before the STOU address, and filled with plaitutudes soon to fill this and other messages boards by the parrots on the right.
Rather than listen to his words, think about our current problems and evaluate suggested solutions, the conservative fringe - which includes and is lead by Limbaugh - has continued the attack on the president which began even before his nomination.

I'll wait and allow the liberals to tell me what Mr Limbaugh has to say. They seem to listen to him more than I ever have.

It's more like the left wing blogs telling them what Rush said.

The lefties can't think on their own.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkzV5AIK8iM]YouTube - Funniest Movie Line Ever[/ame]
Limbaugh is providing stellar analysis, as usual. I loved the analogy comparing our dear, esteemed POTUS to a child king jumping up and down because things are not going his way. There can be no doubt that he does not give a romeo alpha who he has to destroy along his way to his goals. He dreams of becoming our very own despot. Srsly.
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McConnell's mouth looke like a cat's anus when BHO called him out on governance last night.

I want my GOP to part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Let's get on board seriously. If the Dems screw up, we can point out. But obstructionism is anti-Americanism, and I am not afraid to call out a 'party of no'.

Stop pretending to be a Republican, it's kind of creepy, like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs dressing all womanly and saying "I'd fuck me, I'd fuck me hard"

Remember the dance he did and that damn song.

Oh and was she a big fat girl? OH and Wouldja? Love that movie. :)
Obama rehearsing before his speech.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJvOMXLVTbY]YouTube - The Wiggles ~ Can you point your finger and do the twist[/ame]
McConnell does look like Buffalo Bill in the face, now that you think about it.

The point is simple: real Republican do not want creepy far right fringe loons in the party. Makes real Republicans look very bad.
McConnell's mouth looke like a cat's anus when BHO called him out on governance last night.

I want my GOP to part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Let's get on board seriously. If the Dems screw up, we can point out. But obstructionism is anti-Americanism, and I am not afraid to call out a 'party of no'.

Limbaugh is providing stellar analysis, as usual. I loved the analogy comparing our dear, esteemed POTUS to a child king jumping up and down because things are not going his way. There can be no doubt that he does not give a romeo alpha who he has to destroy along his way to his goals. He dreams of becoming our very own despot. Srsly.

Follow your messiah the Rushie. I will follow the Constitution.
McConnell's mouth looke like a cat's anus when BHO called him out on governance last night.

I want my GOP to part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Let's get on board seriously. If the Dems screw up, we can point out. But obstructionism is anti-Americanism, and I am not afraid to call out a 'party of no'.

Stop pretending to be a Republican, it's kind of creepy, like Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs dressing all womanly and saying "I'd fuck me, I'd fuck me hard"

Remember the dance he did and that damn song.

Oh and was she a big fat girl? OH and Wouldja? Love that movie. :)


You know, he was a Stottlemeyer on "Monk" and I kept telling anyone who'd listen (not a big audience, trust me) that the last scene of Monk should be Monk and Stottlemeyer at a pharmacy and Monk is having trouble deciding on a hand lotion until Stottlemeyer finally blows up at Monk andyells, "Put the lotion in the basket!" and just then, the girl who plays Catherine Martin walks by and stares down Stottlemeyer like, Hey Buddy that was a long time ago, you gotta let it go

I don't know that song, something about Horses
McConnell does look like Buffalo Bill in the face, now that you think about it.

The point is simple: real Republican do not want creepy far right fringe loons in the party. Makes real Republicans look very bad.


I'm a woman the same way Jake is a Republican.
Limbaugh is providing stellar analysis, as usual. I loved the analogy comparing our dear, esteemed POTUS to a child king jumping up and down because things are not going his way. There can be no doubt that he does not give a romeo alpha who he has to destroy along his way to his goals. He dreams of becoming our very own despot. Srsly.

Follow your messiah the Rushie. I will follow the Constitution.

Which country's constitution? Not americas.
Jake, are you involved in Republican politics? Please let me know where and I will personally come to your next meeting to out you as a Librul.

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