Obama's Speech - comments

My opinions are not expressed in idiotgrams, and I have a pretty good understanding of politics and the rhetoric of pols from both sides of the aisle. You consider Obama's inability to accomplish all he promised as lies, and that suggest to me that you are ignorant of the politcal process.
You believe my opinons are far left. I suppose you belief this because I was opposed to the Bush Administation foreign and domestic policies and because I have acknowledged a bias towards labor over capital, admitted I'm a registered Democrat and am critical of the Republican establishment and those I consider far right.
None of which makes me far left. I don't advocate for revolutionary change - that's a tea party ideal; I believe in the rule of law and the ideals presented in the Preamble to our Constitution; and, though an agnostic, I believe in the values Jesus passed down and the exhortations I learned as a child - raised Catholic - from the Nuns and Priests. Hence, I post what I believe and challege those who lie and bear false witness against others.

once again a so-called" im not a far leftist"....but you notice he has absolutely no criticism of the far left,Dean can call ALL republicans the far right,Wry does not say "not all Republicans Dean,not all"....anything Dean and the far left says.... Wry....silence.....a Right leaner says something and Wry is right there giving a Rebuttal......your a far leftist Wry.....you Bass and Jake should form a club.....
A lot of it sounded like repackaged campaign speeches with regards to reaching out to the other side. For the last year when the Republicans had no power whatsoever,were trying to gain an ear from the administration, the doors were closed and the lights were out. Now they don't have a super majority any longer, he comes back with a speech like this? I doubt he fooled many people.

His attitude towards the Rs is very condescending. Just when he was about to talk about HC he said something to the effect (I'm paraphrasing) "Now, let's talk about this health care" and he gets a snarky, snide smile, all the Dems laugh and 'look and point' at the Rs. Mock much? This is leadership? This is reaching out to work in a bi-partisan way?

Did you ever want your kid to do something they didn't really want to do and you approached them with disdain? The kid digs in their heels, gets their stubborn on and it's nothing but a fight to get some cooperation. If you approach them in an inclusive manner, no mocking, no 'looking down', you get a much more cooperative kid. The latter is how Obama should lead Congress. I've yet to see this, all I hear is blather.

You may have a point. Obama is treating the R's as adults. He should treat them as spoiled children whose favorite toy was taken away (power) by the people. Maybe Obama ought to give the R's a timeout, send them to their rooms and govern without them. He doesn't need them, and they sure don't have any ideas other than those of 'terrible two - "NO!".

see....keep talking Wry....your doing a great job....
His attitude towards the Rs is very condescending. Just when he was about to talk about HC he said something to the effect (I'm paraphrasing) "Now, let's talk about this health care" and he gets a snarky, snide smile, all the Dems laugh and 'look and point' at the Rs. Mock much? This is leadership? This is reaching out to work in a bi-partisan way?

Did you ever want your kid to do something they didn't really want to do and you approached them with disdain? The kid digs in their heels, gets their stubborn on and it's nothing but a fight to get some cooperation. If you approach them in an inclusive manner, no mocking, no 'looking down', you get a much more cooperative kid. The latter is how Obama should lead Congress. I've yet to see this, all I hear is blather.

You may have a point. Obama is treating the R's as adults. He should treat them as spoiled children whose favorite toy was taken away (power) by the people. Maybe Obama ought to give the R's a timeout, send them to their rooms and govern without them. He doesn't need them, and they sure don't have any ideas other than those of 'terrible two - "NO!".

His words say he wants bi-partisanship; his actions say 'fuck you, Rs'.

You missed the entire point of my post. Par.

he did not miss it Zoom....
Mr. Limbaugh is at this moment providing the talking points which will be posted here for the next few days. He is ranting and raving to the RW base with the usual hysterics, readiing from a script written in the days before the STOU address, and filled with plaitutudes soon to fill this and other messages boards by the parrots on the right.
Rather than listen to his words, think about our current problems and evaluate suggested solutions, the conservative fringe - which includes and is lead by Limbaugh - has continued the attack on the president which began even before his nomination.
keep going Wry.....your doing great....Rdean is pissing his pants with glee at his newest recruit....
If they're far left, how would you characterize PETA or the Socialist Worker's Party? Harry, admit you don't know anything and simply parrot the words of Limbaugh and other purveyors of far right propaganda. Your post are all opinion, which would be okay, if your opinions were really your own or thoughtful and once in a while (once would be good) supported with evidence and not hysterical hyperbole.
Opinion, propaganda and hysterical hyperbole?!?!?

Have you ever actually read the OP from one of your delusional strawman-packed threads?!?!?

The MARXIST Muslim PC Protector STILL doesn't geddit.

This MARXIST COMMIE is STILL trying to ram his stooge Pelosis's "Behind the Scenes" concocted Bogus Commie Health Care......and is touting the Energy Bill ("Cap & Trade") which he , himself, acknowledges will "SKYROCKET THE COSTS" for the economy.

Is this Political Idiot suicidal ?????

Or, is he just ARROGANT ?????
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Underwhelming speech.

The current far-left Democrat leadership is struggling to maintain power within their own party.

2010 is going to be a huge political shift in the country. People will be voting for anyone BUT Democrat - and that falls entirely on the inept leadership of Obama-Pelosi-Reid.

Lastly - I am now convinced that Obama is actually ignorant. Yes, ignorant. His real life experience is so limited, so bereft of common sense or an intuitive understanding of "American" as to render his instincts all but useless as the leader of the free world.

Simply put - the guy hasn't a clue...
Underwhelming speech.

The current far-left Democrat leadership is struggling to maintain power within their own party.

2010 is going to be a huge political shift in the country. People will be voting for anyone BUT Democrat - and that falls entirely on the inept leadership of Obama-Pelosi-Reid.

Lastly - I am now convinced that Obama is actually ignorant. Yes, ignorant. His real life experience is so limited, so bereft of common sense or an intuitive understanding of "American" as to render his instincts all but useless as the leader of the free world.

Simply put - the guy hasn't a clue...

If they're far left, how would you characterize PETA or the Socialist Worker's Party? Harry, admit you don't know anything and simply parrot the words of Limbaugh and other purveyors of far right propaganda. Your post are all opinion, which would be okay, if your opinions were really your own or thoughtful and once in a while (once would be good) supported with evidence and not hysterical hyperbole.
Opinion, propaganda and hysterical hyperbole?!?!?

Have you ever actually read the OP from one of your delusional strawman-packed threads?!?!?


It's the next logical step in not reading the articles they link to
Underwhelming speech.

The current far-left Democrat leadership is struggling to maintain power within their own party.

2010 is going to be a huge political shift in the country. People will be voting for anyone BUT Democrat - and that falls entirely on the inept leadership of Obama-Pelosi-Reid.

Lastly - I am now convinced that Obama is actually ignorant. Yes, ignorant. His real life experience is so limited, so bereft of common sense or an intuitive understanding of "American" as to render his instincts all but useless as the leader of the free world.

Simply put - the guy hasn't a clue...

I can't think of a single modern Democrat Leader who would make a competent executive; they're all far better suited throwing Molotov cocktail into an SUV dealership. There's not a single Congressman or governor, well Patterson in NY has actually shown he has some stones as a leader
McConnell's mouth looke like a cat's anus when BHO called him out on governance last night.

I want my GOP to part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Let's get on board seriously. If the Dems screw up, we can point out. But obstructionism is anti-Americanism, and I am not afraid to call out a 'party of no'.

oh oh....here comes the other "Republican"....
McConnell does look like Buffalo Bill in the face, now that you think about it.

The point is simple: real Republican do not want creepy far right fringe loons in the party. Makes real Republicans look very bad.

and of course Jake.....your a REAL Republican....right?
On one hand barry is saying that he wants ideas on how to progress with healthcare.
On the other hand, Pelosi says she is willing to get it passed with the senate version and then make changes and go with the nuclear option. Now there is an idea.

Reporting from Washington - Laying out a possible path to approving healthcare legislation, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) said Wednesday that the House should pass the Senate's version and then use a process known as "budget reconciliation" to make the changes some lawmakers are demanding.

The politically fraught strategy might allow Democrats to salvage a version of the overhaul that senior lawmakers pushed through the House and Senate late last year. Because budget reconciliation requires only a simple majority in the Senate, it could enable Democrats to circumvent a threatened GOP filibuster.

"Majority rule, we call it," Pelosi told a group of columnists Wednesday.
Pelosi suggests maneuver to pass healthcare overhaul - latimes.com

Doesn't this sound like what's been going on all year long? So much for bipartisanship, business as usual on Capital Hill

its "majority rule" when that skank wants something....but how come she did not stick up for her state when the majority ruled in the last couple of elections on gay marriage and the Medical Pot issue?....just sayin....
I was thinking and discussing this morning, Obama's promise / pledge to double our exports over the next five years. What is it that the USA manufactures that folks in other parts of the world, would want double of?
On one hand barry is saying that he wants ideas on how to progress with healthcare.
On the other hand, Pelosi says she is willing to get it passed with the senate version and then make changes and go with the nuclear option. Now there is an idea.

Reporting from Washington - Laying out a possible path to approving healthcare legislation, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) said Wednesday that the House should pass the Senate's version and then use a process known as "budget reconciliation" to make the changes some lawmakers are demanding.

The politically fraught strategy might allow Democrats to salvage a version of the overhaul that senior lawmakers pushed through the House and Senate late last year. Because budget reconciliation requires only a simple majority in the Senate, it could enable Democrats to circumvent a threatened GOP filibuster.

"Majority rule, we call it," Pelosi told a group of columnists Wednesday.
Pelosi suggests maneuver to pass healthcare overhaul - latimes.com

Doesn't this sound like what's been going on all year long? So much for bipartisanship, business as usual on Capital Hill

its "majority rule" when that skank wants something....but how come she did not stick up for her state when the majority ruled in the last couple of elections on gay marriage and the Medical Pot issue?....just sayin....

Also the majority that should count is will of the american people. They want it to go down in flames.
The party of national security, not international adventurism: yes.

The party of less taxes for all Americans, not just the wealthy: yes.

The party of smaller government, not larger government like RR and GWB: yes.

The party of less intrusion into civilians lives, instead of massive invasion of our privacy: yes.

The legacy of GWB includes international adventurism in Iraq that blew up in our face; taxing policies that favored the fat cats and Wall Street; a government that grew exponentially while it invaded citizens' lives.

You Pubs who want to act like Democrats better move on over there. Hup hup hup, gang. Move it! Don't need you, don't want you.

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