Obama's Speech - comments

The party of national security, not international adventurism: yes.

The party of less taxes for all Americans, not just the wealthy: yes.

The party of smaller government, not larger government like RR and GWB: yes.

The party of less intrusion into civilians lives, instead of massive invasion of our privacy: yes.

The legacy of GWB includes international adventurism in Iraq that blew up in our face; taxing policies that favored the fat cats and Wall Street; a government that grew exponentially while it invaded citizens' lives.

You Pubs who want to act like Democrats better move on over there. Hup hup hup, gang. Move it! Don't need you, don't want you.

Here I'll help you, you are very confused

The party that for the first time engaged terrorists and their state sponsors where they are hiding, and didn't impotently wait for the next terrorist attack to occur.

The party of less taxes for all americans, including the wealthy. The Karl Marx approach is part of your left wing idiology not the republican one.

The party of less intrusion in our lives. That is correct. The democrat party is the most intrusive. In fact, if the Obama health takeover passed, he would have forced you to pay a product. What is more intrusive than that? Also, yanno, what is the most intrusive thing the government can do? Confiscate more of the money you make.

Also, the democrat party wants to force you to buy the cars that they want you to buy. They want to micromanage you.

The legacy of GWB is that after 911, he kept america safe for 7 years. You can see these results, because when Obama got into office, and fucked it up, we got 3 terrorist attacks in his first year.
We are back to infrastructre and "shovel ready" isn't this where we started a year ago???

yep...but that's the fasted job maker they have. They can throw billions at the construction industry and get people working...temporarily anyway.

But when the well runs dry--wait it already is--the job ends and the economy is further weakened because of sky rocketing deficts, weakening of the dollar, and nothing has been done to turn that around.

Far better to make the Bush tax cuts permanent and give further across the board tax relief to encourage businesses and provide incentive to start taking risks and hire again. A shortterm reduction in tax revenues would sure as hell be cheaper than pouring mega billions into rat holes and has proved time and time again to jump start a lagging economy.

The difference between drunken sailors spending money and Congress spending money is that drunken sailors stop spending when they are out of money.
Harry, the only point Meister has, along with CG and others like them, is the pointy head that makes it difficult for him to wear his hat.
With 1 death in BHO's first year for every 100 deaths at 9-11: this is called nuance and context. Cmike and others comments about three attacks in the first year domestically means nothing when taken out of context. I want the GOP doing the right things, and I want the neo-con leftists and the far right fringe loonies out of the Party. They are not American in belief or principle.
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Harry, the only point Meister has, along with CG and others like them, is the pointy head that makes it difficult for him to wear his hat.

I did notice that you couldn't defend yourself on my remark, Jake. You know what I stated was true, along with all the others that read your post, and read my post. Call me what you want, but I stated a fact, and you couldn't refute it. Soooo, who is the pinhead?
I've been listening to clips of Obama's comments all morning--comments made after the SOTU. It's back to blame Bush, blame the GOP, accuse, finger point, none of this would be happening if I hadn't been stuck with it blah blah blah. It's enough to gag a maggot.

If magnanimously pronouncing a desire for bipartisan efforts to solve problems was genuine, why would he be bending over backwards now trying to alienate as many Republicans as possible? "Dear, I love and respect you, and as long as you support me without question and do exactly what I want and have no opinions of your own, life will be wonderful."

My bullshit meter is about to blow a fuse here.
The Obama speech was underwhelming at best.

The guy is really clueless regarding the nation he is to be serving as President.

Not surprising given Obama has such little disregard for something he never believed in - America...
The Obama speech was underwhelming at best.

The guy is really clueless regarding the nation he is to be serving as President.

Not surprising given Obama has such little disregard for something he never believed in - America...

This is what concerns me most about Obama. He isn't uneducated and does not appear to have a low I.Q. So how can he stand there and say some of the things he says with a straight face? Is it because he is being programmed down to the last nuance and inflection? He is being totally scripted by somebody else? He holds no clearly thought out or firm convictions of his own? I can't see how he could be so unmoved by what he has to know are totally ungenuine statements unless he is furthering an agenda he or some do not want made public?

If so, what is that agenda? And who is pulling his strings?
Because BHO is not going to put up with neo-con and far whacko BS anymore. He put the GOP on notice the other night that we better work with him and the Dems to govern.
Because Ollie you are putting the whacko fringe agenda before the welfare of America, which the Party should be serving. You are not. If you are serving a radical activist agenda that is not good for the country, then you are not a real Republican.

Got it?
Because Ollie you are putting the whacko fringe agenda before the welfare of America, which the Party should be serving. You are not. If you are serving a radical activist agenda that is not good for the country, then you are not a real Republican.

Got it?

Jake, can't you understand that the conservatives are not for obama's policies, that's why they are against what obama is offering? You want to get onboard with obama....feel free, but don't tell conservatives how they should think. Not everyone is as liberal as you are, you should be smart enough to know that...should be.
Just because the conservatives don't agree with you doesn't mean that they are the whacko fringe, nor are they neocons. They are more conservative than you....that's it.
Your such a democrat, but please grow up, son.
Because Ollie you are putting the whacko fringe agenda before the welfare of America, which the Party should be serving. You are not. If you are serving a radical activist agenda that is not good for the country, then you are not a real Republican.

Got it?


The wacko fringe that is currently in power is the Obama-Pelosi-Reid combination.

You would do well to realize that...
The Obama speech was underwhelming at best.

The guy is really clueless regarding the nation he is to be serving as President.

Not surprising given Obama has such little disregard for something he never believed in - America...

Because BHO is not going to put up with neo-con and far whacko BS anymore. He put the GOP on notice the other night that we better work with him and the Dems to govern.

Bullshit. If this is truly what he wants then he wouldn't speak to and treat the Rs so damn condescendingly. You ever try treating someone like that when trying to get cooperation out of them? Doesn't work real well. Barry's words on this are meaningless as long as his actions conflict with his message.
Because Ollie you are putting the whacko fringe agenda before the welfare of America, which the Party should be serving. You are not. If you are serving a radical activist agenda that is not good for the country, then you are not a real Republican.

Got it?


The wacko fringe that is currently in power is the Obama-Pelosi-Reid combination....

Sinatra, America has far more to fear from those you seem to support than some of the neo-cons (former lefties themselves) lefty friends here. America would be far better off following my advice: no neo-con foreign adventurism, sensible business regulation of big business, major tax credits for small business, tax cuts for all Americans, smaller government, and far less government intrusion into our private lives.

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