Obama's Speech - comments

Because Ollie you are putting the whacko fringe agenda before the welfare of America, which the Party should be serving. You are not. If you are serving a radical activist agenda that is not good for the country, then you are not a real Republican.

Got it?


The wacko fringe that is currently in power is the Obama-Pelosi-Reid combination....

Sinatra, America has far more to fear from those you seem to support than some of the neo-cons (former lefties themselves) lefty friends here. America would be far better off following my advice: no neo-con foreign adventurism, sensible business regulation of big business, major tax credits for small business, tax cuts for all Americans, smaller government, and far less government intrusion into our private lives.

Well except for cap and trade, Obamacare, jobs bill aka 2nd stimulus, and greening of all.
Bullshit. If this is truly what he wants then he wouldn't speak to and treat the Rs so damn condescendingly. You ever try treating someone like that when trying to get cooperation out of them? Doesn't work real well. Barry's words on this are meaningless as long as his actions conflict with his message.

I have seen the whacko far righites here act like absolute spoiled mean boys and mean girls here, so don't lecture those who are attempting to conduct a civilized discourse here on the Board and in the halls of government.

I observed much of the interplay between the President and the Republican congressional meet at Baltimore. BHO was civilized, and used Rep Boerling's neanderthal badgering as an excellent example of what he meant about us obstructing instead of working with him. We will not return to power this fall if we continue in your path.

Zoom, we are not the majority, and much of what we did in power this decade was flat out wrong and harmful to America. You better understand that.
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The party of national security, not international adventurism: yes.

The party of less taxes for all Americans, not just the wealthy: yes.

The party of smaller government, not larger government like RR and GWB: yes.

The party of less intrusion into civilians lives, instead of massive invasion of our privacy: yes.

The legacy of GWB includes international adventurism in Iraq that blew up in our face; taxing policies that favored the fat cats and Wall Street; a government that grew exponentially while it invaded citizens' lives.

You Pubs who want to act like Democrats better move on over there. Hup hup hup, gang. Move it! Don't need you, don't want you.

are your bags packed Jake?....dont forget your jammies....
Ah, Harry, you funster, you. I am describing you in particular, a real neo-con lefty who loves big government, foreign interventionism, and lying to the American people.
Harry, the only point Meister has, along with CG and others like them, is the pointy head that makes it difficult for him to wear his hat.

at least they dont lie about their politics....i dont see a group of posters telling them they are not what they say they are.....you?.....thats another story....
Harry, the only point Meister has, along with CG and others like them, is the pointy head that makes it difficult for him to wear his hat.

at least they dont lie about their politics....i dont see a group of posters telling them they are not what they say they are.....you?.....thats another story....

I see above that you are lying about me, bub. I am Republican by what I believe and preach and practice, and you are nothing but a lying, bottom-feeding neo-con who wants big government, more intrustion into Americans' lives, and foreign interventionism that blows up our economy and kills and cripples tens of thousands of Americans. Yeah, you are a bottom feeder.
With 1 death in BHO's first year for every 100 deaths at 9-11: this is called nuance and context. Cmike and others comments about three attacks in the first year domestically means nothing when taken out of context. I want the GOP doing the right things, and I want the neo-con leftists and the far right fringe loonies out of the Party. They are not American in belief or principle.

what about your far-leftist buddies Rdean and co.?.....do they fit in with your last sentance?
The party of national security, not international adventurism: yes.

The party of less taxes for all Americans, not just the wealthy: yes.

The party of smaller government, not larger government like RR and GWB: yes.

The party of less intrusion into civilians lives, instead of massive invasion of our privacy: yes.

The legacy of GWB includes international adventurism in Iraq that blew up in our face; taxing policies that favored the fat cats and Wall Street; a government that grew exponentially while it invaded citizens' lives.

You Pubs who want to act like Democrats better move on over there. Hup hup hup, gang. Move it! Don't need you, don't want you.

are your bags packed Jake?....dont forget your jammies....

Harry, I'm not sure if your stupid, but, I am convinced you're a right wing willfully ignorant horse's ass. You are so far right wing your posts have become hilarious, and the fact that you are a card carrying member of the fringe escapes you. Open your mind, and focus on reality, then, you might be able to post a message based on reality.
Because Ollie you are putting the whacko fringe agenda before the welfare of America, which the Party should be serving. You are not. If you are serving a radical activist agenda that is not good for the country, then you are not a real Republican.

Got it?

but yet you never criticize the far left loons here.....that tells alot about you Jake....
With 1 death in BHO's first year for every 100 deaths at 9-11: this is called nuance and context. Cmike and others comments about three attacks in the first year domestically means nothing when taken out of context. I want the GOP doing the right things, and I want the neo-con leftists and the far right fringe loonies out of the Party. They are not American in belief or principle.

what about your far-leftist buddies Rdean and co.?.....do they fit in with your last sentance?

They fit in with you, so why don't you answer your own question?

The wacko fringe that is currently in power is the Obama-Pelosi-Reid combination....

Sinatra, America has far more to fear from those you seem to support than some of the neo-cons (former lefties themselves) lefty friends here. America would be far better off following my advice: no neo-con foreign adventurism, sensible business regulation of big business, major tax credits for small business, tax cuts for all Americans, smaller government, and far less government intrusion into our private lives.

no criticism of Pelosi and Reid?.....we dont have to fear those two idiots?.....that is another clue for us posters here Jake....keep going....buy the time this thread ends you will be the new chairman of the board of "The Far Left Brigade"....sorry Dean....you may be out of a job....
Bullshit. If this is truly what he wants then he wouldn't speak to and treat the Rs so damn condescendingly. You ever try treating someone like that when trying to get cooperation out of them? Doesn't work real well. Barry's words on this are meaningless as long as his actions conflict with his message.

I have seen the whacko far righites here act like absolute spoiled mean boys and mean girls here, so don't lecture those who are attempting to conduct a civilized discourse here on the Board and in the halls of government.

I observed much of the interplay between the President and the Republican congressional meet at Baltimore. BHO was civilized, and used Rep Boerling's neanderthal badgering as an excellent example of what he meant about us obstructing instead of working with him. We will not return to power this fall if we continue in your path.

Zoom, we are not the majority, and much of what we did in power this decade was flat out wrong and harmful to America. You better understand that.

there is that WE again....your a good actor Jake....can you do song and dance too?
Ah, Harry, you funster, you. I am describing you in particular, a real neo-con lefty who loves big government, foreign interventionism, and lying to the American people.

:lol:.....:lol:......now i know you are just sitting back smoking an oiler and fucking with us.....that statement just proved it....:lol:
Harry, the only point Meister has, along with CG and others like them, is the pointy head that makes it difficult for him to wear his hat.

at least they dont lie about their politics....i dont see a group of posters telling them they are not what they say they are.....you?.....thats another story....

I see above that you are lying about me, bub. I am Republican by what I believe and preach and practice, and you are nothing but a lying, bottom-feeding neo-con who wants big government, more intrustion into Americans' lives, and foreign interventionism that blows up our economy and kills and cripples tens of thousands of Americans. Yeah, you are a bottom feeder.
im lying about you?......find one post in all the threads were i have posted Jake were others are saying about me what many here are saying about you....go ahead ill give ya all the time you need.....
Bullshit. If this is truly what he wants then he wouldn't speak to and treat the Rs so damn condescendingly. You ever try treating someone like that when trying to get cooperation out of them? Doesn't work real well. Barry's words on this are meaningless as long as his actions conflict with his message.

I have seen the whacko far righites here act like absolute spoiled mean boys and mean girls here, so don't lecture those who are attempting to conduct a civilized discourse here on the Board and in the halls of government.

I observed much of the interplay between the President and the Republican congressional meet at Baltimore. BHO was civilized, and used Rep Boerling's neanderthal badgering as an excellent example of what he meant about us obstructing instead of working with him. We will not return to power this fall if we continue in your path.

Zoom, we are not the majority, and much of what we did in power this decade was flat out wrong and harmful to America. You better understand that.

there is that WE again....your a good actor Jake....can you do song and dance too?

Actually he's not a very good actor, we've all figured his act out.
The party of national security, not international adventurism: yes.

The party of less taxes for all Americans, not just the wealthy: yes.

The party of smaller government, not larger government like RR and GWB: yes.

The party of less intrusion into civilians lives, instead of massive invasion of our privacy: yes.

The legacy of GWB includes international adventurism in Iraq that blew up in our face; taxing policies that favored the fat cats and Wall Street; a government that grew exponentially while it invaded citizens' lives.

You Pubs who want to act like Democrats better move on over there. Hup hup hup, gang. Move it! Don't need you, don't want you.

are your bags packed Jake?....dont forget your jammies....

Harry, I'm not sure if your stupid, but, I am convinced you're a right wing willfully ignorant horse's ass. You are so far right wing your posts have become hilarious, and the fact that you are a card carrying member of the fringe escapes you. Open your mind, and focus on reality, then, you might be able to post a message based on reality.
same challenge to you Wry.....find a thread were my fellow "righties" are telling me im a phony.....there a few on you.....why is that?
With 1 death in BHO's first year for every 100 deaths at 9-11: this is called nuance and context. Cmike and others comments about three attacks in the first year domestically means nothing when taken out of context. I want the GOP doing the right things, and I want the neo-con leftists and the far right fringe loonies out of the Party. They are not American in belief or principle.

what about your far-leftist buddies Rdean and co.?.....do they fit in with your last sentance?

They fit in with you, so why don't you answer your own question?

HEY Dean me and you are on the same page....:lol:.....now that is an eye-opener...
Neo-cons are lefties, Harry: big government, foreign interventionism, intrusion into private citizens' lives. Yeah, that's you, buddy.
Bullshit. If this is truly what he wants then he wouldn't speak to and treat the Rs so damn condescendingly. You ever try treating someone like that when trying to get cooperation out of them? Doesn't work real well. Barry's words on this are meaningless as long as his actions conflict with his message.

I have seen the whacko far righites here act like absolute spoiled mean boys and mean girls here, so don't lecture those who are attempting to conduct a civilized discourse here on the Board and in the halls of government.

I observed much of the interplay between the President and the Republican congressional meet at Baltimore. BHO was civilized, and used Rep Boerling's neanderthal badgering as an excellent example of what he meant about us obstructing instead of working with him. We will not return to power this fall if we continue in your path.

Zoom, we are not the majority, and much of what we did in power this decade was flat out wrong and harmful to America. You better understand that.

there is that WE again....your a good actor Jake....can you do song and dance too?

He can

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cHsPCAZlP4]YouTube - Pinocchio- When you wish upon a star[/ame] :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

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