Obama's Speech - comments

cmike is projecting again. No, mike, you are not a real Republican. Only a pretend, wannabee.
Harry should follow the advice John Edwards ignored: pull out of the mistress instead of the race.

Harry, give it up!
Interesting how some view political parties as static organizations incapable of changing. If a member can't fit their definition of what the party is, then that person is not in the party. Another trend I am seeing is infiltration of the Republican party by Democrats in an attempt to subvert. It is not just a local phenomena.
The infiltration into the GOP is by neo-cons from the left and the wackoloonies from the far fringe right. Good point, saveliberty!
The infiltration of the Democrat party has been by radical Progressive-Commies.
it is almost now complete as we see with this administratration
The infiltration of the Democrat party has been by radical Progressive-Commies.
it is almost now complete as we see with this administratration

That, Stephanie, is known as a "statement of exaggeration." The Democrats have always been subject to far leftist loony socialists as the Republicans have been subject to far rightist loony whackos.

To infer, as I think you are doing, that Obama is a socialist or controlled by socialists will not be supported by the evidence. But you are welcome to try.

To evaluate your creditibility, please answer the following. Do you believe controversy about Obama's birth certificate is reasonable? Do you believe controversy a la Terrell about 9-11 is reasonable?
The infiltration of the Democrat party has been by radical Progressive-Commies.
it is almost now complete as we see with this administratration

That, Stephanie, is known as a "statement of exaggeration." The Democrats have always been subject to far leftist loony socialists as the Republicans have been subject to far rightist loony whackos.

To infer, as I think you are doing, that Obama is a socialist or controlled by socialists will not be supported by the evidence. But you are welcome to try.

To evaluate your creditibility, please answer the following. Do you believe controversy about Obama's birth certificate is reasonable? Do you believe controversy a la Terrell about 9-11 is reasonable?

There are a lot of things I believe.
And yes, I am inferring that "the Obama" is a socialist (or worse) and is controlled by Socialist (or worse).
And time will tell whether I am proven wrong or not, wont it.
Thank you, Stephanie, for your calm statement of your opinion with no evidence. That's fine.
Thank you, Stephanie, for your calm statement of your opinion with no evidence. That's fine.

Wow, Jake, as a "real Republican" why does it bother you that the Democrat Party is firmly out in Lunatic Fringe land, so much so that they lost a Senator seat in a state where only 11% are registered Republican?
The infiltration of the Democrat party has been by radical Progressive-Commies.
it is almost now complete as we see with this administratration

That, Stephanie, is known as a "statement of exaggeration." The Democrats have always been subject to far leftist loony socialists as the Republicans have been subject to far rightist loony whackos.

To infer, as I think you are doing, that Obama is a socialist or controlled by socialists will not be supported by the evidence. But you are welcome to try.

To evaluate your creditibility, please answer the following. Do you believe controversy about Obama's birth certificate is reasonable? Do you believe controversy a la Terrell about 9-11 is reasonable?

There are a lot of things I believe.
And yes, I am inferring that "the Obama" is a socialist (or worse) and is controlled by Socialist (or worse).
And time will tell whether I am proven wrong or not, wont it.

Obama is a geniune Marxist, even Chavez and Fidel are politically to the right of him
That, Stephanie, is known as a "statement of exaggeration." The Democrats have always been subject to far leftist loony socialists as the Republicans have been subject to far rightist loony whackos.

To infer, as I think you are doing, that Obama is a socialist or controlled by socialists will not be supported by the evidence. But you are welcome to try.

To evaluate your creditibility, please answer the following. Do you believe controversy about Obama's birth certificate is reasonable? Do you believe controversy a la Terrell about 9-11 is reasonable?

There are a lot of things I believe.
And yes, I am inferring that "the Obama" is a socialist (or worse) and is controlled by Socialist (or worse).
And time will tell whether I am proven wrong or not, wont it.

Obama is a geniune Marxist, even Chavez and Fidel are politically to the right of him

While I'm not (yet) willing to think that President Obama is capable of the deadly cruelty and ruthlessness that has marked the Castro and Chavez regimes, you are correct that Castro and Chavez would not willingly turn control of their governments and people over to somebody else. In that regard that does put them to the right of Barack Obama who would as he has testified on several occasions in his views of cap & trade and authority of the global community.
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Not at all, Steph. You recognize that. Most of those from the activist agenda-driven whacko far right seem to think opinion is fact. You don't.

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