Obama's Speech - comments

The infiltration of the Democrat party has been by radical Progressive-Commies.
it is almost now complete as we see with this administratration

That, Stephanie, is known as a "statement of exaggeration." The Democrats have always been subject to far leftist loony socialists as the Republicans have been subject to far rightist loony whackos.

To infer, as I think you are doing, that Obama is a socialist or controlled by socialists will not be supported by the evidence. But you are welcome to try.

To evaluate your creditibility, please answer the following. Do you believe controversy about Obama's birth certificate is reasonable? Do you believe controversy a la Terrell about 9-11 is reasonable?

There are a lot of things I believe.
And yes, I am inferring that "the Obama" is a socialist (or worse) and is controlled by Socialist (or worse).
And time will tell whether I am proven wrong or not, wont it.

The communist party endorses his agenda but just feels he has not gone quite far enough with them.:lol:
Calling out the supreme court on a decision was pretty bush league. Obama shouldn't have gone there.

Well, even if he shouldn't have, is it really the big deal Cons want to make it out to be?

This statement came from a person that is left of center. Not far left, but left of center. To the far left, they would think that the cons are making a big deal out of it.
Fuck the fucking Democrats who stuff the Defense Bill with their stupid fucking earmarks.

Why do you hate the troops?

Why do you hide your flaccid earmarks behind the blood, sweat and efforts of our military?

Why didn't you respond to my post if you thought it was inappropriate or wrong??? Because you can't. Simply dropping F bombs makes you appear every uninformed. You're just throwing a temper tantrum like a child.
Calling out the supreme court on a decision was pretty bush league. Obama shouldn't have gone there.

Glad you can recognize that.

Obama thinks proper etiquette is telling someone you're smarter them.

Funny thing is he's so fucken clueless he doesn't realize they're laughing at him behind his back.
Neo-cons are lefties, Harry: big government, foreign interventionism, intrusion into private citizens' lives. Yeah, that's you, buddy.

so Jake your job now is to find ANY post out of my 5,000 were i back big government,foreign intervention and intrusion into private citizens lives....i hope you did your homework before you made this statement.....otherwise Jake i am going to rag on your ass every time i see you post....
Ever notice, when Democrats score points with the American People, and Obama's meeting with the Republicans certainly scored a ton of points, even the Republicans there said the same thing, the loony right on this board, which is most of them, become agitated and even more far out wacko than normal?

All the moronic and wild eyed charges of Marxism and intrusive government micro managing our lives. Government is made up of people just like us. Who is interested, even remotely interested in what our neighbor does? Not me. I don't care.

Every time Obama scores a point, do Republicans get their overweight carcases off their crushed couches and run around the room with hands flapping back and forth, like broken wrists at the end of wildly flailing arms :meow: and all this while running in circles :scared1: and screaming at the top of their lungs :ack-1: while in a terrified panic?

Are they drinking too much beer? :booze: Smoking the wrong stuff? :smoke: Perhaps it's the meds? :chillpill:

All their lunacy is burying the Republican Party. :dig:

:popcorn: But you have to admit, it is very entertaining. :popcorn:
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Ever notice, when Democrats score points with the American People, and Obama's meeting with the Republicans certainly scored a ton of points, even the Republicans there said the same thing, the loony right on this board, which is most of them, become agitated and even more far out wacko than normal?

All the moronic and wild eyed charges of Marxism and intrusive government micro managing our lives. Government is made up of people just like us. Who is interested, even remotely interested in what our neighbor does? Not me. I don't care.

Every time Obama scores a point, do Republicans get their overweight carcases off their crushed couches and run around the room with hands flapping back and forth, like broken wrists at the end of wildly flailing arms :meow: and all this while running in circles :scared1: and screaming at the top of their lungs :ack-1: while in a terrified panic?

Are they drinking too much beer? :booze: Smoking the wrong stuff? :smoke: Perhaps it's the meds? :chillpill:

All their lunacy is burying the Republican Party. :dig:

:popcorn: But you have to admit, it is very entertaining. :popcorn:
your posts are what is entertaining Dean.....and guys like you is what is keeping many independents from going over.....so keep it coming Dean.....and hey Dean....straighten out your two boys Wry and Jake....Christ sakes you can play a republican better then they can.....
All their lunacy is burying the Republican Party. :dig:

Really? I hadn't thought about it before, but you may be right. All that behavior you call 'lunacy' is no doubt why the Republicans are buried with won elections, are stuck with all those generic polls showing the GOP is trusted more than Democrats on just about every issue now, and why it is more often the GOP candidate leading in the November races.

Yeah, they're pretty lunatic all right.

Seriously, the polls are not all that kind to the GOP as most Americans still feel those holding office are out of touch with the mainstream Americans. But I think the Tea Parties will probably fix a lot of that by November.

As the Dems don't have any Tea Partiers to wake them up and slap them into some sensibility, I guess they'll just have to settle for being out of the touch with mainstream Americans.

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