Oct 7: imams 'Palestine' & raping corpses (laughes, Alkah Akbar)


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
Does anyone know the names of Arab Islamist pAleStInE imams giving the permission raping corpses of girls???

In the video, the person.. says that gunmen were given instructions to kill everyone they saw, including beheading victims and cutting off their legs.

He also says they were given permission to rape the corpse of a girl.

The terrorist was captured during an attack on Kibbutz Alumim


"The plan was to go from home to home, from room to room, to throw grenades and kill everyone, including women and children," he confessed. "Hamas ordered us to crush their heads and cut them off, [and] to cut their legs." An equally horrifying revelation was the explicit directive purportedly given to the gunmen: they were given permission "to rape the corpse of a girl."

This was not an isolated confession. Additional footage, courtesy of the Shin Bet and the Israel Police, featured excerpts from the questioning of several members of Hamas's elite Nukhba forces. One of them chillingly revealed, "In Gaza, those who bring hostages get a grant - an apartment and $10,000." Another stated, quoting his orders, to "kidnap the elderly, women and children."


Survivor of Music Festival Attack: At 6:00 a.m., we start to hear all the rockets. So, we started to hear the gunshots and a lot of people screaming. We go to hide under the stage, the main stage of the festival.

One of the people that hide with me see a terrorist, and they told everyone to run away. And that's what we did. The terrorists shoot on us. And I saw a lot of people died in my eyes, I — murdered in my eyes. People get shot in the head, in the shoulder. A lot of dead bodies.

We go to hide in a bush, a big bush in the creek. And we was in the bush something like six or seven hours. A lot of terrorists go around us and search for people to kill.

The terrorists, people from Gaza, raped girls. And after they raped them, they killed them, murdered them with knives, or the opposite, killed — and after that, they raped, they — they did that.

They laughed. They always laughed. It's — I can't forget how they laughed on the — in this situation.

Nick Schifrin: His friend Maya (ph) is still missing. His friend Karina (ph) was killed.

You're a soldier. You have fought. Have you ever seen anything like this? How terrifying were these moments for you?

R. C.: I don't think that the words can even explain how it was terrifying.



Witnesses, evidence indicate Hamas committed acts of sexual violence during Oct. 7 attack
Dec 15, 2023, Lilia Luciano

Their bodies tell their stories. They’re not alive to speak for themselves.
NBC News has reviewed evidence that suggests dozens of Israeli women were raped, sexually abused or mutilated during the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks.
Dec 5, 2023.

What We Saw in Videos of Hamas Terrorists’ Oct. 7 Attacks in Israel
Cully Stimson / @cullystimson / Virginia Allen / @Virginia_Allen5 / December 15, 2023.

Something that the footage confirmed. What happened on October 7 had nothing to do with resistance. It had nothing to do with occupation or a one- or two-state solution. It was about something far more ancient and atavistic—the desire to kill Jews wherever they are and whoever they are. And against that, there can be no retreat.

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Does anyone know the names of Arab Islamist pAleStInE imams giving the permission raping corpses of girls???

In the video, the person.. says that gunmen were given instructions to kill everyone they saw, including beheading victims and cutting off their legs.

He also says they were given permission to rape the corpse of a girl.

The terrorist was captured during an attack on Kibbutz Alumim


"The plan was to go from home to home, from room to room, to throw grenades and kill everyone, including women and children," he confessed. "Hamas ordered us to crush their heads and cut them off, [and] to cut their legs." An equally horrifying revelation was the explicit directive purportedly given to the gunmen: they were given permission "to rape the corpse of a girl."

This was not an isolated confession. Additional footage, courtesy of the Shin Bet and the Israel Police, featured excerpts from the questioning of several members of Hamas's elite Nukhba forces. One of them chillingly revealed, "In Gaza, those who bring hostages get a grant - an apartment and $10,000." Another stated, quoting his orders, to "kidnap the elderly, women and children."


Survivor of Music Festival Attack: At 6:00 a.m., we start to hear all the rockets. So, we started to hear the gunshots and a lot of people screaming. We go to hide under the stage, the main stage of the festival.

One of the people that hide with me see a terrorist, and they told everyone to run away. And that's what we did. The terrorists shoot on us. And I saw a lot of people died in my eyes, I — murdered in my eyes. People get shot in the head, in the shoulder. A lot of dead bodies.

We go to hide in a bush, a big bush in the creek. And we was in the bush something like six or seven hours. A lot of terrorists go around us and search for people to kill.

The terrorists, people from Gaza, raped girls. And after they raped them, they killed them, murdered them with knives, or the opposite, killed — and after that, they raped, they — they did that.

They laughed. They always laughed. It's — I can't forget how they laughed on the — in this situation.

Nick Schifrin: His friend Maya (ph) is still missing. His friend Karina (ph) was killed.

You're a soldier. You have fought. Have you ever seen anything like this? How terrifying were these moments for you?

R. C.: I don't think that the words can even explain how it was terrifying.



Witnesses, evidence indicate Hamas committed acts of sexual violence during Oct. 7 attack
Dec 15, 2023, Lilia Luciano

Their bodies tell their stories. They’re not alive to speak for themselves.
NBC News has reviewed evidence that suggests dozens of Israeli women were raped, sexually abused or mutilated during the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks.
Dec 5, 2023.

What We Saw in Videos of Hamas Terrorists’ Oct. 7 Attacks in Israel
Cully Stimson / @cullystimson / Virginia Allen / @Virginia_Allen5 / December 15, 2023.

Something that the footage confirmed. What happened on October 7 had nothing to do with resistance. It had nothing to do with occupation or a one- or two-state solution. It was about something far more ancient and atavistic—the desire to kill Jews wherever they are and whoever they are. And against that, there can be no retreat.

Demons in the flesh!
Does anyone know the names of Arab Islamist pAleStInE imams giving the permission raping corpses of girls???

In the video, the person.. says that gunmen were given instructions to kill everyone they saw, including beheading victims and cutting off their legs.

He also says they were given permission to rape the corpse of a girl.

The terrorist was captured during an attack on Kibbutz Alumim


"The plan was to go from home to home, from room to room, to throw grenades and kill everyone, including women and children," he confessed. "Hamas ordered us to crush their heads and cut them off, [and] to cut their legs." An equally horrifying revelation was the explicit directive purportedly given to the gunmen: they were given permission "to rape the corpse of a girl."

This was not an isolated confession. Additional footage, courtesy of the Shin Bet and the Israel Police, featured excerpts from the questioning of several members of Hamas's elite Nukhba forces. One of them chillingly revealed, "In Gaza, those who bring hostages get a grant - an apartment and $10,000." Another stated, quoting his orders, to "kidnap the elderly, women and children."


Survivor of Music Festival Attack: At 6:00 a.m., we start to hear all the rockets. So, we started to hear the gunshots and a lot of people screaming. We go to hide under the stage, the main stage of the festival.

One of the people that hide with me see a terrorist, and they told everyone to run away. And that's what we did. The terrorists shoot on us. And I saw a lot of people died in my eyes, I — murdered in my eyes. People get shot in the head, in the shoulder. A lot of dead bodies.

We go to hide in a bush, a big bush in the creek. And we was in the bush something like six or seven hours. A lot of terrorists go around us and search for people to kill.

The terrorists, people from Gaza, raped girls. And after they raped them, they killed them, murdered them with knives, or the opposite, killed — and after that, they raped, they — they did that.

They laughed. They always laughed. It's — I can't forget how they laughed on the — in this situation.

Nick Schifrin: His friend Maya (ph) is still missing. His friend Karina (ph) was killed.

You're a soldier. You have fought. Have you ever seen anything like this? How terrifying were these moments for you?

R. C.: I don't think that the words can even explain how it was terrifying.



Witnesses, evidence indicate Hamas committed acts of sexual violence during Oct. 7 attack
Dec 15, 2023, Lilia Luciano

Their bodies tell their stories. They’re not alive to speak for themselves.
NBC News has reviewed evidence that suggests dozens of Israeli women were raped, sexually abused or mutilated during the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks.
Dec 5, 2023.

What We Saw in Videos of Hamas Terrorists’ Oct. 7 Attacks in Israel
Cully Stimson / @cullystimson / Virginia Allen / @Virginia_Allen5 / December 15, 2023.

Something that the footage confirmed. What happened on October 7 had nothing to do with resistance. It had nothing to do with occupation or a one- or two-state solution. It was about something far more ancient and atavistic—the desire to kill Jews wherever they are and whoever they are. And against that, there can be no retreat.

One of the ways Mohammad recruited Jihadis to follow him was exactly this, turning conquered inhabitants into sex slaves, and of course looting. The killing and beheading was an added bonus.
Barely human savages, manynof them young men, strung up on booze and heavy poisons obediently taking orders from.their older religious leaders. There is a reason Israel feels it cannot change course until every terrorist is gone. It may be a losing endeavbor but they have to try, their citizens need to be protected. They definitely need a long term goal though and the humanitarian crisis and number of dead civilians is going to make peace in the future more difficult. anythng is better than dealing with constant rockets.and terrorists though.
What people don't understand is that these so called Palestinians and their Muslim believers would do here or in Europe exactly what they are doing in Israel. How different is what they did at the concert in Israel and what they did at Bataclan in Paris.
Demons in the flesh!
Spot on! Any person with a shred of human decency and morality would never do what these people did. They laughed while doing it. They were so proud of themselves that they posted online for the world to see. Yes, demonic is the right word. And recent polling in the so-called "west bank" showed that 70+ percent there approved of what Hamas did on 10/7. No, there are no innocents in Gaza or Judea and Samaria over the age of 2 years.
The Hysterical Racists are out for their morning farting session .
I suppose we must try and forgive people who think that visiting their Mall is travel and who live on a diet of Fake News .

Never has the phrase , Ignorance is Bliss , been more true .
The Hysterical Racists are out for their morning farting session .
I suppose we must try and forgive people who think that visiting their Mall is travel and who live on a diet of Fake News .

Never has the phrase , Ignorance is Bliss , been more true .
The corksoaker of Palestinian terrorists calls anyone who speaks the truth about Palestinians, “racists”.
The corksoaker of Palestinian terrorists calls anyone who speaks the truth about Palestinians, “racists”.
I not only call you a rather ignorant big mouth of a Racist but I record that I actively find supporters of Ethnic Cleansing and Child Killing as disgusting individuals .
I would hate you to be under any illusions of my feelings, because before I have just treated you as a minor irritant-- a silly person who knows no better .

But clearly you are literally a mental minor who needs to be upturned , given a good thrashing and forced to wash his mouth out with soap several times a day .

But apart from that , Have a Nice Day .
Good to get most of the Racists together .

It's like getting dogs to all shit in the same place to keep their excrement in one place and away from decent people .

You might have reasonably thought that after Covid , Killer Shots and Ukraine that the number of stupid Normies and Sheeple would have fallen . Or they had learned to keep their mouths shut .

But silly me for thinking that .
Another bunch of Hysterical Gullibles is here touting their Fake News and allegiances to things like Ethnic Cleansing and Child Killing .
God (???? ) Help America .
I not only call you a rather ignorant big mouth of a Racist but I record that I actively find supporters of Ethnic Cleansing and Child Killing as disgusting individuals .
I would hate you to be under any illusions of my feelings, because before I have just treated you as a minor irritant-- a silly person who knows no better .

But clearly you are literally a mental minor who needs to be upturned , given a good thrashing and forced to wash his mouth out with soap several times a day .

But apart from that , Have a Nice Day .
If you are against racism and ethnic cleansing look no further than Palestinians and Muslim Arabs.
Carmela, Sigal, Valentin... The French citizens killed in Hamas's attack on October 7
By Marie-Béatrice Baudet and Annick Cojean
Published yesterday at 4:00 am (Paris)

Pending the national tribute promised by President Emmanuel Macron, the full list of names of the French victims of Hamas's terrorist attack remains inaccessible. But some families have agreed to talk about their lost loved ones.

Forty-one French citizens died during or after the attack by Hamas against Israel on October 7, which will go down in history as the largest massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust. Forty-one out of approximately 1,140 victims: That makes France the foreign country most affected by the attack on Israeli soil, ahead of Thailand (mainly workers employed in farming communities), the United States, and Ukraine. Not since the explosion of a UTA DC-10 over Niger in 1989 has France lost so many citizens to an attack outside its borders. Who were these 41 dead? What was their story? Why were they in Israel? What was their connection with France? Did they have dual nationality? Was it a choice or the legacy of a family history? There are so many questions. Unfortunately, it's impossible to answer them exhaustively, as the list remains secret.

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