Oh No, Oh No, Nate Silver, Say It Ain't so

More n 40 days plus to go, you little kemo sabes and white eyes peeples o' color.

So it could be that it might no happen.

But Nate Silver says KH is up more than 50% in PA, MI, WI, and NV.

If that does hold, all you Trumper must fold.

Then us'n good peeple gonna just walk over youse all.

I am so tired of MAGA shit, let us good people just sweep those shit azzes out the door,.

Did you actually read the article?

Or just the headline...




Ahh... That's why this is posted in satire.

Good one. :lol:

But fooling idiot libs is kinda like shooting fish in barrel.

Not very sporting.
Trump got 3 million fewer votes than Clinton in that election.
You know that the football team that gets the most first downs doesn't win the game, right?

To win, you have to score the most points.

Sure, you can continually shout your team got the most first downs...

And we'll continue to point at our championship trophy and laugh at you. :lmao:
You know that the football team that gets the most first downs doesn't win the game, right?

To win, you have to score the most points.

Sure, you can continually shout your team got the most first downs...

And we'll continue to point at our championship trophy and laugh at you. :lmao:
Yeah and the most votes are the most points.
Nate Silver leans more to the right than I like, but is pretty dood most of the time.
Trump got 3 million fewer votes than Clinton in that election.
That's now how you win. Silver said Hillary had a 72% chance of winning, and she got her ass beat.. Also, there's no way Hillary got 3 million more votes. That's as phony as the 2020 election results.
Yeah and the most votes are the most points.
Not according to the constitution.

Don't tell me you are another authoritarian who hates America?

Article II​

  • Section 1 Function and Selection

    • Clause 2 Electors
    • Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
What Republicans are trying to do is get states to change things hoping it can screw up the election enough so that the it can be decided by congress. And if that happens, there will be probems.

Sort of like the new, unconstitutional ways the DNC shoehorned in changes in order to win in 2020?


2020 changed how America votes. The question now is whether those changes stick​



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