Oh the damage they have done

Police should be a state issue. YOU should pay for the police in your community. And YOU should decide if they are allowed to stop and frisk people for no reason.
Actually that's a constitutional issue. IE 4th amendment protections.
If you want the people to decide, they'll have to decide to amend the constitution.

No different than if a state wanted to vote to bring back slavery.

Damn constitution again.
Kamala says she wants to end spending on police. Kamala says that spending money on police is not the best way to keep us safe.

Kamala Harris is a far left radical. Most likely a Marxist.
YOU are making shit up
We are taking over. Might as well get used to it.

Oh honey

When someone is unable to see something that is obvious, it could be due to inattentional blindness, a psychological phenomenon that occurs when someone doesn't notice something that is in plain sight because they are focusing on something else. Inattentional blindness can be caused by multitasking or when someone's attention is on a specific task or thought.
Police should be a state issue. YOU should pay for the police in your community. And YOU should decide if they are allowed to stop and frisk people for no reason.

Just like you want to cut off funding for public schools.
Kamala was speaking of cities defunding the police. As in no more police.

Kamala says we don't need police to be safe
Then they need to get used to being disappointed again, because it’s coming and you women will be put back in your place… the home or the grave.
The man accused of sexual misconduct by at least 26 women and found liable for sexual abuse in a court of law went on to claim that if he is elected president, women “will no longer have anxiety from all the problems our country has today.” (Trump has denied all such claims of sexual misconduct.)

“You will be protected, and I will be your protector,” he reiterated. “Women will be happy, healthy, confident and free. You will no longer be thinking about abortion — that’s all they talk about, abortion — because we have done something nobody else could have done.”

Kamala was speaking of cities defunding the police. As in no more police.

Kamala says we don't need police to be safe
I would love to look into what defund the police have in mind for replacing our current system.

Republicans want to do away with public unions but I bet they don't touch cop unions. But Trump and Musk would make striking illegal then Trump could just hire Proud Boy scabs. But the cops who go along will be well taken care of after the next insurrection.

I don't care about defunding the cops. Whatever it means. I believe it means clean up the corruption. Remember, these are Democratic Cities where these corrupt cops operate. So don't defend them. DEFUND them.
The father who abandoned the family when she was 7?
YOU are making shit up
I can back up everything I say whereas we see that you are accusing me of what you are doing, making shit up.
Kamala's father is a Marxist and not estranged from Kamala.
This early phase of interaction with my children came to an abrupt halt in 1972 when, after a hard-fought custody battle in the family court of Oakland, California, the context of the relationship was placed within arbitrary limits imposed by a court-ordered divorce settlement based on the false assumption by the State of California that fathers cannot handle parenting (especially in the case of this father, “a neegroe from da eyelans” was the Yankee stereotype, who might just end up eating his children for breakfast!). Nevertheless, I persisted, never giving up on my love for my children or reneging on my responsibilities as their father.
I would love to look into what defund the police have in mind for replacing our current system.

Republicans want to do away with public unions but I bet they don't touch cop unions. But Trump and Musk would make striking illegal then Trump could just hire Proud Boy scabs. But the cops who go along will be well taken care of after the next insurrection.

I don't care about defunding the cops. Whatever it means. I believe it means clean up the corruption. Remember, these are Democratic Cities where these corrupt cops operate. So don't defend them. DEFUND them.
Kamala said specifically that the police can not keep us safe and must be ended.
Kamala said specifically that the police can not keep us safe and must be ended.
There's got to be more to it. If you looked into it you'd be able to tell me what she would do instead. If you know so much about this, tell me more. I'm interested. Just no cops?

Oh yea, she has a gun. So she'll take care of herself.
There's got to be more to it. If you looked into it you'd be able to tell me what she would do instead. If you know so much about this, tell me more. I'm interested. Just no cops?

Oh yea, she has a gun. So she'll take care of herself.
That is the problem with Kamala, once she eliminates the police, who will she replace them with. A Marxist built organization? Kamala does not say.

Kamala said she would eliminate the police, Kamala said police don't keep us safe.
We you alive during the Clinton years. We gave our industry to China. Literally dismantled factories and reassembled them in China.

War? Yes, Obama Bin Ladin declared war on the USA, resulting in 9/11

I can go on all night, clinton was bad
Outsourcing began in 1950s.

Outsourcing became a popular business strategy in the early 1980s, but the practice itself has deeper roots:

  • Origins
    The term "outsourcing" originated from the phrase "outside resourcing" no later than 1981. However, the practice of outsourcing can be traced back to the 1950s, when companies began outsourcing more complex functions like payroll, human resources, and customer service.

  • Growth
    Outsourcing became a more attractive business strategy in the 1980s due to the "focus on core competency" strategy that was developed in the 1970s. This strategy involved identifying critical processes and outsourcing other business processes to focus on the company's core business.

  • Benefits
    Outsourcing can provide cost benefits, especially when outsourcing to countries with cheaper labor. It can also allow companies to access expertise that they don't currently have in-house.

  • Prevalence
    Outsourcing became commonplace in the 1990s and early 2000s due to the rapid advancement of internet technology.
That is the problem with Kamala, once she eliminates the police, who will she replace them with. A Marxist built organization? Kamala does not say.

Kamala said she would eliminate the police, Kamala said police don't keep us safe.
She did not. Stop lying

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