Oh the damage they have done

Outsourcing began in 1950s.

Outsourcing became a popular business strategy in the early 1980s, but the practice itself has deeper roots:

  • Origins
    The term "outsourcing" originated from the phrase "outside resourcing" no later than 1981. However, the practice of outsourcing can be traced back to the 1950s, when companies began outsourcing more complex functions like payroll, human resources, and customer service.

  • Growth
    Outsourcing became a more attractive business strategy in the 1980s due to the "focus on core competency" strategy that was developed in the 1970s. This strategy involved identifying critical processes and outsourcing other business processes to focus on the company's core business.

  • Benefits
    Outsourcing can provide cost benefits, especially when outsourcing to countries with cheaper labor. It can also allow companies to access expertise that they don't currently have in-house.

  • Prevalence
    Outsourcing became commonplace in the 1990s and early 2000s due to the rapid advancement of internet technology.
Nice try.

I spoke of the Democrats and Bill Clinton taking apart our factories, are manufacturing, and rebuilding them in communist china. Outsourcing never involved building a communist country into a Super Power

Slave labor, child labor is used in communist China

Not one of your examples are about giving massive income to communists
Nice try.

I spoke of the Democrats and Bill Clinton taking apart our factories, are manufacturing, and rebuilding them in communist china. Outsourcing never involved building a communist country into a Super Power

Slave labor, child labor is used in communist China

Not one of your examples are about giving massive income to communists
The US government had no factories to dismantle.
Nice try.

I spoke of the Democrats and Bill Clinton taking apart our factories, are manufacturing, and rebuilding them in communist china. Outsourcing never involved building a communist country into a Super Power

Slave labor, child labor is used in communist China

Not one of your examples are about giving massive income to communists
Sorry dude… that started in the 80s in the Reagan years.

Back when “Greed is good” was spoken out loud.
Kamala was speaking of cities defunding the police. As in no more police.

Kamala says we don't need police to be safe
Defund the police was a misnomer.

If they didn't want police, they would have said "shut down the police"

"defund" meant to cut some of the police funding, and shift it to community services which would prevent people from committing crimes by giving them treatment and opportunities.

They technically should have called it "reprogram the police"
Go away. Another issue you're clueless about
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 raised U.S. import duties with the goal of protecting American farmers and other industries from foreign competition.

High tariffs were a means not only of protecting infant industries, but of generating revenue for the federal government.
Nice try.

I spoke of the Democrats and Bill Clinton taking apart our factories, are manufacturing, and rebuilding them in communist china. Outsourcing never involved building a communist country into a Super Power
Except you have to ignore history to do that.

China had GDP growth of 18% and 19% in 1964 and 1970

GDP growth in China actually started slowing down 1993 thru 1999, but picked up again in 2000 thru 2007


You can see for yourself.
So Republicans took abortion rights away from women and now they want to take away voting rights.

Why would a woman ever vote Republican

For anything
No one took abortion rights away from anyone. The issue was returned to the states. Where it always should have been.
They had laws that they had to ignore.
If Clinton shipped factories to China, how come China's GDP growth slowed 1992 to 1999

And then accelerated 2000 to 2007.

The facts disprove your contentions.
No one took abortion rights away from anyone. The issue was returned to the states. Where it always should have been.
That ignores equal protection, and the privileges and immunities that are supposed to be nationwide.

And as Wickard V Filburn decided what constituted interstate commerce. Once legalized abortion would be the function of congress to regulate.
The 19th Amendment started the downfall of our country.

Traditionally women run the tribes, and men are only temporarily put in charge when a war is declared.
Men are too selfish, aggressive, and easily corrupt by power.
Women just want families to be more successful.
And that is all we should really want.
Traditionally women run the tribes, and men are only temporarily put in charge when a war is declared.
Men are too selfish, aggressive, and easily corrupt by power.
Women just want families to be more successful.
And that is all we should really want.

You must be a cuck. That was ridiculous
Because all women do not support murder of babies in the womb.

Women can still get abortions, that right is granted at the state level.

You should go on the pill, now, so that you won't need an abortion. Abortions are a very radical procedure which needs to be avoided.

A fetus is not a baby, and it is up to women and doctors, not government.
Rights cannot and NEVER are "granted".
Rights are supposed to always exist and are what we borrow from in order to delegate authority to government.
States have no standing over abortion, since the issue is based on religion, privacy, health, family planning, and dozens of things states are banned from any influence.
Birth control pills have horrendous side effects, risks, and poor effectiveness.
Abortion is vastly safer.
You must be a cuck. That was ridiculous

Humans evolved as hunter/gathers, where the women run the families, tribes, and villages, while the men go off on long hunting trips and use their aggression to protect against predators and kill game.
Essentially women are social and men are anti-social inherently.

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