Oh those disrespectful Palestinians Greeting our wonderful president with F/Us and the double bird

Sleepy Joe went there on a campaign stop, warning the people what will happen to them if they don't support his regime.

The people of Columbiana County voted heavily against him in 2020.
Watch the joint get quarterd off tomorrow declared a hazard area snicker snicker

Joe XiBaiDung has done little to nothing for the victims of the East Palestine disaster for over a year. Why should he begin to do anything now after a year.
It's his political diasaster and now he has to eat it by the spoonful.
Didn't even meet with/talk with the locals....Just went to the pre-canned quasi-campaign event for Sherrod Brown, declared victory, and took it on the lam.

It's as though is handlers are actually trying to portray him as a callous, fucking skunk.

Biden calls train crash ‘act of greed’

in visit to East Palestine

No matter what Biden had to say, he's a day late and a dollar short as far as the people of East Palestine, Ohio are concerned.
The victims of East Palestine have been suffering both physically and financially for one year and our 46th president has been absent both in assistance and presence.
If this weren't an election year, I doubt if Biden would have appeared at all.
You have to wonder if Joe's speech writer had to run the contents of the speech by JP Morgan and Black Rock the majority holders of Norfolk Southern for approval before he spoke to the people of East Palestine.

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