Okay, Megyn Kelly is pretty darn brilliant!


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
On the issue of Lawfare:

The political operative asked what will happen if Trump is found guilty of all he is accused. I have had my problems with Megyn Kelly in the past, but my gosh, the rapid fire rebuttal she gave this guy indicates a way above average intelligence and she was spot on with her argument:

I was so angry with Megyn Kelly when she attacked Trump so viciously in the first Fox primary debate in 2016. She was pretty strongly a never Trumper at that point. I think that debate performance on her part is probably why she left a very lucrative prime time hosting slot at Fox in 2017.

But over time I think she has changed her opinions about Trump and she definitely is no wishy washy progressive masquerading as a conservative. She probably still doesn't like him personally all that much but has come to appreciate the wisdom and effectiveness of his policies and she is passionate about the lack of ethics and how wrong the lawfare against him has been.
I was so angry with Megyn Kelly when she attacked Trump so viciously in the first Fox primary debate in 2016. She was pretty strongly a never Trumper at that point. I think that debate performance on her part is probably why she left a very lucrative prime time hosting slot at Fox in 2017.

But over time I think she has changed her opinions about Trump and she definitely is no wishy washy progressive masquerading as a conservative. She probably still doesn't like him personally all that much but has come to appreciate the wisdom and effectiveness of his policies and she is passionate about the lack of ethics and how wrong the lawfare against him has been.

She showed she was pretty much an airhead in that one; she didn't know basic American history and made a fool out of herself trying to play a 'gotcha' on Trump and looked ridiculous. It's been a few years, maybe she read a book or two since then; I wouldn't know as I never watch cable news.
She showed she was pretty much an airhead in that one; she didn't know basic American history and made a fool out of herself trying to play a 'gotcha' on Trump and looked ridiculous. It's been a few years, maybe she read a book or two since then; I wouldn't know as I never watch cable news.
Whatever my opinions of Megyn Kelly, they have NEVER included any concept of 'airhead'. And her attack on Trump had nothing to do with history other than his history, however inappropriate it was in that particular setting. I have never faulted her scholarship.
Nobody takes the court systems seriously in banana republics, not even you.
Since this isn't such a republic the law is taken seriously.

Funny how you MAGATS take the law seriously if someone black commits a crime.
On the issue of Lawfare:

The political operative asked what will happen if Trump is found guilty of all he is accused. I have had my problems with Megyn Kelly in the past, but my gosh, the rapid fire rebuttal she gave this guy indicates a way above average intelligence and she was spot on with her argument:

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On the issue of Lawfare:

The political operative asked what will happen if Trump is found guilty of all he is accused. I have had my problems with Megyn Kelly in the past, but my gosh, the rapid fire rebuttal she gave this guy indicates a way above average intelligence and she was spot on with her argument:

Is she still on the rag?
Whatever my opinions of Megyn Kelly, they have NEVER included any concept of 'airhead'. And her attack on Trump had nothing to do with history other than his history, however inappropriate it was in that particular setting. I have never faulted her scholarship.

lol okay. It had everything to do with her not knowing basic American history and and should have not gone there. The fact she sucks up to the GOP for a job now doesn't require me to love her now. American history used to be required of college freshmen, too.

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