OMG -- Obama gives himself authority to lock up anyone with "respiratory illness"

So, now you're against public health? Okay...

so you hate people with allergies and think they should be locked up.

leftist really are that stewpud

You're the one that's really stupid, if you think a competent M.D. couldn't immediately tell the difference between an allergy and a respiratory illness.

I wasn in the hospital for 6 hours telling them it was allergies before they came and said "It's just allergies."

so yea, it seems I can get arrested and you're cool with that.
Consider the source. Don't be a teaper lemming, think for yourself.

just cuz he's an asshole doesn't mean he can't be right.

don't let your bigotry blind you to what might be going on.

Home / Breaking News / Obama Signs Executive Order To Allow Detention Of Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’
Obama Signs Executive Order To Allow Detention Of Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’
6 hours ago 0 391 Views

As the Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, President Barack Obama has signed an amendment to an executive order that would allow him to mandate the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of “respiratory illness.”
The executive order, titled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends executive order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.”

The amendment signed by Obama replaces subsection (b) of the original Bush executive order which referred only to SARS. Obama’s amendment allows for the detention of Americans who display, “Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled.”
Although Ebola was listed on the original executive order signed by Bush, Obama’s amendment ensures that Americans who merely show signs of respiratory illness, with the exception of influenza, can be forcibly detained by medical authorities.
Although the quarantining of people suspected of being infected with the Ebola virus seems like a perfectly logical move, the actual preconditions for this to happen aren’t restricted to just those suffering from the disease.
As we highlighted earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has measures in place for dealing with an outbreak of a communicable disease which allow for the quarantine of “well persons” who “do not show symptoms” of the disease.
In addition, under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, public health authorities and governors would be given expanded police powers to seize control of communications devices, public and private property, as well as a host of other draconian measures in the event of a public health emergency.

no American government should have that much power

Do you believe he should have allowed the Ebola infected Americans back into the States?

the doctor that discovered ebola said something like this; I'd sit next to an infected person on a train.

It's hard to transmit, I don't like the idea of bringing it here, but he's still a citizen.
Consider the source. Don't be a teaper lemming, think for yourself.

just cuz he's an asshole doesn't mean he can't be right.

don't let your bigotry blind you to what might be going on.

Home / Breaking News / Obama Signs Executive Order To Allow Detention Of Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’
Obama Signs Executive Order To Allow Detention Of Americans With ‘Respiratory Illnesses’
6 hours ago 0 391 Views

As the Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, President Barack Obama has signed an amendment to an executive order that would allow him to mandate the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of “respiratory illness.”
The executive order, titled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends executive order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.”

The amendment signed by Obama replaces subsection (b) of the original Bush executive order which referred only to SARS. Obama’s amendment allows for the detention of Americans who display, “Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled.”
Although Ebola was listed on the original executive order signed by Bush, Obama’s amendment ensures that Americans who merely show signs of respiratory illness, with the exception of influenza, can be forcibly detained by medical authorities.
Although the quarantining of people suspected of being infected with the Ebola virus seems like a perfectly logical move, the actual preconditions for this to happen aren’t restricted to just those suffering from the disease.
As we highlighted earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has measures in place for dealing with an outbreak of a communicable disease which allow for the quarantine of “well persons” who “do not show symptoms” of the disease.
In addition, under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, public health authorities and governors would be given expanded police powers to seize control of communications devices, public and private property, as well as a host of other draconian measures in the event of a public health emergency.

no American government should have that much power

reading is fundamental

Of course...this is nothing more than low information nonsense presented by an idiot racist in order to cause Teaper hysteria. Teapers are low educated, low information idiots. They believe anything they see if it is anti-Obama or anti-Black.

Teapers are truly the biggest threat in America today. It isn't ISIS, it isn't Putin, it isn't liberal ideology. It is Teaper stupidity and hate. It is teaper hysteria and knee jerk reactionism.
So, now you're against public health? Okay...

Public health? HAHA This is an excuse for obozo to lock up all his critics and everybody knows it. If you want this law passed, get congress to write it.

This. It's going to be the "quarantine" of the ancient and medieval times where political opponents randomly went missing or at the very last were unable to effectively communicate with general society.

This is one of the oldest tricks in the Tyranny 101 Book.
Blarg! What's next?

FEMA Camps? Death Panels? Obama Brownshirt Minions?

Hide the puppies!

So, now you're against public health? Okay...

Public health? HAHA This is an excuse for obozo to lock up all his critics and everybody knows it. If you want this law passed, get congress to write it.

What a lousy dictator. It took him almost 6 years to come up that that? Damn, most dictators do that within weeks of seizing power.....sue that bastard......:D
This will be a very convenient mechanism to rid ObamaCare and Medicare of the burden of providing care to old people with pneumonia!
It's no much the EO I have a concern with, but rather the out of control police overreacting to a future DHS/FEMA memo advising them to be on the look out for evil doers with respiratory issues.
So, now you're against public health? Okay...

Public health? HAHA This is an excuse for obozo to lock up all his critics and everybody knows it. If you want this law passed, get congress to write it.

You are so full of shit. Hasn't happened, is not going to happen. However, the Ebola outbreak is a very real and present danger. Addressing it by putting in place the neccessary instruments for control is a wise decision.
so you hate people with allergies and think they should be locked up.

leftist really are that stewpud

You're the one that's really stupid, if you think a competent M.D. couldn't immediately tell the difference between an allergy and a respiratory illness.

I wasn in the hospital for 6 hours telling them it was allergies before they came and said "It's just allergies."

so yea, it seems I can get arrested and you're cool with that.

You wouldn't be arrested, you'd be quarantined and ,yes, I'd be cool with that, if it were determined you were infected. Six hours is nothing, if it means the safety of the public.
You're the one that's really stupid, if you think a competent M.D. couldn't immediately tell the difference between an allergy and a respiratory illness.

Doesn't matter what the doctor thinks. He'll do what the govt tells him to do.
It does not quarantine those with any respiratory illness. It CLEARLY states only those "that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled".

"Potential" and "likely" and "serious" are weasel word if i ever saw one. Obozo gave himself the power to lock up anyone. THINK
It does not quarantine those with any respiratory illness. It CLEARLY states only those "that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled".

"Potential" and "likely" and "serious" are weasel word if i ever saw one. Obozo gave himself the power to lock up anyone. THINK
Actually Bush did, Obama simply updated it...
Obama calls this an executive order but it's not. It's in fact a law that he wrote even though the constitution says only congress can write laws.

Obama Signs Executive Order To Allow Detention Of Americans With ?Respiratory Illnesses?

Aug 8, 2014

As the Ebola outbreak continues to cause concern, President Barack Obama has signed an amendment to an executive order that would allow him to mandate the apprehension and detention of Americans who merely show signs of “respiratory illness.”
The executive order, titled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends executive order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.”

The amendment signed by Obama replaces subsection (b) of the original Bush executive order which referred only to SARS. Obama’s amendment allows for the detention of Americans who display, “Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled.”

Although Ebola was listed on the original executive order signed by Bush, Obama’s amendment ensures that Americans who merely show signs of respiratory illness, with the exception of influenza, can be forcibly detained by medical authorities.
Although the quarantining of people suspected of being infected with the Ebola virus seems like a perfectly logical move, the actual preconditions for this to happen aren’t restricted to just those suffering from the disease.

one minute the RW's hide in the closet shaking and muttering E-B-O-L-A, the next minute they squeal about Obama trying to protect them.

RW's :cuckoo:
so you hate people with allergies and think they should be locked up.

leftist really are that stewpud

You're the one that's really stupid, if you think a competent M.D. couldn't immediately tell the difference between an allergy and a respiratory illness.

I wasn in the hospital for 6 hours telling them it was allergies before they came and said "It's just allergies."

so yea, it seems I can get arrested and you're cool with that.

But not for your allegies. Possibly for mental incompetance.:badgrin:
one minute the RW's hide in the closet shaking and muttering E-B-O-L-A, the next minute they squeal about Obama trying to protect them.

RW's :cuckoo:
They need to follow the GOP healthcare plan: Don't get sick, but if you do, die quickly.

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