on Kaliningrad and Lithuania


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
maybe, just maybe, i can agree with Lithuania staying in NATO and the EU.

their current leaders are considered, by the (slim..?) majority of voters there, to be (much..?) better suited to bring them peace and prosperity.

Kaliningrad (a Russian province and major city) is now seperated of what remains of the Russian Federation (USSR 2.0 with updated policies).
i think it's far wiser to avoid war in that region by letting Lithuania slide back into the hands of the Russian Federation.

NATO and the EU have 'taken', by sneaky hidden force, the Kaliningrad province from Russia. This is because if you seal off the land supply routes to a region or province or city, you leave them in a state of relying on your mercy.
NATO and the EU are territorially very greedy.
it's time to repent for that.
In this case you should give Latvia and Estonia back to Russia too. No reason to have these two countries in NATO without direct access to them by land.
maybe, just maybe, i can agree with Lithuania staying in NATO and the EU.

their current leaders are considered, by the (slim..?) majority of voters there, to be (much..?) better suited to bring them peace and prosperity.

Kaliningrad (a Russian province and major city) is now seperated of what remains of the Russian Federation (USSR 2.0 with updated policies).
i think it's far wiser to avoid war in that region by letting Lithuania slide back into the hands of the Russian Federation.

NATO and the EU have 'taken', by sneaky hidden force, the Kaliningrad province from Russia. This is because if you seal off the land supply routes to a region or province or city, you leave them in a state of relying on your mercy.
NATO and the EU are territorially very greedy.
it's time to repent for that.
If you had any idea of the serious Russian hardware in Kalingrad you would know that any interference by NATO would be calamitous .

And NATO is fully aware of this and at best will just say stupid things to garner favourable headlines .

Then what?

Got a problem with that plan?
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maybe, just maybe, i can agree with Lithuania staying in NATO and the EU.

their current leaders are considered, by the (slim..?) majority of voters there, to be (much..?) better suited to bring them peace and prosperity.

Kaliningrad (a Russian province and major city) is now seperated of what remains of the Russian Federation (USSR 2.0 with updated policies).
i think it's far wiser to avoid war in that region by letting Lithuania slide back into the hands of the Russian Federation.

NATO and the EU have 'taken', by sneaky hidden force, the Kaliningrad province from Russia. This is because if you seal off the land supply routes to a region or province or city, you leave them in a state of relying on your mercy.
NATO and the EU are territorially very greedy.
it's time to repent for that.

Er... Lithuania isn't a US pawn, it's a country, with people, who don't want to be a part of the USSR, the Russian Putist Federation or whatever you want to call it. It's also a part of the EU. So... Russia doesn't stand a chance.

Give Putin what he wants. Why? He keeps making silly threats he can't carry through with.

"If you give weapons and they use them in Russia we'll do bad things"
"Oh, they're using weapons you gave to them in Russia, if you use them 200km from the Ukrainian border we'll do bad things"

And on and on. He bluffs badly.
Er... Lithuania isn't a US pawn, it's a country, with people, who don't want to be a part of the USSR, the Russian Putist Federation or whatever you want to call it. It's also a part of the EU. So... Russia doesn't stand a chance.

Give Putin what he wants. Why? He keeps making silly threats he can't carry through with.

"If you give weapons and they use them in Russia we'll do bad things"
"Oh, they're using weapons you gave to them in Russia, if you use them 200km from the Ukrainian border we'll do bad things"

And on and on. He bluffs badly.
you're entitled to your opinion of course, and let it have that full vote in these matters please too, audiences.
but let's agree to disagree, shall we?
you're entitled to your opinion of course, and let it have that full vote in these matters please too, audiences.
but let's agree to disagree, shall we?

It's not about my opinion. Lithuania is a sovereign country.

No, let's not agree to disagree. Where the fuck do you get off treating countries like pawns. Are you a paid Putin shrill or what?
It's not about my opinion. Lithuania is a sovereign country.

No, let's not agree to disagree. Where the fuck do you get off treating countries like pawns. Are you a paid Putin shrill or what?
no you shit-licker working for corporate interests...
i just happen to believe life on Earth is best off with humanity no longer fighting eachother over constantly shifting turf.
a multi-polar world-order.
no you shit-licker working for corporate interests...
i just happen to believe life on Earth is best off with humanity no longer fighting eachother over constantly shifting turf.
a multi-polar world-order.

So, you want to encourage Putin to wage war more and more? That's your solution to stopping fighting... worked well for Chamberlain in 1939, didn't it?
So, you want to encourage Putin to wage war more and more? That's your solution to stopping fighting... worked well for Chamberlain in 1939, didn't it?
a gift to the Russians with a message "do not proceed beyond this point (please)", should work just fine at this point.
we took the wheat and grain fields of Ukraine from them and their allies.
breadlines as hidden weapon of war.
under Trump, this already happened to Iran.
and it's nothing to be proud of, to say the least.
a gift to the Russians with a message "do not proceed beyond this point (please)", should work just fine at this point.
we took the wheat and grain fields of Ukraine from them and their allies.
breadlines as hidden weapon of war.
under Trump, this already happened to Iran.
and it's nothing to be proud of, to say the least.

Surely the "do not proceed beyond this point (or we'll fuck you up thank you)" with that point being THE BORDERS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. How does that sound? No? You think Russia has every right to invade whoever is within their "zone"????

I roll my eyes in your general direction.
Surely the "do not proceed beyond this point (or we'll fuck you up thank you)" with that point being THE BORDERS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. How does that sound? No? You think Russia has every right to invade whoever is within their "zone"????

I roll my eyes in your general direction.
yielding one strategically rather important country back to Russia on the lo-lo, is far wiser than to permanently anger the proverbial Russian bear.
and it doesn't mean we'd be yielding more countries to Russia either. i just frigging said that.
yielding one strategically rather important country back to Russia on the lo-lo, is far wiser than to permanently anger the proverbial Russian bear.
and it doesn't mean we'd be yielding more countries to Russia either. i just frigging said that.

If that's your idea of "wise" then I'd hate to see what you think is stupid.

Give Putin a centimeter, and he'll take you country, your wife and your balls.

Seems to be that you're pushing Putin to take over the whole of Europe. Get Lithuania, then it's essential to give him Estonia and Latvia, then after that Poland, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan... and then it just keeps growing.
i think it's far wiser to avoid war in that region by letting Lithuania slide back into the hands of the Russian Federation.
of cos 🇷🇺 ivan you think this way, ´cos you are a fanatical 🇷🇺Jihadist. But reality is : you produce 1 % of the world GDP, we more than 60%. + you are losing your the last imperial war in Ukraine. so sweet dreams ivan 🇷🇺 imperialist


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If that's your idea of "wise" then I'd hate to see what you think is stupid.

Give Putin a centimeter, and he'll take you country, your wife and your balls.

Seems to be that you're pushing Putin to take over the whole of Europe. Get Lithuania, then it's essential to give him Estonia and Latvia, then after that Poland, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan... and then it just keeps growing.
nonsense. which asylum are you at? i'd love to have a chat with the staff about your comms "rights" :p
of cos 🇷🇺 ivan you think this way, ´cos you are a fanatical 🇷🇺Jihadist. But reality is : you produce 1 % of the world GDP, we more than 60%. + you are losing your the last imperial war in Ukraine. so sweet dreams ivan 🇷🇺 imperialist

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oh, just coz i (as a westerner of course) advocate that the world's "superpowers" stop slaughtering eachother in recurring wars..
that makes me the jihadist working for Putin.
have you been smoking opium again?

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