One year in, GOP Solyndra investigation remains a gigantic nothingburger


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
One year in, GOP Solyndra investigation remains a gigantic nothingburger

One year ago today, Reps. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) — chairs of the House Energy Committee and Oversight Subcommittee respectively — sent a letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu “seeking documents and information about a $535 million loan guarantee … awarded to Solyndra, Inc.”

That letter marked the beginning of an investigation that has since involved 31 more congressional letters, five congressional committee hearings, nine congressional committee staff briefings, 187,000 pages of documents from the administration, 72,000 pages of documents from Solyndra investors, testimony from five administration officials from three different departments, and a sworn committee interview with an Obama “bundler.”
What are the results of this expansive (and no doubt expensive) investigation?

Bupkis. Nothing.

The Solyndra loan appears today, as it appeared a year ago, a decision made based on merits, undone by economic shifts in the international solar market, with embarrassing political optics. There has been no evidence of wrongdoing. There is no “scandal.”

(For details on Solyndra, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, [deep breath] here, here, and here. Attempts to unearth a scandal worthy to be called the “next Solyndra” have been no more fruitful: see here, here, and here.)

The wasted time and money have not daunted Upton and Stearns. They are still taking every opportunity to drop tidbits to the media about possible subpoenas, possible contempt charges, and narrowly averted subpoenas and contempt charges, working furiously to conjure the atmospherics of scandal. The media, of course, remains eager to aid them.

The investigation is no longer about wasted money or cronyism. If no damning evidence has emerged by now, the chances of it emerging in document 187,001 are remote. Instead, the investigation has become about … itself. It’s about keeping Solyndra in the news as an election-year attack on Obama. It’s about former moderates Stearns and Upton auditioning for roles in a Tea Party–dominated House. (Poor Upton, no matter how he tap dances, he just can’t seem to make the right applaud.)


More at the link.

HUGE Republican FAIL!!!
NOTHING the CONZ have is sticking this year.

It's looking like it could be a bloodbath for RepubliCONZ again.
I mean they have precisely SIX pieces of legislation to their credit in congress. Six. That's all the Republicans could agree to pass as they are in the majority in the House.

Two spending bills...a patent reform bill and trade agreements with South Korea, Columbia and Panama. Yup...that record CLEARLY shows how concerned they were with jobs and the deficit.

Good luck running on doing nothing and rehashing the fight America had about birth control four frickin decades ago.
White House budges on Solyndra probe -
Administration is FINALLY going to cooperate with the GOP investigation.

White House Agreement on Solyndra Testimony Averts Subpoenas - Bloomberg
The White House agreed to let four officials speak with congressional investigators about Solyndra LLC’s $535 million U.S. loan guarantee, averting a Republican attempt to compel their testimony by subpoena.
The committee has also given the White House until Feb. 21 to comply with a November subpoena for all Solyndra-related documents.
You want to bitch about the investigation... then bitch to the people not cooperating until now... the Obama administration.
Dear Leader fire his 'Jobs Czar' GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt yet? Corrupt Cronyism is out of control in this White House. And as usual, the American Taxpayer is paying for it. More of that 'Hope & Change' stuff i guess. :(
One year in, GOP Solyndra investigation remains a gigantic nothingburger

One year ago today, Reps. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) — chairs of the House Energy Committee and Oversight Subcommittee respectively — sent a letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu “seeking documents and information about a $535 million loan guarantee … awarded to Solyndra, Inc.”

That letter marked the beginning of an investigation that has since involved 31 more congressional letters, five congressional committee hearings, nine congressional committee staff briefings, 187,000 pages of documents from the administration, 72,000 pages of documents from Solyndra investors, testimony from five administration officials from three different departments, and a sworn committee interview with an Obama “bundler.”
What are the results of this expansive (and no doubt expensive) investigation?

Bupkis. Nothing.

The Solyndra loan appears today, as it appeared a year ago, a decision made based on merits, undone by economic shifts in the international solar market, with embarrassing political optics. There has been no evidence of wrongdoing. There is no “scandal.”

(For details on Solyndra, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, [deep breath] here, here, and here. Attempts to unearth a scandal worthy to be called the “next Solyndra” have been no more fruitful: see here, here, and here.)

The wasted time and money have not daunted Upton and Stearns. They are still taking every opportunity to drop tidbits to the media about possible subpoenas, possible contempt charges, and narrowly averted subpoenas and contempt charges, working furiously to conjure the atmospherics of scandal. The media, of course, remains eager to aid them.

The investigation is no longer about wasted money or cronyism. If no damning evidence has emerged by now, the chances of it emerging in document 187,001 are remote. Instead, the investigation has become about … itself. It’s about keeping Solyndra in the news as an election-year attack on Obama. It’s about former moderates Stearns and Upton auditioning for roles in a Tea Party–dominated House. (Poor Upton, no matter how he tap dances, he just can’t seem to make the right applaud.)


More at the link.

The "results" are as obvious today as they were last year. The Obama Administration did the 'ole crony capitalism thing for one of their big campaign contributors even though there were red flags all over the Solyndra loan guarantee. Is it illegal? No. Is it sleazy? Very much so.
One year in, GOP Solyndra investigation remains a gigantic nothingburger

One year ago today, Reps. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) — chairs of the House Energy Committee and Oversight Subcommittee respectively — sent a letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu “seeking documents and information about a $535 million loan guarantee … awarded to Solyndra, Inc.”

That letter marked the beginning of an investigation that has since involved 31 more congressional letters, five congressional committee hearings, nine congressional committee staff briefings, 187,000 pages of documents from the administration, 72,000 pages of documents from Solyndra investors, testimony from five administration officials from three different departments, and a sworn committee interview with an Obama “bundler.”
What are the results of this expansive (and no doubt expensive) investigation?

Bupkis. Nothing.

The Solyndra loan appears today, as it appeared a year ago, a decision made based on merits, undone by economic shifts in the international solar market, with embarrassing political optics. There has been no evidence of wrongdoing. There is no “scandal.”

(For details on Solyndra, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, [deep breath] here, here, and here. Attempts to unearth a scandal worthy to be called the “next Solyndra” have been no more fruitful: see here, here, and here.)

The wasted time and money have not daunted Upton and Stearns. They are still taking every opportunity to drop tidbits to the media about possible subpoenas, possible contempt charges, and narrowly averted subpoenas and contempt charges, working furiously to conjure the atmospherics of scandal. The media, of course, remains eager to aid them.

The investigation is no longer about wasted money or cronyism. If no damning evidence has emerged by now, the chances of it emerging in document 187,001 are remote. Instead, the investigation has become about … itself. It’s about keeping Solyndra in the news as an election-year attack on Obama. It’s about former moderates Stearns and Upton auditioning for roles in a Tea Party–dominated House. (Poor Upton, no matter how he tap dances, he just can’t seem to make the right applaud.)


More at the link.

One year? Is that all?

These things take time to investigate. Why it took seven years to investigate Clintons Whitewater and Lewinsky cases

Why should this be any faster? especially in an election year
White House budges on Solyndra probe -
Administration is FINALLY going to cooperate with the GOP investigation.

Change the subject much? :lol:

This is the next paragraph of the OP - where I cut off my snip:

The White House continues to hand over documents, even as Stearns and Upton squawk in the media about subpoenas. But how long can this circus go on? The media has given Republicans a year of overheated coverage and in exchange they’ve gotten vague hints and allegations that lead nowhere. Surely at some point they’ll get sick of being jerked around.
Dear Leader fire his 'Jobs Czar' GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt yet? Corrupt Cronyism is out of control in this White House. And as usual, the American Taxpayer is paying for it. More of that 'Hope & Change' stuff i guess. :(

this is related to the thread topic... how?
He doesn't know. He's just flailing, as usual. He isn't even aware of Dr. Paul's positions on the issues.
White House budges on Solyndra probe -
Administration is FINALLY going to cooperate with the GOP investigation.

Change the subject much? :lol:

This is the next paragraph of the OP - where I cut off my snip:

The White House continues to hand over documents, even as Stearns and Upton squawk in the media about subpoenas. But how long can this circus go on? The media has given Republicans a year of overheated coverage and in exchange they’ve gotten vague hints and allegations that lead nowhere. Surely at some point they’ll get sick of being jerked around.

cooperation is not handing over what you want, when you want, which is what's been going on for a year.
All big donor assholes. They're raping the American Taxpayer just to pay back the Dear Leader's big campaign donor assholes. It's criminal.

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