"One year on" is a popular newspaper title in Israel this Oct.7th anniversary. Will the world loudly condemn Hamas?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Will the world condemn Hamas for the over 100 hostages still held? Ultimstely if not for this attack the world (and Israel) wouldnt now know the extent of the underground tunnels, designed for perhaps an even worse attack in the future. The world wouldnt have known about all of the rockets from all directions Israel experienced on a daily basis. Iran wouldnt have been exposed. The arrogance in some corners of Israels government wouldnt have been exposed post security failure. There will be some errors, not unlike the post 911 attack for which even GWB has questioned himself in private Im sure. This doesnt mean that the original purveyor of the terror should not face consequences. It wont be a perfect response with many regrettable decisions and accidents but Israel has to defend their country in order to survive. RIP to all the innocent wno have perished due to the vile, inhumane terrorism of Oct 7th, one year ago today.

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