Open Borders = Child Labor and Trafficking. Well Done, Biden Admin.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
This stunning and heartbreaking article is from no less than the New York Times. Unaccompanied minors pouring over the border, mainly from Guatemala, rushed out of HHS protection so the Biden admin doesn't have those terrible optics. Many of them are as young as 12 years old and don't go to school, but work in factories. They are basically trafficked by their sponsors.

Open borders are not "humane" in most cases. As we see.

The meat packers just got caught yet again hiring 14 year olds to clean their plants. They avoid prosecution by 'contracting the cleaning out' to companies they control. The 'contractor' get a pissy little fine on Friday and they're back at it again Monday morning.

Neither Party is going to prosecute employers. Trump's admin went after a couple but the rest of the Party loves cheap illegal labor too so we will see only token efforts.

Some commie Mayor in southern Cali 'legalized' prostitution there and of course 12 and 13 year olds turned up on the streets immediately, trafficked by Guess Who, besides the usual biker scum.
The meat packers just got caught yet again hiring 14 year olds to clean their plants. They avoid prosecution by 'contracting the cleaning out' to companies they control. The 'contractor' get a pissy little fine on Friday and they're back at it again Monday morning.

Neither Party is going to prosecute employers. Trump's admin went after a couple but the rest of the Party loves cheap illegal labor too so we will see only token efforts.

Some commie Mayor in southern Cali 'legalized' prostitution there and of course 12 and 13 year olds turned up on the streets immediately, trafficked by Guess Who, besides the usual biker scum.

It is the corporations AND the govt together. Read the article.

But I think people have finally had enough.

Close the border, prosecute the corporations and the traffickers. Enough.
It is the corporations AND the govt together. Read the article.

But I think people have finally had enough.

Close the border, prosecute the corporations and the traffickers. Enough.

If states like Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and California hadn't legalized marijuana, those drug cartels wouldn't have had to diversify their operations to make up for the lost revenue.

I'm just saying.
This stunning and heartbreaking article is from no less than the New York Times. Unaccompanied minors pouring over the border, mainly from Guatemala, rushed out of HHS protection so the Biden admin doesn't have those terrible optics. Many of them are as young as 12 years old and don't go to school, but work in factories. They are basically trafficked by their sponsors.
Open borders are not "humane" in most cases. As we see.

Child labor is the one thing both parties can agree on.

The US Chamber of Commerce get their labor when young and the dems get their vote later by hook or crook.

The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce is one of the most anti-American business groups in the country. They are more like a mafia front than a business group.
The U.S. Chamber Of Commerce is one of the most anti-American business groups in the country. They are more like a mafia front than a business group.
In local elections if a gop hopeful is indorsed (more like induced) by the local chapter I will vote for a independent.....I think others are getting the hint too as we have elected more Indys than gopers for a while now....No dems.
In local elections if a gop hopeful is indorsed (more like induced) by the local chapter I will vote for a independent.....I think others are getting the hint too as we have elected more Indys than gopers for a while now....No dems.

Yes. Some conservatives and moderates have been noting these giant corporations are not our friends and certainly aren't promoting free markets and competition for a while now, and seem to get along really really well with Red China's Politburo and Mexican govt. criminals, among others.
Yes. Some conservatives and moderates have been noting these giant corporations are not our friends and certainly aren't promoting free markets and competition for a while now, and seem to get along really really well with Red China's Politburo and Mexican govt. criminals, among others.
In my AO they are akin to a cabal of local lawyers and developers whose only goal is to turn my AO into NOtVA for their personal/family enrichment.

The old ass fuckers are nearing their end so they don't care about the ruin they leave behind.....Then their sons/daughters take their place. Breaking that cycle is hard.
Did you not know this was going to happen? It should have been a clue when 200 300 minors had the same sponsor. The delivery flights for these workers was in the middle of the night.
Believe it or not, but it is not intended that these children live long. They will not grow up to be an adult that causes problems. There are thousands more in the pipeline.

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