Open borders for migrants. It's the least we can do


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2016
Pope Issues Fresh Call for Open-Door Policy Toward Migrants

Francis is correct, of course.

And an open door policy is not the same as ‘open borders.’

Migrants can be accommodated and controlled consistent with a given country’s immigration laws and policies, including provisions for prohibiting certain persons from entering a country and deportation.
How's that Vatican open door policy toward Migrants working out? Oh that's right, the Pope a Dope got him a great big ol WALL with a teeny tiny door. And there ain't no migrants coming through.

Rules for thee, and not for me.....
The popeness can keep his policies in that little castle he rules and leave the rest of the world that he has no rights to whatsoever alone.

WSJ needs a math lesson....his popeness already had his three and a half years his time is up.

Papacy began 13 March 2013
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Francis is correct, of course.

And an open door policy is not the same as ‘open borders.’

Migrants can be accommodated and controlled consistent with a given country’s immigration laws and policies, including provisions for prohibiting certain persons from entering a country and deportation.
hows that working out for the rape capital of the world?

they had 1-2 rapes a year, let in 'migrants' now they lead the world per capita.

the fucked thing is, you knew that story and still posted the ignorance.
Some may wonder: Why are top level leaders [Satanic minions] of Western Civilization, from pope on down, deliberately sabotaging/destroying Western Civilization ?

It's because you have to break eggs to make an omelet.

The NWOrder/world government is the "omelet" that is being made,

and ALL "sovereign" nations are the "eggs" that must be broken to make it.

Islam a big tool in breaking the eggs.
Economic collapse another big tool.

Racial conflict another big tool.

Nukes will also be used.

The NWOrder/world government is ORDAINED BY GOD to come into existence. There is no stopping the coming into being of the NWOrder/world government [which will be the throne of the coming final supreme "beast" first revealed in Revelation 13].

[Beast will rule 3.5 years .... and his reign ends the same day as Christ returns in power as per Rev 19]

The pope and such as POTUS Bush Sr openly and plainly revealed their enthusiasm and support for the coming NWOrder. MANY "elites" [Satan's hi-level minions] spoke likewise.

Revelation 13->forward reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else.

Thailand is the one and only nation that will not become a province of the world
government. Thailand will be a very unique significant way Jesus will “bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,...." Thailand will be Jesus's "burning bush" nation.


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