Lavrov has commented on the attacks on Hezbollah:
"Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced yesterday his appreciation for Iran not slipping into a large-scale military response, stressing that what is happening now is a provocation to Hezbollah by blowing up the pagers in order to make American intervention in the conflict inevitable.
Sky News Arabia quoted Lavrov as saying yesterday, Saturday: "We appreciate that Iran has not slipped into a large-scale military response," adding: "Regarding what is happening in Lebanon now, I believe that Hezbollah is acting with restraint compared to the capabilities it possesses. They want to provoke it in order to make American intervention in the war inevitable, and it seems to me that this danger is understood by the administration of US President Joe Biden, and of course, we do not want there to be a major war."
He stressed that the most important thing at this stage is to reach a complete ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories, resolve urgent humanitarian issues, resume aid in the required quantities, and necessarily, as a third step, start a serious dialogue on establishing a Palestinian state.
Lavrov said that for decades, UN resolutions stipulating the establishment of a Palestinian state have not been implemented, and almost nothing remains of the lands that were allocated for the establishment of that state.
Lavrov criticized the US strategy for dealing with the war in Gaza, stressing that Washington "supports the current Israeli leadership's violations of all norms of international humanitarian law."
He said that "the West sponsored and supported neo-Nazis to use them as a tool of war against Russia," adding: "No one wants a nuclear war, and we have said this repeatedly," stressing that the West's permission for Ukraine to strike deep into Russian territory means a direct war between Russia and NATO."
أعلن وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف أمس، عن تقديره لعدم انزلاق إيران إلى رد عسكري واسع النطاق، مؤكداً أن ما يتم حالياً هو بمثابة استفزاز لحزب اللـه من خلال تفجير أجهزة الـ«بيجر» من أجل جعل التدخل الأميركي في الصراع أمراً لا مفر منه. قناة «سكاي نيوز عربية» نقلت عن لافروف قوله أمس السبت: «نقدر...
I do not agree with his assessment. My opinion is based on the fact that if Israel was looking for confrontation involving the US, there could be no worse time to do this as the US stocks are largely empty and were so almost a year ago, when Hamas started its inhumane terrorist operation. Get it first-hand from Biden: