Opposition to mRNA Injections now considered a CRIME in France


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Preparations to Decease X (according to Schwab & Co ten times more deadly as CONvid-1984 SCAMdemic) going on.
If you reject the Holy mRNA quackcine you will thrown behind bar and additionally fined.
From now your body doesn't belong to you but to satanists who run any former white Christian country.
Still hope 'elections' will change something?
Nothing will be changed, when so-called 'elections' could alter even the smallest part of the satanist's agenda they would have been prohibited immediately

Violators face 45,000 euro fine and three years in prison for questioning “the science.”

This is the 4th or 5th time this has been posted and unless you read some far right site there seems to be zero verification of this anywhere.

Hint: When you click on a site and the first thing you see is Alex Jones, do some more research.
This is the 4th or 5th time this has been posted and unless you read some far right site there seems to be zero verification of this anywhere.

Hint: When you click on a site and the first thing you see is Alex Jones, do some more research.

Yes, of course, I shall give more trust to CNN's Amanpour, Anderson or Cooper
Are you joking?

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