Our 498 Never To Be Forgotten Heroes


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
23 years ago at this time, within the period of merely an hour, these 498 first responders--- firefighters, law enforcement officers, and emergency medical personnel all perished in the horrid terror attack on the USA. All in all, 2,977 people all died that day at this very time nearly a quarter century ago now, but we can never forget. There is nothing these heroes could have done to prevent that terrible day, but all these people gave their lives that day hoping and trying against all odds under unthinkable conditions trying to save those still alive trapped above that they could, and here are their names:

Joseph Agnello
Brian G. Ahearn
Eric Allen
Richard Dennis Allen
James M. Amato
Joseph Amatuccio
Christopher Charles Amoroso
Craig Scott Amundson
Calixto Anaya, Jr.
Joseph Angelini, Sr.
Joseph John Angelini, Jr.
Faustino Apostol, Jr.
David Gregory Arce
Louis Arena
Carl Francis Asaro
Gregg A. Atlas
Gerald Thomas Atwood
Gerard Baptiste
Gerard A. Barbara
James William Barbella
Matthew Barnes
Melissa Rose Barnes
Arthur Thaddeus Barry
Maurice Vincent Barry
Steven Joseph Bates
Carl John Bedigian
Stephen Elliot Belson
John P. Bergin
Paul Michael Beyer
Peter Alexander Bielfeld
Brian Eugene Bilcher
Carl Vincent Bini
Kris Romeo Bishundat
Christopher Joseph Blackwell
Michael L. Bocchino
Lawrence Francis Boisseau
Frank J. Bonomo
Canfield D. Boone
Gary R. Box
Michael Boyle
Kevin Hugh Bracken
Michael E. Brennan
Peter Brennan
Daniel J. Brethel
Patrick John Brown
Andrew Brunn
Vincent Edward Brunton
Ronald Bucca
Greg J. Buck
Christopher L. Burford
William Francis Burke, Jr.
Donald J. Burns
John Patrick Burnside
Thomas M. Butler
Patrick Dennis Byrne
Daniel M. Caballero
George C. Cain
Salvatore B. Calabro
Edward Calderon
Jose O. Calderon-Olmedo
Francis Joseph Callahan
Liam Callahan
Michael F. Cammarata
Brian Cannizzaro
Dennis M. Carey, Sr.
Michael Scott Carlo
Michael T. Carroll
Peter J. Carroll
Thomas Anthony Casoria
Michael Joseph Cawley
Vernon Paul Cherry
Nicholas Paul Chiofalo
John G. Chipura
Robert D. Cirri, Sr.
Michael J. Clarke
Steven Coakley
Tarel Coleman
John Michael Collins
Robert Joseph Cordice
Ruben D. Correa
James J. Corrigan, Ret.
John G. Coughlin
James Raymond Coyle
Eric A. Cranford
Robert James Crawford
John A. Crisci
Dennis A. Cross
Thomas Patrick Cullen III
Robert Curatolo
Michael Sean Curtin
Carlos S. da Costa
John D’Allara
Vincent G. Danz
Edward A. D’Atri
Michael D. D’Auria
Scott Matthew Davidson
Clinton Davis, Sr.
Edward James Day
Thomas Patrick DeAngelis
Gerald F. DeConto
Manuel Del Valle, Jr.
Francis Albert De Martini
Martin N. DeMeo
David Paul DeRubbio
Andrew J. Desperito
Dennis Lawrence Devlin
Gerard P. Dewan
Jerry D. Dickerson
George DiPasquale
Johnnie Doctor, Jr.
Robert E. Dolan, Jr.
Jerome Mark Patrick Dominguez
Kevin W. Donnelly
William H. Donovan
Kevin Christopher Dowdell
Raymond Matthew Downey, Sr.
Stephen Patrick Driscoll
Gerard J. Duffy
Patrick Dunn
Edward T. Earhart
Martin J. Egan, Jr.
Michael J. Elferis
Mark Joseph Ellis
Robert R. Elseth
Francis Esposito
Michael A. Esposito
Robert Edward Evans
Keith George Fairben
Jamie L. Fallon
John Joseph Fanning
Thomas James Farino
Terrence Patrick Farrell
Joseph D. Farrelly
Robert Fazio, Jr.
William M. Feehan
Lee S. Fehling
Alan D. Feinberg
Michael C. Fiore
John R. Fischer
Richard P. Fitzsimons
Andre G. Fletcher
Matthew M. Flocco
John Joseph Florio
Michael N. Fodor
Thomas J. Foley
David J. Fontana
Donald A. Foreman
Robert Joseph Foti
Clyde Frazier, Jr.
Andrew Fredericks
Peter L. Freund
Gregg J. Froehner
Thomas Gambino, Jr.
Peter James Ganci, Jr.
Charles William Garbarini
Thomas A. Gardner
Matthew David Garvey
Bruce Gary
Gary Paul Geidel
Edward F. Geraghty
Denis P. Germain
Lawrence D. Getzfred
Vincent Francis Giammona
James Andrew Giberson
Ronnie E. Gies
Paul John Gill
Rodney C. Gillis
John F. Ginley
Jeffrey John Giordano
John Giordano
Keith Alexander Glascoe
Thomas Edward Gorman
James Michael Gray
Kenneth George Grouzalis
Joseph Grzelak
Richard J. Guadagno
Jose A. Guadalupe
Geoffrey E. Guja
Joseph P. Gullickson
David Halderman
Vincent Gerard Halloran
Robert W. Hamilton
Sean S. Hanley
Thomas Paul Hannafin
Dana Rey Hannon
Daniel Edward Harlin
Harvey L. Harrell
Stephen G. Harrell
Thomas Theodore Haskell, Jr.
Timothy Shawn Haskell
Leonard W. Hatton, Jr.
Terence S. Hatton
Michael Helmut Haub
Philip T. Hayes, Ret.
Michael K. Healey
John F. Heffernan
Ronald John Hemenway
Ronnie Lee Henderson
Joseph Patrick Henry
William L. Henry, Jr.
Thomas J. Hetzel
Brian Christopher Hickey
Timothy Brian Higgins
Wallace Cole Hogan, Jr.
Jonathan R. Hohmann
Thomas P. Holohan
Uhuru G. Houston
George Gerard Howard
Stephen Huczko, Jr.
Joseph Gerard Hunter
Stephen N. Hyland, Jr.
Walter G. Hynes
Jonathan Lee Ielpi
Frederick J. Ill, Jr.
Anthony P. Infante, Jr.
Lacey Bernard Ivory
Dennis M. Johnson
William R. Johnston
Andrew Brian Jordan, Sr.
Karl Henry Joseph
Anthony Jovic
Angel L. Juarbe, Jr.
Mychal F. Judge
Paul William Jurgens
Thomas Edward Jurgens
Vincent D. Kane
Douglas Gene Karpiloff
Charles L. Kasper
Robert Michael Kaulfers
Paul Hanlon Keating
Richard John Kelly, Jr.
Thomas Richard Kelly
Thomas W. Kelly
Thomas J. Kennedy
Ronald T. Kerwin
Michael Vernon Kiefer
Robert King, Jr.
Ronald Philip Kloepfer
Scott Michael Kopytko
William Edward Krukowski
Kenneth Bruce Kumpel
Thomas Joseph Kuveikis
David James LaForge
William David Lake
Michael S. Lamana
Robert T. Lane
Peter J. Langone
Thomas Michael Langone
Scott Larsen
Paul Laszczynski
James Patrick Leahy
Joseph Gerard Leavey
Neil J. Leavy
David Prudencio Lemagne
John Joseph Lennon, Jr.
John Dennis Levi
Daniel F. Libretti
Carlos R. Lillo
Robert Thomas Linnane
Stephen V. Long
Joseph Lovero
James Francis Lynch
Michael Francis Lynch
Michael T. Francis Lynch
Michael J. Lyons
Nehamon Lyons IV
Patrick John Lyons
Joseph Maffeo
William J. Mahoney
Joseph E. Maloney
Joseph Ross Marchbanks, Jr.
Charles Joseph Margiotta
Kenneth Joseph Marino
John Daniel Marshall
Peter C. Martin
Paul Richard Martini
Joseph A. Mascali
Dean E. Mattson
Timothy J. Maude
Keithroy Marcellus Maynard
Robert J. Mayo
Kathy N. Mazza
Brian Gerard McAleese
John Kevin McAvoy
Thomas Joseph McCann
Brian Grady McDonnell
William E. McGinn
William J. McGovern
Dennis P. McHugh
Donald James McIntyre
Robert D. McMahon
Walter Arthur McNeil
Robert William McPadden
Terence A. McShane
Timothy Patrick McSweeney
Martin E. McWilliams
Raymond Meisenheimer
Charles R. Mendez
Steve John Mercado
Yamel Josefina Merino
Ronald D. Milam
Craig J. Miller
Douglas C. Miller
Henry Alfred Miller, Jr.
Charles M. Mills, Jr.
Robert J. Minara
Thomas Mingione
Paul Thomas Mitchell
Louis Joseph Modafferi
Dennis Mojica
Manuel D. Mojica, Jr.
Carl Molinaro
Michael G. Montesi
Thomas Carlo Moody
Richard Moore
John Michael Moran
Vincent S. Morello
Richard J. Morgan
Ferdinand V. Morrone
Brian A. Moss
Christopher Michael Mozzillo
Richard T. Muldowney, Jr.
Michael D. Mullan
Dennis Michael Mulligan
Patrick Jude Murphy
Raymond E. Murphy
Robert B. Nagel
John Philip Napolitano
Joseph M. Navas
Pete Negron
James A. Nelson
Peter Allen Nelson
Gerard Terence Nevins
Alfonse Joseph Niedermeyer
Michael A. Noeth
Dennis Patrick O’Berg
Daniel O’Callaghan
Douglas E. Oelschlager
Joseph J. Ogren
Thomas G. O’Hagan
Samuel Oitice
Patrick J. O’Keefe
William O’Keefe
Eric Taube Olsen
Jeffrey James Olsen
Steven John Olson
Kevin M. O’Rourke
David Ortiz
Michael John Otten
Jeffrey Matthew Palazzo
Orio Joseph Palmer
Frank Anthony Palombo
Jonas Martin Panik
Paul J. Pansini
John M. Paolillo
Salvatore T. Papasso
James Nicholas Pappageorge
James Wendell Parham
Robert Parro
Clifford L. Patterson, Jr.
Richard Allen Pearlman
Durrell V. Pearsall, Jr.
Glenn C. Perry, Sr.
John William Perry
Philip Scott Petti
Glen Kerrin Pettit
Dominick A. Pezzulo
Kevin J. Pfeifer
Kenneth John Phelan, Sr.
Christopher J. Pickford
William Howard Pohlmann
Darin H. Pontell
Shawn Edward Powell
Vincent A. Princiotta
Kevin M. Prior
Richard A. Prunty
Joseph J. Pycior, Jr.
Lincoln Quappé
Michael T. Quilty
Ricardo J. Quinn
Leonard J. Ragaglia
Eugene J. Raggio
Michael Paul Ragusa
Edward J. Rall
Adam David Rand
Marsha D. Ratchford
Donald J. Regan
Robert M. Regan
Christian Michael Otto Regenhard
Kevin O. Reilly
Bruce Albert Reynolds
Francis Saverio Riccardelli
Vernon Allan Richard
Claude Daniel Richards
Jimmy Riches
Joseph R. Rivelli, Jr.
Michael E. Roberts
Michael Edward Roberts
Antonio José Rodrigues
Anthony Rodriguez
Richard Rodriguez
Matthew Rogan
Keith Michael Roma
James A. Romito
Nicholas P. Rossomando
Timothy Alan Roy, Sr.
Paul G. Ruback
Stephen P. Russell
Michael Thomas Russo, Sr.
William R. Ruth
Matthew L. Ryan
Thomas E. Sabella
Christopher A. Santora
John August Santore
Gregory Thomas Saucedo
David M. Scales
Dennis Scauso
John Albert Schardt
Fred C. Scheffold, Jr.
Robert A. Schlegel
Thomas G. Schoales
Gerard Patrick Schrang
Mark Schwartz
Dan F. Shanower
Gregory Sikorsky
Stephen Gerard Siller
Jeff Lyal Simpson
Sirius – K9
John P. Skala
Stanley S. Smagala, Jr.
Gregg H. Smallwood
Kevin Joseph Smith
Leon Smith, Jr.
Moira Ann Smith
Robert W. Spear, Jr.
Joseph Patrick Spor, Jr.
Lawrence T. Stack
Timothy M. Stackpole
Gregory Stajk
Jeffrey Stark
Edward Thomas Strauss
Larry L. Strickland
Walwyn Wellington Stuart, Jr.
Benjamin Suarez
Ramon Suarez
Daniel Thomas Suhr
David Marc Sullins
Christopher P. Sullivan
Brian Edward Sweeney
Sean Patrick Tallon
Paul Talty
Allan Tarasiewicz
Kip P. Taylor
Paul A. Tegtmeier
William H. Thompson
Tamara C. Thurman
John Patrick Tierney
Kenneth Tietjen
John James Tipping II
Hector Luis Tirado, Jr.
Otis V. Tolbert
Santos Valentin, Jr.
R. Bruce Van Hine
Ronald J. Vauk
Peter Vega
Lawrence G. Veling
John T. Vigiano II
Joseph Vincent Vigiano
Sergio Gabriel Villanueva
Lawrence Virgilio
Karen J. Wagner
Mitchel Scott Wallace
Robert Francis Wallace
Jeffrey P. Walz
Michael Warchola
Patrick J. Waters
Kenneth Thomas Watson
Walter Edward Weaver
Nathaniel Webb
Michael T. Weinberg
David M. Weiss
Chin Sun Pak Wells
Timothy Matthew Welty
Eugene Michael Whelan
Edward James White III
Maudlyn A. White
Mark P. Whitford
Michael T. Wholey
Glenn E. Wilkinson
David Lucian Williams
Dwayne Williams
John P. Williamson
Glenn J. Winuk
David Terence Wooley
William Wren, Ret.
Kevin W. Yokum
Raymond R. York
Donald McArthur Young

I won't try to list the other 2,500 people who died that day, at the World Trade Center, at the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pa., but they CAN all be found here:

May they all rest in peace.

See the source image
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Someone did something.
Yes, and critical and informed thinkers know who dunit.

It's interesting that the list does not include Matt Tartaglia of Perkasie PA who worked all day on the pile and was nuke decontaminated. He lost his teeth not long after and died from radiation poisoning.
Yes, and critical and informed thinkers know who dunit.

It's interesting that the list does not include Matt Tartaglia of Perkasie PA who worked all day on the pile and was nuke decontaminated. He lost his teeth not long after and died from radiation poisoning.

He is probably in the attached link. I believe the names above only pertain to emergency responders who were at the WTC and died in the immediate collapse, or maybe his name was an oversight missed by whoever compiled the list.

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