Our most excellent POTUS Biden has forgiven student debt

our education system shouldn't be teaching people to be for or against anything in particular. it should teach them critical thinking for THEMSELVES and how to come to their own conclusions.
I think the conclusion most critical thinkers are coming to is that right wing nut job policies are wrong and bad for society. It's just that people like you dont like the conclusion, so therefore our educational system must be run by a bunch of communists. Look up cognitive dissonance. You're probably suffering from it.
I think the conclusion most critical thinkers are coming to is that right wing nut job policies are wrong and bad for society. It's just that people like you dont like the conclusion, so therefore our educational system must be run by a bunch of communists. Look up cognitive dissonance. You're probably suffering from it.
ok - im sorry. who the fuck are you again?

nevermind. my apathy to you just kicked in.

save your preaching son. you misread me my many many miles.
ok - im sorry. who the fuck are you again?

nevermind. my apathy to you just kicked in.

save your preaching son. you misread me my many many miles.
Who am I? I'm the same guy that thanked you for a couple posts in another thread in which we agreed.
Your assumption that a particular political parties beliefs are being taught over anothers is ludicrous.
So if we teach kids about racism ie slavery and Jim Crowe, that is telling them what to think? Or are you saying we should be teaching that there "are good people on both sides" and also give kids the viewpoint that slavery and racism isnt so bad?
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Who am I? I'm the same guy that thanked you for a couple posts in another thread in which we agreed.
Your assumption that a particular political parties beliefs are being taught over anothers is ludicrous.
So if we teach kids about racism ie slavery and Jim Crowe, that is telling them what to think? Or are you saying we should be teaching that there "are good people on both sides" and also give kids the viewpoint that slavery and racism isnt so bad?

they are being taught over parent objections.

all there is to it.
That is because you did not need a college degree in 1780, you do now.
No longer can you homestead 200 acres and live off hunting.
Not you have to pay rent and buy food.
But when I went to college, my student debt was $7k, and now students are coming out $120k in debt.
They will never be able to pay that back and ever be able to buy a house.
Doesn't mean it becomes a federal government issue.
If it does, you can see tuition going up exponentially just because the government
does pay for it.

they are being taught over parent objections.

all there is to it.
So what are you saying.....that kids shouldnt be taught about slavery or Jim Crowe?

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.....racists dont want their kids to learn that racists are bad people.


Well I guess that solves everything. If parents dont want something taught in school, then by god it shouldnt be taught in school, right? Back to the stone ages we go!
so if I become a school board member, I can decide what to teach your child and you have zero say.

this seems to be what you aew advocating. anyone who questions it you deem as racist.

frankly, that's bullshit.
How are you being punished? Your taxes arent going up because of this. "You dont want anything". Thats your problem. You want ZERO return on your tax dollars. Then you wouldnt have anything to complain about. At the same time, you dont want anyone to benefit either. I guess you just want your tax dollars to go into some dark hole where nobody gets any return.

The cost of college in the last 30 years has far outpaced any gains in salary. So nobody is supposed to further their education? This is righting a wrong and I applaud it.

Think of it like this......just imagine the policy was in place to pay for college education instead of it being retroactive. Maybe that will help you mentally cope with it.
Where do you think this money is coming from? The magic college fund fairy? The government (ie you and me) is just going to absorb the debt. It doenst just disappear. So yes you, me and every other tax payer are now on the hook for these people's bad decision making. I DONT WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO PAY FOR MY COLLEGE EITHER YOU FUCKTARD. It's not their place or responsibility. That's about 80% of the problem right now everyone is just looking to see where they can get theirs with no regard for the fact that they are fucking everyone's future to get it today, including their own. Im not opposed to helping people who are truly down and out, just ran into some bad luck but it's not the government's responsibility to pay off your debt because it's inconvenient for you which is by and large what we are doing here.

How does forgiving the debt make college cheaper for anyone? Oh it doesnt. In fact this will likely drive the cost of college upwards, just like when the government started guaranteeing the loans in the first place and then eventually just took them over whole sale. Every moron with a C average in HS got to go to college and the banks/lenders were happy to give them loans because it was zero risk.
You'll notice it isnt the sole cause. And subsidized student loans have been around for a long time. Long before college costs sky rocketed. So we agree. Get rid of the loans and just extend K-12 to K-16.
Ahh yes just let the Government run it. Im sure that will cut costs…… I mean every gov program Ive ever heard of has been under budget.……

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