Our most excellent POTUS Biden has forgiven student debt

I think the conclusion most critical thinkers are coming to is that right wing nut job policies are wrong and bad for society. It's just that people like you dont like the conclusion, so therefore our educational system must be run by a bunch of communists. Look up cognitive dissonance. You're probably suffering from it.

WTF? What conclusions & critical thoughts would that be, pick one....

1. You're rewarded for your mistakes
2. The govt. can spoil as well as parents.
3. We don't learn from our mistakes & failures, the govt. has your back.
4. We pick & choose winners who are losers. Some losers win, some losers lose.
5. Responsible people making good decisions pay for themselves and for those who cannot.
6. If you met your college obligations too fucking bad.
7. The education system sucks.
8. Liberal institutions are all fucked up.
9. The miseducation system is primarily liberal.
10. Liberal is really code for communism & confusion, everyday is opposite day and loads of projection.
11. Combination of the above.
Educating people is useless? Yet you have no problem overspending in the US military. We have free public education up through grade 12. Why not 4 more years? Why is that such a bad thing? Why do people have a problem getting a return on their tax dollar? Oh wait you're probably retired and if it doesnt benefit you directly, it's a waste, right?

Hey look, another clueless liberal who apparently doesn't understand the definition of 'free.' Here's a hint, public schools are not 'free.' Government spending does NOT equal 'free.'
so if I become a school board member, I can decide what to teach your child and you have zero say.

this seems to be what you aew advocating. anyone who questions it you deem as racist.

frankly, that's bullshit.
Never said any of that. But I'd be REAL interested to hear parents reasoning as to why the history of slavery, Jim Crowe, segregation and the like should not be taught in schools. All this CRT bullshit is exactly that. Bullshit. You've got moron parents showing up to school boards flailing around like a bunch of hyped up chimps complaining about CRT when their schools dont even teach it. I will guarantee you if pathological liars like Tucker werent hyping all this culture war bullshit, none of this would be going on.
You'll notice it isnt the sole cause. And subsidized student loans have been around for a long time. Long before college costs sky rocketed. So we agree. Get rid of the loans and just extend K-12 to K-16.

You'll notice it isnt the sole cause.

I noticed it was the cause that allowed the other 3 causes.

And subsidized student loans have been around for a long time.


And have the amounts been increasing? A lot?

So we agree. Get rid of the loans and just extend K-12 to K-16.

Get rid of government loans.
If you want the government to pay for college, do it for the top 10%-20% of students.
so you assumed I'm racist vs discuss the issue.
Never said you were a racist nor did I ever imply it. I did say "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.....racists dont want their kids to learn that racists are bad people." which doesnt even reference you so I have no clue how you would interpret that as me calling you a racist. I stand by that quote that a lot of racists dont want their kids to know they are racists and they certainly dont want to be known as racists. To them, they are just like all their other hard working American friends that are also racists.
Never said any of that. But I'd be REAL interested to hear parents reasoning as to why the history of slavery, Jim Crowe, segregation and the like should not be taught in schools. All this CRT bullshit is exactly that. Bullshit. You've got moron parents showing up to school boards flailing around like a bunch of hyped up chimps complaining about CRT when their schools dont even teach it. I will guarantee you if pathological liars like Tucker werent hyping all this culture war bullshit, none of this would be going on.

But I'd be REAL interested to hear parents reasoning as to why the history of slavery, Jim Crowe, segregation and the like should not be taught in schools.

I went to school a while ago. All those things were taught.

All this CRT bullshit is exactly that.

Exactly. So stop wasting time and money on it.
Never said any of that. But I'd be REAL interested to hear parents reasoning as to why the history of slavery, Jim Crowe, segregation and the like should not be taught in schools. All this CRT bullshit is exactly that. Bullshit. You've got moron parents showing up to school boards flailing around like a bunch of hyped up chimps complaining about CRT when their schools dont even teach it. I will guarantee you if pathological liars like Tucker werent hyping all this culture war bullshit, none of this would be going on.
I was taught all that in the 80s so it must have been in history classes.

and now you call people who disagree with you pathological liars.

so, if lying is wrong, are you just as upset about Biden's lies?
Never said you were a racist nor did I ever imply it. I did say "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.....racists dont want their kids to learn that racists are bad people." which doesnt even reference you so I have no clue how you would interpret that as me calling you a racist. I stand by that quote that a lot of racists dont want their kids to know they are racists and they certainly dont want to be known as racists. To them, they are just like all their other hard working American friends that are also racists.

racists dont want their kids to learn that racists are bad people."

But enough about Joe Biden and the Dems.
Never said you were a racist nor did I ever imply it. I did say "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.....racists dont want their kids to learn that racists are bad people." which doesnt even reference you so I have no clue how you would interpret that as me calling you a racist. I stand by that quote that a lot of racists dont want their kids to know they are racists and they certainly dont want to be known as racists. To them, they are just like all their other hard working American friends that are also racists.
and a lot of people who dont want it taught you. blindly call racist for ONLY that reason.

don't make your short sightedness my issue.

You'll notice it isnt the sole cause. And subsidized student loans have been around for a long time. Long before college costs sky rocketed. So we agree. Get rid of the loans and just extend K-12 to K-16.
Comprehension just isn't your friend, John. Your view is naïve and you really don't understand.
I used to work in an industry where we manufactured torque wrenches for several private companies and the US government.
We had a price for each private company and a universal tolerance range for accuracy.
We then had an inflated price for the US government and a more liberal tolerance range for accuracy.

Nothing has changed and the government doesn't care, not their dime. It's the taxpayers dime. Wake up, dude.
I went to school a while ago. All those things were taught.
I never said they werent.

Exactly. So stop wasting time and money on it.
My point is these idiots are fighting against something that doesnt exist. Just like with election fraud. It just shows how easily you are manipulated. I love seeing these animals at these school board meetings RAGE about teaching CRT (which these dumb fucks dont even know what CRT is). Then the school board is like "uh, we dont teach CRT". It's hilarious!
I never said they werent.

My point is these idiots are fighting against something that doesnt exist. Just like with election fraud. It just shows how easily you are manipulated. I love seeing these animals at these school board meetings RAGE about teaching CRT (which these dumb fucks dont even know what CRT is). Then the school board is like "uh, we dont teach CRT". It's hilarious!
What is CRT, John? please explain
Comprehension just isn't your friend, John. Your view is naïve and you really don't understand.
I used to work in an industry where we manufactured torque wrenches for several private companies and the US government.
We had a price for each private company and a universal tolerance range for accuracy.
We then had an inflated price for the US government and a more liberal tolerance range for accuracy.

Nothing has changed and the government doesn't care, not their dime. It's the taxpayers dime. Wake up, dude.
Yep my mistake. I forgot everything is a conspiracy with you.
Comprehension just isn't your friend, John. Your view is naïve and you really don't understand.
I used to work in an industry where we manufactured torque wrenches for several private companies and the US government.
We had a price for each private company and a universal tolerance range for accuracy.
We then had an inflated price for the US government and a more liberal tolerance range for accuracy.

Nothing has changed and the government doesn't care, not their dime. It's the taxpayers dime. Wake up, dude.
By the way, nice ad hominem logical fallacy.

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