Our Next Crisis - Rare Earth


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
Can the United States do anything to reverse a dangerous dependence on crucial mineral supplies that put our future military security in the hands of China? We may be about to find out.

The challenge to our future security was outlined in a grim, largely overlooked report from the U.S. Geological Survey. In stark terms, it demonstrated that the U.S. is 100 percent reliant on foreign producers for at least 20 elements and minerals, some of them of strategic importance to our military. The most common source: China.

As Bellwether noted last week, a group of 17 materials, known collectively as rare earths, are produced almost exclusively by China. That’s the country President Trump has labelled a currency manipulator and trade cheat and which he has vowed to bring to heel in future bilateral negotiations.

The USGS report, points out other metal deficiencies, and raises serious questions about how much leverage the U.S. will have over China. Almost all the minerals in question are essential components needed for advanced fighter bombers, satellite guided missiles and catapults that launch planes from the decks of aircraft carriers.

“That 2017 USGS report is not fake news,” says George Byers, a 40-year mining industry veteran and rare earth expert. “You have 29 or 30 studies on critical materials, including rare earths that go back to the early ‘90s. The outcome of each study is to declare ‘we have a crisis, let’s do something about it.’ But all they do about it, is to ask for another study.”

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), plans to introduce legislation this month to require the U.S. military to obtain rare earths that are produced in America, even if it means subsidizing those industries.

“This is of critical importance to our national security and ability to stay ahead of everyone else,” Hunter told me. “Rare earth metals are crucial. We’ve closed down mines in my own state of California, which is the leading edge of stupid.

“We need to have our own rare earths. The big sticking part of the bill is this. You have to put money in to subsidize our own product to create a market, because now there’s no market. We’ve got to put American manufacturing back in competition.”

We have a national security crisis: Let's do nothing
That's why it is so important to make peace with Russia and develop trade and actual military alliance. China is the main threat. China couldn't take on a U.S. - Russia alliance.
Rare Earths are only a problem because Senator feinsteins husband is the sole dealer in Chinese rare earth minerals. She was the most responsible politician for placing our abundant rare earth deposits into the Death Valley National Park where they can't be mined. Prior to her actions they were available.
Rare Earths are only a problem because Senator feinsteins husband is the sole dealer in Chinese rare earth minerals. She was the most responsible politician for placing our abundant rare earth deposits into the Death Valley National Park where they can't be mined. Prior to her actions they were available.
In case of a conflict that "monument" bullshit will be gone, hopefully.
Japan breaks China's stranglehold on rare metals with sea-mud bonanza

Japan breaks China's stranglehold on rare metals with sea-mud bonanza

Japanese scientists have found vast reserves of rare earth metals on the Pacific seabed that can be mined cheaply, a discovery that may break the Chinese monopoly on a crucial raw material needed in hi-tech industries and advanced weapons systems.
The team of scientists from Japan's Agency for Marine-Earth Science and the University of Tokyo first discovered huge reserves in the mid-Pacific two years ago. These are now thought to be 1000 times all land-based deposits, some of it in French waters around Tahiti.

The latest discovery is in Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone in deep-sea mud around the island of Minami-Torishima at 5,700 meters below sea level. Although it is very deep, the deposits are in highly-concentrated nodules that can be extracted using pressurised air with minimal disturbance off the seafloor and no need for the leaching

Now let's be nice to Japan.

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