Our President Speaks


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
The Great Man Speaks:“The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my … vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving myself to you. The American people should have no patience for what’s going on in your head because you’ve got a job to do. People should only run for president if they’re willing to make that sacrifice.” Barack Obama, NY Times 2008 August, 2014 | The Daily Caller...

How fucking pathetically sad for the country. The 'Takers'/OJ jury voted him in b/c he promised them more "free shit"
BOBO will go down in history as the first and last 'Affirmative Action' President.
Hillary will be wearing huge flower print dresses with matching hat and gloves photoed coming out of S. Baptist churches next year.
Oh, God, not this bullshit again.

Obama has been on a third as many vacations as George W. Bush had at this point in his presidency | Mail Online

George W. Bush had 391 vacation days at the 5 and a half year mark of his presidency.

After this vacation by Obama, he'll be at 129 days at the same mark of his presidency.

Now bugger off, troll.

Bush went to his home, which was the Oval Office II, it was set up with everything he needed to be in constant communication with everyone for emergencies. That, was his "vacation.

Obama goes all over the world and does not have everything in place for emergency contingencies as demonstrated in his most recent return to the White House today.
Oh, God, not this bullshit again.

Obama has been on a third as many vacations as George W. Bush had at this point in his presidency | Mail Online

George W. Bush had 391 vacation days at the 5 and a half year mark of his presidency.

After this vacation by Obama, he'll be at 129 days at the same mark of his presidency.

Now bugger off, troll.


Did Bush say ......"and in turn my vacations, leisure is gone"?
BOBO is just an empty suit. Great teeth. Sings well. Dances great. Great Tele-Promtor speeches preaching to the converted.
The man has no substance. Bottom line.
I'd have interviewed him for a job as a night shift McDonalds supervisor and turned him down.
Most sentient people know in their bones the man is a poser. Always has been.
Oh, God, not this bullshit again.

Obama has been on a third as many vacations as George W. Bush had at this point in his presidency | Mail Online

George W. Bush had 391 vacation days at the 5 and a half year mark of his presidency.

After this vacation by Obama, he'll be at 129 days at the same mark of his presidency.

Now bugger off, troll.


Did Bush say ......"and in turn my vacations, leisure is gone"?
BOBO is just an empty suit. Great teeth. Sings well. Dances great. Great Tele-Promtor speeches preaching to the converted.
The man has no substance. Bottom line.
I'd have interviewed him for a job as a night shift McDonalds supervisor and turned him down.
Most sentient people know in their bones the man is a poser. Always has been.

Please stop speaking like a child.
Did Bush say ......"and in turn my vacations, leisure is gone"?

No, he said we shouldn't be nation building, then sacrificed thousands of American lives doing just that. Obama's still cleaning up that mess, so all this whining about vacation days is total BS.
Oh, God, not this bullshit again.

Obama has been on a third as many vacations as George W. Bush had at this point in his presidency | Mail Online

George W. Bush had 391 vacation days at the 5 and a half year mark of his presidency.

After this vacation by Obama, he'll be at 129 days at the same mark of his presidency.

Now bugger off, troll.


YOU MISSED THE POINT!!!! Went right over your head!!!'
Obama piously and pathetically fawning for votes SAID:
FLASHBACK: Obama Promises No Vacations For Himself As President [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone,” Obama said. “I am giving myself to you.”

THIS IDIOT KNEW that IDIOTS like you would buy this drivel! Would love to hear this oh so pious attitude!
Bull shit this is pure bull shit!
Why are people like YOU so gullible to think this thread had anything to do with how many vacations???
IT was because IDIOTS like you fell hook line and sinker for this con man's "giving myself to you"!
Now we will hear about how ALL politicians lie....

Gimme a fucking break. The man ran on a platform of bipartisanship, 100% attention to the position of president, transparency and changing the way we do things in Washington.

How did that go?
Oh, God, not this bullshit again.

Obama has been on a third as many vacations as George W. Bush had at this point in his presidency | Mail Online

George W. Bush had 391 vacation days at the 5 and a half year mark of his presidency.

After this vacation by Obama, he'll be at 129 days at the same mark of his presidency.

Now bugger off, troll.


Did Bush say ......"and in turn my vacations, leisure is gone"?
BOBO is just an empty suit. Great teeth. Sings well. Dances great. Great Tele-Promtor speeches preaching to the converted.
The man has no substance. Bottom line.
I'd have interviewed him for a job as a night shift McDonalds supervisor and turned him down.
Most sentient people know in their bones the man is a poser. Always has been.

I agree. The man has never held a real job in his life. In fact I doubt he could get a real job.

He's a very lame president thats for sure.
Okay until he tried to get the GOP to do it also..


But nice try.

Acting in a bi partisan way does not mean..."vote for legislation the way I want it or my pal Harry will let it collect dust on his desk"

That is partisan.
Now we will hear about how ALL politicians lie....

Gimme a fucking break. The man ran on a platform of bipartisanship, 100% attention to the position of president, transparency and changing the way we do things in Washington.

How did that go?

It didn't.

Hell. He's a man who, according to him, knows nothing about anything going on in his adminstration.

He's a POS who has stuck the taxpayers of America with his fucking ACA.

He's also wasted billions on his green energy bullshit.

Yup. He sure changed the way DC works all right. Its worse than it ever was.
Did Bush say ......"and in turn my vacations, leisure is gone"?
BOBO is just an empty suit. Great teeth. Sings well. Dances great. Great Tele-Promtor speeches preaching to the converted.
The man has no substance. Bottom line.
I'd have interviewed him for a job as a night shift McDonalds supervisor and turned him down.
Most sentient people know in their bones the man is a poser. Always has been.

I agree. The man has never held a real job in his life. In fact I doubt he could get a real job.

He's a very lame president thats for sure.

Actually, he had a real job out of law school. Was an associate in a law firm for 3 years. Funny thing though....he was a contract reader. A Harvard law graduate was a contract reader and never offered partnership....or even junior partnership.

I wonder why that is.

Sadly, the press never looked into it.

FYI...many law firms have their paralegals do the contract reading.
Did Bush say ......"and in turn my vacations, leisure is gone"?

No, he said we shouldn't be nation building, then sacrificed thousands of American lives doing just that. Obama's still cleaning up that mess, so all this whining about vacation days is total BS.

With the full weight of a Democratic congress' permission.

Obama hasn't cleaned anything. He's done more damage than anything else.

Obama fiddles while the US burns.

Benghazi, the IRS targeting conservatives, the VA's secret list, illegal alien children at the border, XL pipeline, Israel under attack, Russia's invasion of Crimea, this crises in Iraq etc..... What is he doing about any of these issues? Oh he's going on vacation.

I understand everyone needs a break but he ran on not being that man and giving himself entirely to the job, no vacations etc.... yet where he is when his leadership is really needed, he does what he said he wouldn't do, goes on vacation.

I get that idiots like you don't care and you will defend him no matter what and that confuses the hell out of me.
Did Bush say ......"and in turn my vacations, leisure is gone"?
BOBO is just an empty suit. Great teeth. Sings well. Dances great. Great Tele-Promtor speeches preaching to the converted.
The man has no substance. Bottom line.
I'd have interviewed him for a job as a night shift McDonalds supervisor and turned him down.
Most sentient people know in their bones the man is a poser. Always has been.

I agree. The man has never held a real job in his life. In fact I doubt he could get a real job.

He's a very lame president thats for sure.

Just like you have never been a senator, you could never do a senators job...?
BOBO is just an empty suit. Great teeth. Sings well. Dances great. Great Tele-Promtor speeches preaching to the converted.
The man has no substance. Bottom line.
I'd have interviewed him for a job as a night shift McDonalds supervisor and turned him down.
Most sentient people know in their bones the man is a poser. Always has been.

I agree. The man has never held a real job in his life. In fact I doubt he could get a real job.

He's a very lame president thats for sure.

Just like you have never been a senator, you could never do a senators job...?

that's your analogy?

No one said "he has never been a president so he cant do a presidents job"

If someone did, then, yes, your analogy would make sense.


If one has never worked in a business environment, it will be hard to believe he or she should be hired to run a 1000 person company.

Now THAT is a valid analogy.

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