Palestinian Arabs who helped Jews at Hebron


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2014
I want to present some sources on Arab families who sheltered and aided Jews during the massacre at Hebron in 1929:
Here are some online sources:


The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Political, Social, and ... - Google Books


This source is in Hebrew, no link:
Zmira Mani (later renamed Zmira Meshorer), "What I saw in Hebron" ("ma shera'iti beħevron"), Haaretz, Sep 12, 1929, reprinted in: Knaz, Yehoshua (ed.) (1996).Haaretz - the 75th Year, Schocken Publishing, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, pp. 33–34 (in Hebrew).
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Hopefully their children are amongst those currently working and living thriving lives in Israel.
Hopefully their children are amongst those currently working and living thriving lives in Israel.

The Palestinians? Not a chance. They're the ones Kondor wants to expel!

Here is the son of Jewish survivors:
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Hopefully their children are amongst those currently working and living thriving lives in Israel.

The Palestinians? Not a chance. They're the ones Kondor wants to expel!

Here is the son of Jewish survivors:

Take one guess as to who actually constructs the Jewish settlements?
And Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and Haifa, etc...
Really...take a guess.
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Muslims are always invading, murdering, and defacing other people and their history.

[ame=]Hebron Massacre of the ancient Jewish community by Arab killers in 1929 - YouTube[/ame]
There were some Germans who helped the Jews from the Nazis. So what?

It still doesn't justify the fact that Arab Muslim savages led by their IslamoNazi leader the Mufti attempted to exterminate Jews who had ancient ties to that city and the land.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Don't say "There were some Germans who helped the Jews from the Nazis. So what?" The "so what" is obvious. Don't hate all Germans. AND don't hate all Palestinians, or all Muslims either. Remember everything you learned in kindergarten, Roudy. It really is all you need to know. Ditch the hate.

You are right about point #2, but wrong to condemn Palestinians as "IslamoNazis." I could take you to a number of Arabic sites right now where Palestinians are urging other Palestinians not to think that all Jews hate them and want to expel them, and trying to make contact with peace loving Israelis. Trying to make peace. I won't take you there, though, though, because I believe you are such a hater you would just try to upset people. Mark Zuckerberg is on one of the Facebook pages, though. And to tell you the truth, I am not finding any of the purported "IslamoNazis" and I don't think they exist. Not among Palestinians at least.

And that website you keep trying to send us to about the frickin' grand mufti is a Zionist hate site.
By the way, I found out that his power base was not Palestinian, but British. The British installed him and kept him in power.
There were some Germans who helped the Jews from the Nazis. So what?

It still doesn't justify the fact that Arab Muslim savages led by their IslamoNazi leader the Mufti attempted to exterminate Jews who had ancient ties to that city and the land.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Don't say "There were some Germans who helped the Jews from the Nazis. So what?" The "so what" is obvious. Don't hate all Germans. AND don't hate all Palestinians, or all Muslims either. Remember everything you learned in kindergarten, Roudy. It really is all you need to know. Ditch the hate.

You are right about point #2, but wrong to condemn Palestinians as "IslamoNazis." I could take you to a number of Arabic sites right now where Palestinians are urging other Palestinians not to think that all Jews hate them and want to expel them, and trying to make contact with peace loving Israelis. Trying to make peace. I won't take you there, though, though, because I believe you are such a hater you would just try to upset people. Mark Zuckerberg is on one of the Facebook pages, though. And to tell you the truth, I am not finding any of the purported "IslamoNazis" and I don't think they exist. Not among Palestinians at least.

And that website you keep trying to send us to about the frickin' grand mufti is a Zionist hate site.
By the way, I found out that his power base was not Palestinian, but British. The British installed him and kept him in power.

Of course not every Arab is a murderer.
But enough of them are to pose a REAL problem.
Especially when they attack from amongst their populace.
Well, that is the most moderate statement I have heard from you. The tendency is to mention the violence and leave out mention of those who protect and make peace, as Roudy has done many times with this subject. I had to finally get curious enough to start looking for some sources, and the very many Palestinians who saved Jews and get no gratitude is what immediately jumped off the page. Convenient of you all not to even mention it. And you do condemn them as an entire nation.
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Well, that is the most moderate statement I have heard from you. Yet you do condemn them as an entire nation.

Yes, and deservedly so.
No other collective on earth allows such a violent mentality to overwhelm the majority.
According to you, if healthy tissue has to be removed to save the patient, you would let the patient die.
No other collective on earth allows such a violent mentality to overwhelm the majority.

That is bullshit. You are being deceived by those who want to use you as a war dog. Palestinians were by and large amazingly moderate and definitely peace loving, and I doubt that much has changed. So don't let anyone lie to you. Go out and find out for yourself.
No other collective on earth allows such a violent mentality to overwhelm the majority.

Go out and find out for yourself.

I wouldn't send someone with a cross around their neck to a Muslim town without body guards.
Your problem is that I have hundreds of family members and friends who live there and I have to constantly read your babbling revisionist history bullshit about how evil they are.
And you want everyone to be blind to the worldwide upheaval that Islam causes.

Islam is bad wide.
Even 1 out of 10 of 1.2 billion willing to blow themselves up is way too much.
And it's more than 1 out of 10.
No other collective on earth allows such a violent mentality to overwhelm the majority.

Go out and find out for yourself.

I wouldn't send someone with a cross around their neck to a Muslim town without body guards.

your loss. I wore a cross all over back when (don't believe in crosses anymore). Your fear mongering reminds me of people who warned Breaking the Silence not to take Israelis to the West Bank because people would attack them. Their answer was "the only people attacking us are settlers." I had a girlfriend who was warned not to go to the WB because she would be in danger, so she didn't. I was warned myself when I was there, but of course I KNEW what a crock of crap that was, so I went and spent most of my time there.
Your problem is that I have hundreds of family members and friends who live there and I have to constantly read your babbling revisionist history bullshit about how evil they are.
Just get over it. I found loads of Palestinians to talk to just within the last month, and there is NOT even ONE of them so far that is remotely like you portray them. So get off your complacent ass and go out and make new friends.
And you want everyone to be blind to the worldwide upheaval that Islam causes.

Islam is bad wide.
Even 1 out of 10 of 1.2 billion willing to blow themselves up is way too much.
And it's more than 1 out of 10.
WTF. C'mon, you know that is insane. How come I, who lived there over 8 years, never met even ONE who was willing to blow themselves up. That is just Zionist induced paranoia. They don't want you to find out the truth, so they put up all this phony crap, phony websites, phony interviews, etc., just to fool you into becoming a Zionist xenophobe paranoiac soyou won't find out they're lying and they won't have to make peace. You just try to find out for yourself. Don't you even have a college you can go to and meet Muslims?

Look, here's a suggestion. Just go to facebook and friend Palestinians? Try it.
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Go out and find out for yourself.

I wouldn't send someone with a cross around their neck to a Muslim town without body guards.

your loss. I wore a cross all over back when (don't believe in crosses anymore). Your fear mongering reminds me of people who warned Breaking the Silence not to take Israelis to the West Bank because people would attack them. Their answer was "the only people attacking us are settlers." I had a girlfriend who was warned not to go to the WB because she would be in danger, so she didn't. I was warned myself when I was there, but of course I KNEW what a crock of crap that was, so I went and spent most of my time there.
Your problem is that I have hundreds of family members and friends who live there and I have to constantly read your babbling revisionist history bullshit about how evil they are.
Just get over it. I found loads of Palestinians to talk to just within the last month, and there is NOT even ONE of them so far that is remotely like you portray them. So get off your complacent ass and go out and make new friends.
And you want everyone to be blind to the worldwide upheaval that Islam causes.

Islam is bad wide.
Even 1 out of 10 of 1.2 billion willing to blow themselves up is way too much.
And it's more than 1 out of 10.
WTF. C'mon, you know that is insane. How come I, who lived there over 8 years, never met even ONE who was willing to blow themselves up. That is just Zionist induced paranoia. They don't want you to find out the truth, so they put up all this phony crap, phony websites, phony interviews, etc., just to fool you into becoming a Zionist xenophobe paranoiac so they won't have to make peace. You just try to find out for yourself. Don't you even have a college you can go to and meet Muslims?

I'm visiting Egypt, Syria and Iraq this summer.

There are lots of good Arabs; the bad ones simply have no rules of engagement.
As reference, see Egypt, Syria and Iraq; perhaps Libya, Sudan.
The Sudan is cool, especially for Christians.

But seriously, the Oil Sheiks really need a new PR strategy.
Have no rules of engagement? Seriously?

Well, have fun tooling around Syria and Iraq especially.
There were some Germans who helped the Jews from the Nazis. So what?

It still doesn't justify the fact that Arab Muslim savages led by their IslamoNazi leader the Mufti attempted to exterminate Jews who had ancient ties to that city and the land.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
Don't say "There were some Germans who helped the Jews from the Nazis. So what?" The "so what" is obvious. Don't hate all Germans. AND don't hate all Palestinians, or all Muslims either. Remember everything you learned in kindergarten, Roudy. It really is all you need to know. Ditch the hate.

You are right about point #2, but wrong to condemn Palestinians as "IslamoNazis." I could take you to a number of Arabic sites right now where Palestinians are urging other Palestinians not to think that all Jews hate them and want to expel them, and trying to make contact with peace loving Israelis. Trying to make peace. I won't take you there, though, though, because I believe you are such a hater you would just try to upset people. Mark Zuckerberg is on one of the Facebook pages, though. And to tell you the truth, I am not finding any of the purported "IslamoNazis" and I don't think they exist. Not among Palestinians at least.

And that website you keep trying to send us to about the frickin' grand mufti is a Zionist hate site.
By the way, I found out that his power base was not Palestinian, but British. The British installed him and kept him in power.
Awwww. The same terrorist worshipper who wants all Zionists dead and considers all Israelis legitimate targets is preaching others about hate. How romantic.
Go out and find out for yourself.

I wouldn't send someone with a cross around their neck to a Muslim town without body guards.

your loss. I wore a cross all over back when (don't believe in crosses anymore). Your fear mongering reminds me of people who warned Breaking the Silence not to take Israelis to the West Bank because people would attack them. Their answer was "the only people attacking us are settlers." I had a girlfriend who was warned not to go to the WB because she would be in danger, so she didn't. I was warned myself when I was there, but of course I KNEW what a crock of crap that was, so I went and spent most of my time there.
Your problem is that I have hundreds of family members and friends who live there and I have to constantly read your babbling revisionist history bullshit about how evil they are.
Just get over it. I found loads of Palestinians to talk to just within the last month, and there is NOT even ONE of them so far that is remotely like you portray them. So get off your complacent ass and go out and make new friends.
And you want everyone to be blind to the worldwide upheaval that Islam causes.

Islam is bad wide.
Even 1 out of 10 of 1.2 billion willing to blow themselves up is way too much.
And it's more than 1 out of 10.
WTF. C'mon, you know that is insane. How come I, who lived there over 8 years, never met even ONE who was willing to blow themselves up. That is just Zionist induced paranoia. They don't want you to find out the truth, so they put up all this phony crap, phony websites, phony interviews, etc., just to fool you into becoming a Zionist xenophobe paranoiac soyou won't find out they're lying and they won't have to make peace. You just try to find out for yourself. Don't you even have a college you can go to and meet Muslims?

Look, here's a suggestion. Just go to facebook and friend Palestinians? Try it.
And your conversion to Isssssslam took place when? Who do you think you're fooling?
I want to present some sources on Arab families who sheltered and aided Jews during the massacre at Hebron in 1929:
Here are some online sources:


The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Political, Social, and ... - Google Books


This source is in Hebrew, no link:
Zmira Mani (later renamed Zmira Meshorer), "What I saw in Hebron" ("ma shera'iti beħevron"), Haaretz, Sep 12, 1929, reprinted in: Knaz, Yehoshua (ed.) (1996).Haaretz - the 75th Year, Schocken Publishing, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, pp. 33–34 (in Hebrew).

Very nice.

Where their kids the kidnappers of our three boys? or their grandchildren the ones who celebrated rockets being fired on children's heads?

I hope not. Would have been a true shame.
My favorite story was the excuse one Arab family (who was hiding their Jewish neighbors) gave marauding band of rioters when they came knocking on their door demanding Zionist blood, they simply told them...

..."But we've already killed our Jews!"

Which the rioters took hook, line and sinker and moved on.

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