Palestinian " honor killings" increase 100%


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Palestinian Arab Honor Killings Increase 100% | FrontPage Magazine

TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014

Palestinian Arab Honor Killings Increase 100%
February 26, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield 6 Comments

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Somehow we are expected to believe that the people who can’t stop killing their own wives and daughters will make peace with Israel.

According to a senior official in the PA Ministry of Women’s Affairs, there has been a 100% rise in the number of Palestinian women murdered in the name of “family honor.” The official also complained that PA leader Abbas has not fulfilled his pledge to change PA law, which currently protects the murderers of women who were killed because of so-called “family honor”

PA law follows the clauses in Jordanian law that are lenient toward perpetrators of crimes such as “honor killings”.

The King of Jordan had to fight his own parliament over the law and the West Bank Muslims are if anything even more backward than their fellow Jordanians.

But I blame Israel. If the Israelis weren’t making it so difficult to kill Jews, there would be fewer honor killings. Now you might think that I’m being sarcastic, but no such luck.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :lol: :D:D :D :D

These are the Savages Israel is supposed to make " peace" with? DON'T THINK SO ! :cuckoo:

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