Palestinian stabbed 17 people in Tel-Aviv this morning.

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Hamas Praises Tel Aviv Bus Stabbing Attack
by IPT News • Jan 21, 2015 at 11:49 am

Hamas Praises Tel Aviv Bus Stabbing Attack The Investigative Project on Terrorism

A Palestinian terrorist stabbed and injured nine Israelis, four of whom remain under serious condition, on Wednesday morning after boarding a Tel Aviv bus. Security camera footage obtained by Israel's Channel 10 shows the terrorist chasing after civilians running from the bus following the initial attack, stabbing a woman in the back, reports the Jerusalem Post.

Click here to watch the security footage.

Witnesses and police said the terrorist repeatedly stabbed the bus driver before attacking other passengers. Three Israel Prison Service officers driving behind the bus chased the terrorist through parking lots and alleyways before shooting him in the leg and arresting him.

The Shin Bet, Israel's domestic intelligence agency, revealed that the 23-year old terrorist, Hamza Muhammad Hassan Matrouk from Tulkarem, admitted that he was motivated by this past summer's war in Gaza, recent Temple Mount unrest, and radical Islamic propaganda that glorifies "the reaching of heaven."

Hamas leaders quickly praised the attack and called for others to conduct similar attacks.

"A morning of resistance, a morning for the nation," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum wrote on his Facebook page, the Times of Israel reports. His post featured a photo of a combat knife on the ground surrounded by police tape.

Hamas official Husam Badran referred to the terrorist attack as "extraordinary" on Facebook and called for further "acts of resistance" by groups and individuals.

Hamas and Palestinian Authority officials and media frequently incite their populations to commit violence against Israeli civilians. Palestinian institutions systematically glorify terrorist attacks and praise the attackers, advocating for other Palestinians to emulate their violent actions.

Only an hour after the terrorist attack ended, Palestinian media glorified the Tel Aviv stabbing with numerous cartoons.

One of the cartoons, posted within 90 minutes after the attack, features a smiling terrorist with a bloody knife, praising the attack. The cartoon bus includes a Jewish star and the number of the bus line where the attack occurred with blood pouring out of the doors onto the street.

The images later were removed from Twitter, the Jerusalem Post reports.

Palestinian media often boasts of terrorist attacks shortly after they have occurred. Numerous social media posts, for example, called for a "Knife Intifada," an uprising that entailed widespread stabbing of Israeli civilians.

Click here for an Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) comprehensive report on recent Palestinian terrorist attacks and incitement to violence.

Oh, the Investigative Project on Terrorism....the group run by Steve Emerson....where have we heard that name before? Oh yes , he's the whack job that Fox News has been apologising about for the last few weeks and he same bloke who has been apologising and donating cash to a Birmingham hospital for the wildly inaccurate and incredibly stupid remarks he made.

At least 13 stabbed in Tel Aviv bus attack Al Jazeera America

JeSuisCouteau I am knife hashtag on Twitter as people PRAISE Tel Aviv attack Daily Mail Online

You might bother to check the story before knocking the source.

Emerson might have wrong about the name of the area but not wrong about the trend going on

Murders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police Daily Mail Online

Again, you might check some of the facts before dishing the source

ROFL. Using the Daily Mail as a source is just as bad. The paper has an almost far-Right anti-immigration agenda.
Does that disqualify the information provided?
When something happens it just happens - there are people who willing to talk about and of course people who don't, but it doesn't change the fact it does happened unless it never happened.
Hamas Praises Tel Aviv Bus Stabbing Attack
by IPT News • Jan 21, 2015 at 11:49 am

Hamas Praises Tel Aviv Bus Stabbing Attack The Investigative Project on Terrorism

A Palestinian terrorist stabbed and injured nine Israelis, four of whom remain under serious condition, on Wednesday morning after boarding a Tel Aviv bus. Security camera footage obtained by Israel's Channel 10 shows the terrorist chasing after civilians running from the bus following the initial attack, stabbing a woman in the back, reports the Jerusalem Post.

Click here to watch the security footage.

Witnesses and police said the terrorist repeatedly stabbed the bus driver before attacking other passengers. Three Israel Prison Service officers driving behind the bus chased the terrorist through parking lots and alleyways before shooting him in the leg and arresting him.

The Shin Bet, Israel's domestic intelligence agency, revealed that the 23-year old terrorist, Hamza Muhammad Hassan Matrouk from Tulkarem, admitted that he was motivated by this past summer's war in Gaza, recent Temple Mount unrest, and radical Islamic propaganda that glorifies "the reaching of heaven."

Hamas leaders quickly praised the attack and called for others to conduct similar attacks.

"A morning of resistance, a morning for the nation," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum wrote on his Facebook page, the Times of Israel reports. His post featured a photo of a combat knife on the ground surrounded by police tape.

Hamas official Husam Badran referred to the terrorist attack as "extraordinary" on Facebook and called for further "acts of resistance" by groups and individuals.

Hamas and Palestinian Authority officials and media frequently incite their populations to commit violence against Israeli civilians. Palestinian institutions systematically glorify terrorist attacks and praise the attackers, advocating for other Palestinians to emulate their violent actions.

Only an hour after the terrorist attack ended, Palestinian media glorified the Tel Aviv stabbing with numerous cartoons.

One of the cartoons, posted within 90 minutes after the attack, features a smiling terrorist with a bloody knife, praising the attack. The cartoon bus includes a Jewish star and the number of the bus line where the attack occurred with blood pouring out of the doors onto the street.

The images later were removed from Twitter, the Jerusalem Post reports.

Palestinian media often boasts of terrorist attacks shortly after they have occurred. Numerous social media posts, for example, called for a "Knife Intifada," an uprising that entailed widespread stabbing of Israeli civilians.

Click here for an Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) comprehensive report on recent Palestinian terrorist attacks and incitement to violence.

Oh, the Investigative Project on Terrorism....the group run by Steve Emerson....where have we heard that name before? Oh yes , he's the whack job that Fox News has been apologising about for the last few weeks and he same bloke who has been apologising and donating cash to a Birmingham hospital for the wildly inaccurate and incredibly stupid remarks he made.

At least 13 stabbed in Tel Aviv bus attack Al Jazeera America

JeSuisCouteau I am knife hashtag on Twitter as people PRAISE Tel Aviv attack Daily Mail Online

You might bother to check the story before knocking the source.

Emerson might have wrong about the name of the area but not wrong about the trend going on

Murders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police Daily Mail Online

Again, you might check some of the facts before dishing the source

ROFL. Using the Daily Mail as a source is just as bad. The paper has an almost far-Right anti-immigration agenda.
Does that disqualify the information provided?
When something happens it just happens - there are people who willing to talk about and of course people who don't, but it doesn't change the fact it does happened unless it never happened.

10 people witnes an incident and are seperately asked to give an account of what happened. Each of them will describe the event based on their preconceptions, biases, upbringing, foreknowledge, etc. Like as not, you get 10 different accounts of the event. How do you determine what actually happened? Reporters aren't normally witnesses and in today's media world, are just as likely to make things up as tell it like it is, depending on how their editors want the event portrayed.
Palestinian stabs 11 on Tel Aviv bus - World - CBC News
Hamas Praises Israel Bus Attack as Heroic Act
Hamas praises knife attack on Israeli bus eNCA
Disgusting Palestinian Cartoons Glorify Terror Attack on Tel Aviv Bus Netanyahu Reacts - Tea Party News
Palestinian man stabs Tel Aviv bus driver passengers police say -
Palestinian arrested after 9 stabbed on Tel Aviv bus

You are still ignoring the facts and trying to dismiss the story by attacking the source.
I get news and facts from sources where I don't particularly like the slant or commentary. I pick the facts and look for other sources. I find news from non -english sources that that I would not post the auto translation of because it is hard to follow but I know other papers will pick up the story later in the day. I get news and alerts on twitter that don't show up in "english" sources for days.
Just because you don't like the source as part of your regular read it does not mean the facts they print are not accurate.
Palestinian stabs 11 on Tel Aviv bus - World - CBC News
Hamas Praises Israel Bus Attack as Heroic Act
Hamas praises knife attack on Israeli bus eNCA
Disgusting Palestinian Cartoons Glorify Terror Attack on Tel Aviv Bus Netanyahu Reacts - Tea Party News
Palestinian man stabs Tel Aviv bus driver passengers police say -
Palestinian arrested after 9 stabbed on Tel Aviv bus

You are still ignoring the facts and trying to dismiss the story by attacking the source.
I get news and facts from sources where I don't particularly like the slant or commentary. I pick the facts and look for other sources. I find news from non -english sources that that I would not post the auto translation of because it is hard to follow but I know other papers will pick up the story later in the day. I get news and alerts on twitter that don't show up in "english" sources for days.
Just because you don't like the source as part of your regular read it does not mean the facts they print are not accurate.
These are mostly the early reports, there are 20 people injured.. and by the way Challenger you can keep "challenging" the truth of the incident, go and make a research about it, lets see if you can prove none of this ever happened.
This is an awful thing, I'm glad no one was killed. You should read the US news, the crimes we have here and believe me, few are Islamic. All you report on is the Pals against you, and I have read how Israel has been nightly locking Pals up on a daily basis. I see your PM Bibi had to capitalize on this, I wonder how those French Jews feel now that your government can't protect its own Jews??

The Hamas movement's leadership praised the attack, calling it a "natural reaction" by people suffering under occupation.

Deputy head of Hamas Mousa Abu Marzouq said that "there is no bigger terrorism than occupying people, stealing their lands, freedom and dignity."

12 injured in Tel Aviv stab attack by Palestinian Maan News Agency

I don't think the attack should be praised, but I do agree with the rest of the bolded part.

So maybe it is time for Israel to up the stakes and evict all the arab muslims from Israel once and for all, then the nation will be a lot safer for everyone. What do you say ?

Yeah may as well come clean now... It is the Israeli end game after all.
Sorry to read of this. Glad no one was killed.
Still feel safe going to israel?
Actually safer, at least over Europe.

I've travelled to Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, and many other countries in Europe in perfect safety...except Italy. In Italy I came close to being beated up by an Italian street gang in Naples, because they thought I looked like a German. Luckily, I speak Italian and once they saw my British Passport, they became quite friendly. Oh, and Scotland where I came close to getting involved in a pub fight in Aberdeen, just because I was English...but that's a normal hazard over here when visiting bars in Aberdeen. :D
Doesn't change the fact that Israel is still safer.

Actually Penelope and Grendelyn are in a class lower and by themselves. . . .

Lower than who?

"Lower than whom?"

Just about everyone, because you're an illiterate anti-Semite, who only posts non sequiturs or fallacies.

Anti Semite, I'm not, I believe there are good Arabs and Jews, but I don't fall for all the lies coming from Israel.

Yep straight from the horses mouth, you are an anti-semite.
Hamas Praises Tel Aviv Bus Stabbing Attack
by IPT News • Jan 21, 2015 at 11:49 am

Hamas Praises Tel Aviv Bus Stabbing Attack The Investigative Project on Terrorism

A Palestinian terrorist stabbed and injured nine Israelis, four of whom remain under serious condition, on Wednesday morning after boarding a Tel Aviv bus. Security camera footage obtained by Israel's Channel 10 shows the terrorist chasing after civilians running from the bus following the initial attack, stabbing a woman in the back, reports the Jerusalem Post.

Click here to watch the security footage.

Witnesses and police said the terrorist repeatedly stabbed the bus driver before attacking other passengers. Three Israel Prison Service officers driving behind the bus chased the terrorist through parking lots and alleyways before shooting him in the leg and arresting him.

The Shin Bet, Israel's domestic intelligence agency, revealed that the 23-year old terrorist, Hamza Muhammad Hassan Matrouk from Tulkarem, admitted that he was motivated by this past summer's war in Gaza, recent Temple Mount unrest, and radical Islamic propaganda that glorifies "the reaching of heaven."

Hamas leaders quickly praised the attack and called for others to conduct similar attacks.

"A morning of resistance, a morning for the nation," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum wrote on his Facebook page, the Times of Israel reports. His post featured a photo of a combat knife on the ground surrounded by police tape.

Hamas official Husam Badran referred to the terrorist attack as "extraordinary" on Facebook and called for further "acts of resistance" by groups and individuals.

Hamas and Palestinian Authority officials and media frequently incite their populations to commit violence against Israeli civilians. Palestinian institutions systematically glorify terrorist attacks and praise the attackers, advocating for other Palestinians to emulate their violent actions.

Only an hour after the terrorist attack ended, Palestinian media glorified the Tel Aviv stabbing with numerous cartoons.

One of the cartoons, posted within 90 minutes after the attack, features a smiling terrorist with a bloody knife, praising the attack. The cartoon bus includes a Jewish star and the number of the bus line where the attack occurred with blood pouring out of the doors onto the street.

The images later were removed from Twitter, the Jerusalem Post reports.

Palestinian media often boasts of terrorist attacks shortly after they have occurred. Numerous social media posts, for example, called for a "Knife Intifada," an uprising that entailed widespread stabbing of Israeli civilians.

Click here for an Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) comprehensive report on recent Palestinian terrorist attacks and incitement to violence.

Oh, the Investigative Project on Terrorism....the group run by Steve Emerson....where have we heard that name before? Oh yes , he's the whack job that Fox News has been apologising about for the last few weeks and he same bloke who has been apologising and donating cash to a Birmingham hospital for the wildly inaccurate and incredibly stupid remarks he made.

At least 13 stabbed in Tel Aviv bus attack Al Jazeera America

JeSuisCouteau I am knife hashtag on Twitter as people PRAISE Tel Aviv attack Daily Mail Online

You might bother to check the story before knocking the source.

Emerson might have wrong about the name of the area but not wrong about the trend going on

Murders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police Daily Mail Online

Again, you might check some of the facts before dishing the source

ROFL. Using the Daily Mail as a source is just as bad. The paper has an almost far-Right anti-immigration agenda.
Does that disqualify the information provided?
When something happens it just happens - there are people who willing to talk about and of course people who don't, but it doesn't change the fact it does happened unless it never happened.

10 people witnes an incident and are seperately asked to give an account of what happened. Each of them will describe the event based on their preconceptions, biases, upbringing, foreknowledge, etc. Like as not, you get 10 different accounts of the event. How do you determine what actually happened? Reporters aren't normally witnesses and in today's media world, are just as likely to make things up as tell it like it is, depending on how their editors want the event portrayed.

So no source or witness should be used to investigate the events? No witness or victim should be used to testify? No crime can be prosecuted without testimony, so you would let all criminals go free?
You take all statements and use them to discern what happened. The more you know the clearer the picture becomes. I get news from arab, palestinian, left, right, asian, european, US, etc. Even some my favorite news sources print stories where I don't like the slanted commentary but I used the facts and read others papers.
I have an advantage, I have sources beyond main stream news, but they do no give me the whole story, so I do my own searching.
When hamas is quoted by several sources as praising the stabbings and making public statements about attack more Israelis with knifes, cars, etc., you should not pretend the quotes or statements did not happen.
The call for the extermination of Israel, Israelis and jews is wide spread. I don't hear the quotes made publicly so much but sermons from mosques still use the "first the saturday and then the sunday people" or "first Jerusalem and then Rome" to incite people. Too many promote genocide of jews and christians, not just in the muslims world but globally. These are facts and those with extremist leaning take the rhetoric as a call to glory and martyrdom in the name of religion or other cause.
If facts are in question prove it. Simply dismissing facts because you personally don't like the source is just ignorant.
Palestinian stabs 11 on Tel Aviv bus - World - CBC News
Hamas Praises Israel Bus Attack as Heroic Act
Hamas praises knife attack on Israeli bus eNCA
Disgusting Palestinian Cartoons Glorify Terror Attack on Tel Aviv Bus Netanyahu Reacts - Tea Party News
Palestinian man stabs Tel Aviv bus driver passengers police say -
Palestinian arrested after 9 stabbed on Tel Aviv bus

You are still ignoring the facts and trying to dismiss the story by attacking the source.
I get news and facts from sources where I don't particularly like the slant or commentary. I pick the facts and look for other sources. I find news from non -english sources that that I would not post the auto translation of because it is hard to follow but I know other papers will pick up the story later in the day. I get news and alerts on twitter that don't show up in "english" sources for days.
Just because you don't like the source as part of your regular read it does not mean the facts they print are not accurate.

If it is not from some ANTI SEMITIC ISLAMONAZI source then it is not true as far as the stooge is concerned.
This is an awful thing, I'm glad no one was killed. You should read the US news, the crimes we have here and believe me, few are Islamic. All you report on is the Pals against you, and I have read how Israel has been nightly locking Pals up on a daily basis. I see your PM Bibi had to capitalize on this, I wonder how those French Jews feel now that your government can't protect its own Jews??

The Hamas movement's leadership praised the attack, calling it a "natural reaction" by people suffering under occupation.

Deputy head of Hamas Mousa Abu Marzouq said that "there is no bigger terrorism than occupying people, stealing their lands, freedom and dignity."

12 injured in Tel Aviv stab attack by Palestinian Maan News Agency

I don't think the attack should be praised, but I do agree with the rest of the bolded part.

So maybe it is time for Israel to up the stakes and evict all the arab muslims from Israel once and for all, then the nation will be a lot safer for everyone. What do you say ?

Yeah may as well come clean now... It is the Israeli end game after all.

If it was then they would have done so in 1949 right after the arab muslims evicted the Jews from arab lands.
Actually Penelope and Grendelyn are in a class lower and by themselves. . . .

Lower than who?

"Lower than whom?"

Just about everyone, because you're an illiterate anti-Semite, who only posts non sequiturs or fallacies.

Anti Semite, I'm not, I believe there are good Arabs and Jews, but I don't fall for all the lies coming from Israel.

Yep straight from the horses mouth, you are an anti-semite.

A link to what your own words on this message board spewing out your ANTISEMITIC hatred by using the terms Zionist and Zionism instead of the term Jew or Jewish.
If it had been IDF it would be on every major news paper....

Egyptian navy stood gaza fisherman.
I'm more details will be coming.

Question: Why don't gazans blame the closing of crossings out of gaza on Abbas? He has more to do with it than Israel.
Why don't they blame hamas? It has prevented gazan students from leaving, and even those seeking medical care. Hamas control the supplies that have been delivered and often holds them till after their expiration dates, if at all.
Why don't they blame Iran for supplying rockets and arms that are used to attack Israel?
Why don't they blame the arab states for the refugee situation in gaza and around the region?
Lower than who?

"Lower than whom?"

Just about everyone, because you're an illiterate anti-Semite, who only posts non sequiturs or fallacies.

Anti Semite, I'm not, I believe there are good Arabs and Jews, but I don't fall for all the lies coming from Israel.

Yep straight from the horses mouth, you are an anti-semite.

A link to what your own words on this message board spewing out your ANTISEMITIC hatred by using the terms Zionist and Zionism instead of the term Jew or Jewish.

There are sources that are nothing but propaganda and hate. They are not know for news but rather twisted commentary. There are some "news" sources like presstv in iran that have reported out right lies and heavily tainted stories with little resemblance to facts. Sources that should be taken with a barrel of salt. Facts should be picked out and researched from other sources around the world.
We all know there are some "sources" that should not be believed, but even those might have a grain of truth amongst all the rhetoric. We have even had discussions where so called quotes are proven to have been fabricated or edited. Just because we see it online does not mean it is 100% accurate. We all have to use our experience and judgments, but even the worse sources should be checked and then proven wrong. Out of habit we all tend to dismiss certain sites.
I like to read what all sides have to say, just to know. It is being forewarned and forearmed. Listening to chatter to anticipate what might happen. Much might be just blowing off steam, but some is deadly serious.
Lower than who?

"Lower than whom?"

Just about everyone, because you're an illiterate anti-Semite, who only posts non sequiturs or fallacies.

Anti Semite, I'm not, I believe there are good Arabs and Jews, but I don't fall for all the lies coming from Israel.

Yep straight from the horses mouth, you are an anti-semite.

A link to what your own words on this message board spewing out your ANTISEMITIC hatred by using the terms Zionist and Zionism instead of the term Jew or Jewish.

The depth of your stupidity knows no bounds Phoney...

You are aware that Zionist is NOT Jew, that Zionism is NOT Jewish?

Criticism of Israeli and it's policies does not make anyone anti-semitic dumbass!

Ooppss ANOTHER Phoney Phail...

And your boyfriend thinks you make valid contributions on this board Phoney... Must be love!!!
"Lower than whom?"

Just about everyone, because you're an illiterate anti-Semite, who only posts non sequiturs or fallacies.

Anti Semite, I'm not, I believe there are good Arabs and Jews, but I don't fall for all the lies coming from Israel.

Yep straight from the horses mouth, you are an anti-semite.

A link to what your own words on this message board spewing out your ANTISEMITIC hatred by using the terms Zionist and Zionism instead of the term Jew or Jewish.

The depth of your stupidity knows no bounds Phoney...

You are aware that Zionist is NOT Jew, that Zionism is NOT Jewish?

Criticism of Israeli and it's policies does not make anyone anti-semitic dumbass!

Ooppss ANOTHER Phoney Phail...

And your boyfriend thinks you make valid contributions on this board Phoney... Must be love!!!

And still you refuse to answer the question put to you, why is this. Could it be that in answering it you will blow your cover and show that you are indeed a RACIST ISLAMONAZI ANTISEMITIC STOOGE. Read your own posts and see were you constantly refer to Jews as Zionists and the Israeli government of practising Zionism. As above you single out Israel for your hatred, showing your anti Semitism.
Because Zionists and Zionism are multi faith, multi culture and multinational alone makes your bile and slander worse because you refuse to admit that Zionism is purely the belief that the Jews should have a NATIONAL HOME ( Nation ) and should have the right to defend it from attack.
If it had been IDF it would be on every major news paper....

Egyptian navy stood gaza fisherman.
I'm more details will be coming.

Question: Why don't gazans blame the closing of crossings out of gaza on Abbas? He has more to do with it than Israel.
Why don't they blame hamas? It has prevented gazan students from leaving, and even those seeking medical care. Hamas control the supplies that have been delivered and often holds them till after their expiration dates, if at all.
Why don't they blame Iran for supplying rockets and arms that are used to attack Israel?
Why don't they blame the arab states for the refugee situation in gaza and around the region?

That's who I blame. How can these people expect to have anything worthwhile when they elect (if they were even actually elected) a terrorist organization to lead them? Nobody is going to take them seriously under any circumstances given the situation and the terrorist tactics that comes from it. As long as they keep this up, they can expect that people are going to continue to NOT take them very seriously at all.
Anti Semite, I'm not, I believe there are good Arabs and Jews, but I don't fall for all the lies coming from Israel.

Yep straight from the horses mouth, you are an anti-semite.

A link to what your own words on this message board spewing out your ANTISEMITIC hatred by using the terms Zionist and Zionism instead of the term Jew or Jewish.

The depth of your stupidity knows no bounds Phoney...

You are aware that Zionist is NOT Jew, that Zionism is NOT Jewish?

Criticism of Israeli and it's policies does not make anyone anti-semitic dumbass!

Ooppss ANOTHER Phoney Phail...

And your boyfriend thinks you make valid contributions on this board Phoney... Must be love!!!

Israeli government of practising Zionism

Phoney are you suggesting that Israel is NOT a Zionist state?
Yep straight from the horses mouth, you are an anti-semite.

A link to what your own words on this message board spewing out your ANTISEMITIC hatred by using the terms Zionist and Zionism instead of the term Jew or Jewish.

The depth of your stupidity knows no bounds Phoney...

You are aware that Zionist is NOT Jew, that Zionism is NOT Jewish?

Criticism of Israeli and it's policies does not make anyone anti-semitic dumbass!

Ooppss ANOTHER Phoney Phail...

And your boyfriend thinks you make valid contributions on this board Phoney... Must be love!!!

Israeli government of practising Zionism

Phoney are you suggesting that Israel is NOT a Zionist state?

If you mean by that what you believe Zionism to mean then yes, but if you mean the definition of Zionism accepted by the majority of civilised people then no I am not denying that Israel believes in a homeland for the Jews and the right to defend itself from arab muslim aggression and terrorism.

A link to what your own words on this message board spewing out your ANTISEMITIC hatred by using the terms Zionist and Zionism instead of the term Jew or Jewish.

The depth of your stupidity knows no bounds Phoney...

You are aware that Zionist is NOT Jew, that Zionism is NOT Jewish?

Criticism of Israeli and it's policies does not make anyone anti-semitic dumbass!

Ooppss ANOTHER Phoney Phail...

And your boyfriend thinks you make valid contributions on this board Phoney... Must be love!!!

Israeli government of practising Zionism

Phoney are you suggesting that Israel is NOT a Zionist state?

If you mean by that what you believe Zionism to mean then yes, but if you mean the definition of Zionism accepted by the majority of civilised people then no I am not denying that Israel believes in a homeland for the Jews and the right to defend itself from arab muslim aggression and terrorism.

I think you skirted around the question there Phoney...

Do you believe Israel is a Zionist state?

Yes or No will do
A link to what your own words on this message board spewing out your ANTISEMITIC hatred by using the terms Zionist and Zionism instead of the term Jew or Jewish.

The depth of your stupidity knows no bounds Phoney...

You are aware that Zionist is NOT Jew, that Zionism is NOT Jewish?

Criticism of Israeli and it's policies does not make anyone anti-semitic dumbass!

Ooppss ANOTHER Phoney Phail...

And your boyfriend thinks you make valid contributions on this board Phoney... Must be love!!!

Israeli government of practising Zionism

Phoney are you suggesting that Israel is NOT a Zionist state?

If you mean by that what you believe Zionism to mean then yes, but if you mean the definition of Zionism accepted by the majority of civilised people then no I am not denying that Israel believes in a homeland for the Jews and the right to defend itself from arab muslim aggression and terrorism.

I think you skirted around the question there Phoney...

Do you believe Israel is a Zionist state?

Yes or No will do

Define what you mean by Zionist ?
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