Palin Welcomed Home to Alaska by Resident

Progressives are terrified of Palin, she's an electable Conservative so they all must try to destroy her, every last Zombie one of them

Please never say that again... please...

She is a talking point; she sells books she prolly didn't even write. She quit as Governor half way through, you would have to be moronic to vote for someone like that.

Not trying to attack you, but please don't call her a conservative. She ran with McCain, and liked him... McCain is about as un-conservative as modern day "conservatives" get.
Yes, Palin ran with McCain and a lot of people voted for McCain for that reason and that reason only.

at least with McCain a lot of people felt they could CONTROL him more than with this radical American hater Obama. and now as we see, with Obama, those chickens have come home to roost.

shame on all of you who voted for him.
Yes, Palin ran with McCain and a lot of people voted for McCain for that reason and that reason only.

at least with McCain a lot of people felt they could CONTROL him more than with this radical American hater Obama. and now as we see, with Obama, those chickens have come home to roost.

shame on all of you who voted for him.

And a lot of people voted for Obama solely because McCain chose Palin.
Yes, Palin ran with McCain and a lot of people voted for McCain for that reason and that reason only.

at least with McCain a lot of people felt they could CONTROL him more than with this radical American hater Obama. and now as we see, with Obama, those chickens have come home to roost.

shame on all of you who voted for him.

And a lot of people voted for Obama solely because McCain chose Palin.

oh please.
Like Joe Biden is some deep thinker and not just another CAREER politician.
Yes, Palin ran with McCain and a lot of people voted for McCain for that reason and that reason only.

at least with McCain a lot of people felt they could CONTROL him more than with this radical American hater Obama. and now as we see, with Obama, those chickens have come home to roost.

shame on all of you who voted for him.

And a lot of people voted for Obama solely because McCain chose Palin.

And thank god, there was such small turn-out and very very little “energy” for the ticket. Republicans knew they were going to lose and I’m sure most were ok with it because of how bad the ticket was for them, despite Obama was the other option.

Better Obama keeps running the country into the ground rather than another “conservative” like Bush running the country into the ground doing the same policies you see Obama doing. Let the Dems take a hit, and restructure the conservative party and hope for the best.
Yes, Palin ran with McCain and a lot of people voted for McCain for that reason and that reason only.

at least with McCain a lot of people felt they could CONTROL him more than with this radical American hater Obama. and now as we see, with Obama, those chickens have come home to roost.

shame on all of you who voted for him.

And a lot of people voted for Obama solely because McCain chose Palin.

oh please.
Like Joe Biden is some deep thinker and not just another CAREER politician.

At least Obama is still a young man and not likely to plotz at any moment leaving Biden in charge.

We couldn't say thay about McCain.
YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin's Homer Moment-D'Oh!‬‎

If you watch at around the 1:10 mark, Palin looks at her daughter and rolls her eyes at the woman's response that she's a teacher. Overall, the entire exchange is a uncomfortable watch.

I find it hilarious though how the security guard keeps trying to block the guy's camera.

I wonder if Palin rolls her eyes at all of her constituents, or if she only reserves that for our teachers?
And a lot of people voted for Obama solely because McCain chose Palin.

oh please.
Like Joe Biden is some deep thinker and not just another CAREER politician.

At least Obama is still a young man and not likely to plotz at any moment leaving Biden in charge.

We couldn't say thay about McCain.

Well I guess in these times something like that would be something you could be proud of when looking at how Obama is doing. So yes, at LEAST he has that, he won't die of old age. Is there a prize he can win for that too maybe?
YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin's Homer Moment-D'Oh!‬‎

If you watch at around the 1:10 mark, Palin looks at her daughter and rolls her eyes at the woman's response that she's a teacher. Overall, the entire exchange is a uncomfortable watch.

I find it hilarious though how the security guard keeps trying to block the guy's camera.

I wonder if Palin rolls her eyes at all of her constituents, or if she only reserves that for our teachers?

omg, back to the ROLLING OF EYES. how friggen LAMEO.:lol:
You know.......Palin demonstrated that she doesn't know shit about the constitution, nor does she do anything other than make sentences stringing "constitution" "patriot" "protecting our rights" and "support our troops".

Wonder if her stupidity is genetic?
The lefties are the ones who is Keeping Palin in the spotlight, even after all the bemoaning they wish she would just GO AWAY..They post more threads about her than anyone else.

Go Sarah Go.:lol:

So the lefty's were the ones who made her make this for HER reality show she is about to star in?

If we comment on HER reality show, are we being obsessive then as well?

Pathetic defense. Pathetic. Here is a thought, comment on how fucking dumb this almost white house person is. WE LAUGH AT HER AND THE REPBULICAN PARTY. Its fun.

Don't worry, I'm sure she laughs right back at you lefties. I know I do all the time.:lol:

I mean some pathetic lefty started a thread on how Palin ROLLED HER EYES for gawds sake.

did you miss when she did it? She rolled her eyes when she found out the person who said she was a horrible gov. was ONLY a lowly teacher.
YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin's Homer Moment-D'Oh!‬‎

If you watch at around the 1:10 mark, Palin looks at her daughter and rolls her eyes at the woman's response that she's a teacher. Overall, the entire exchange is a uncomfortable watch.

I find it hilarious though how the security guard keeps trying to block the guy's camera.

I wonder if Palin rolls her eyes at all of her constituents, or if she only reserves that for our teachers?

omg, back to the ROLLING OF EYES. how friggen LAMEO.:lol:

If Michelle Obama did this to a teacher.....oh boy...can you imagine the threads we would see here? Seriously, dont be a hack. Think about this, Michelle Obama asks a woman she knows doesnt like her, what she does for a living and she said teacher..and Mrs. Obama rolled her eyes.

I wonder if Palin rolls her eyes at all of her constituents, or if she only reserves that for our teachers?

omg, back to the ROLLING OF EYES. how friggen LAMEO.:lol:

If Michelle Obama did this to a teacher.....oh boy...can you imagine the threads we would see here? Seriously, dont be a hack. Think about this, Michelle Obama asks a woman she knows doesnt like her, what she does for a living and she said teacher..and Mrs. Obama rolled her eyes.


yeah, but we're talking about sawwah.... we're not allowed to comment on *her*.

i thought it quite fitting that she rolled her eyes when she heard the woman was a teacher given that she hates people who are smart enough to get her game.

i don't get the anti-intellectualism of the extreme right. whatever happened to the elitist repubs who were harvard/yale educated and were the smartest guys in the room?

i miss them. at least i understood them and knew that the dems would add a little heart and the world would go 'round and 'round like it was supposed to.

sawwah loves freedom of speech...when it's her saying stupid stuff on facebook.... but hates it when its anyone else.

she's a tweeting twit.
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YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin's Homer Moment-D'Oh!‬‎

If you watch at around the 1:10 mark, Palin looks at her daughter and rolls her eyes at the woman's response that she's a teacher. Overall, the entire exchange is a uncomfortable watch.

I find it hilarious though how the security guard keeps trying to block the guy's camera.

I wonder if Palin rolls her eyes at all of her constituents, or if she only reserves that for our teachers?

Its not the first timeshe has rolled her eyes at teachers...

Like when her teacher asked her who her favorite founding father was...

She rolled her eyes and replied...."All of them"
I wonder if Palin rolls her eyes at all of her constituents, or if she only reserves that for our teachers?

omg, back to the ROLLING OF EYES. how friggen LAMEO.:lol:

If Michelle Obama did this to a teacher.....oh boy...can you imagine the threads we would see here? Seriously, dont be a hack. Think about this, Michelle Obama asks a woman she knows doesnt like her, what she does for a living and she said teacher..and Mrs. Obama rolled her eyes.


and you would no doubt apologize and defend her to your death

omg, back to the ROLLING OF EYES. how friggen LAMEO.:lol:

If Michelle Obama did this to a teacher.....oh boy...can you imagine the threads we would see here? Seriously, dont be a hack. Think about this, Michelle Obama asks a woman she knows doesnt like her, what she does for a living and she said teacher..and Mrs. Obama rolled her eyes.


and you would no doubt apologize and defend her to your death


So because you THINK I would defend her, I am a hack..but when you guys are defending Palin now who actually did this, you aren't hacks?


(By the way, we all know how you feel about OBama and his family...see below).
If Michelle Obama did this to a teacher.....oh boy...can you imagine the threads we would see here? Seriously, dont be a hack. Think about this, Michelle Obama asks a woman she knows doesnt like her, what she does for a living and she said teacher..and Mrs. Obama rolled her eyes.


and you would no doubt apologize and defend her to your death


So because you THINK I would defend her, I am a hack..but when you guys are defending Palin now who actually did this, you are ont hacks?


(By the way, we all know how you feel about OBama and his family...see below).

Yurt didn't defend Palin.

Helps when you read the thread :thup:

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