Here is a pant!, pant! poem I wrote about 26 years ago, after I left my ex-wife and soon after I met my current wife. This poem was inspired by a her and it will give you an idea of how it was between us.
Two tongues merging in wild desire
A frantic shedding of one's clothes
Making sure that it all goes
The door is locked, the world outside
Paradise found by those inside
Skin to skin the bodies touch
Senses feel, almost too much
Fingers stroke those hidden spots
Exploring wildly with such lust
Hands caress the human flesh
As passion explodes anew and fresh
Emotions bloom on hot seared sighs
As ardor takes them to new highs
Lips that blend into each other
Creating sweat that turns to lather
Bodies dash to fulfill a dream
To belong together as coffee and cream
Merging passionately into one
Exchanging fluids when they are done
Loving kisses given as an aftermath
Eyes tenderly tracing an adoring path
Souls to discover the fertile ground
Where love will bloom and stay around
Night ends with sweet surrender
Mates for life they will remember
Moments where they first did know
That God blessed this union with a glow
A World Inside
A welcome kiss with arms on fireTwo tongues merging in wild desire
A frantic shedding of one's clothes
Making sure that it all goes
The door is locked, the world outside
Paradise found by those inside
Skin to skin the bodies touch
Senses feel, almost too much
Fingers stroke those hidden spots
Exploring wildly with such lust
Hands caress the human flesh
As passion explodes anew and fresh
Emotions bloom on hot seared sighs
As ardor takes them to new highs
Lips that blend into each other
Creating sweat that turns to lather
Bodies dash to fulfill a dream
To belong together as coffee and cream
Merging passionately into one
Exchanging fluids when they are done
Loving kisses given as an aftermath
Eyes tenderly tracing an adoring path
Souls to discover the fertile ground
Where love will bloom and stay around
Night ends with sweet surrender
Mates for life they will remember
Moments where they first did know
That God blessed this union with a glow