Parents angered by segregation experiment at local elementary school


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Nope racist CRT is just a conspiracy.

SAN ANTONIO - Children at a local elementary school segregated by the color of their hair. The children in one group told they're not as smart as the others. It was supposed to be a lesson on racism, but some parents are furious neither they, nor their kids, were told about it ahead of time.

The parents we spoke to say they want their children to learn about racism and civil rights but feel Northside ISD went too far with the segregation experiment and by making children watch a documentary it admits was not age appropriate.

Mike and Brandi Lininger say their ten-year-old daughter was confused and hurt by a classroom experiment in January at Leon Springs Elementary. Students were separated according to hair color, with one group receiving preferential treatment.

“All of the dark-haired kids, the brown- and black-haired kids, were treated as the privileged ones and the blonde haired and the redhead kids were the ones treated not so nicely," said Brandi Lininger.

The Lininger's say teachers told students children in the fair-haired group were not as intelligent. That group was purposely given a game with pieces missing so they could not play. Later they were made to clean up after the other children.

“She was hurt, her friends, and she named to the principal and to district officials, names of her friends that were crying," Brandi Lininger said.

Fifth graders were also shown a Spike Lee documentary called "4 Little Girls" about the 1963 bombing of an Alabama church. The film includes graphic autopsy photos of the girls' bodies.

The teacher says she fast-forwarded past those parts, but the Lininger’s say the children in their daughter’s class did see the photos.

“The things that she said that she skipped over, my daughter was able to describe to us to a ‘T.’ So that night our daughter was unable to go to sleep in our own room, she was scared," Mike Lininger said.

Northside ISD declined News 4 San Antonio’s request for an interview but said in a statement: “The activity and video in question were part of a larger fifth-grade project-based lesson around the inequity of segregation . . . While the campus did receive positive feedback from several parents . . . District and campus administration recognize the parent’s concerns and agree that the activity and video are not age-appropriate and will not be used again.”

The Lininger's say the main issue for them is transparency.

“They send us notes and newsletters about everything else. Your child is going to see The Polar Express and it's pajama day on Friday before winter break, and we get no notice that they're going to do a social experiment on segregation," Brandi Lininger said.

News 4 spoke to another Leon Springs parent who confirmed the Lininger's story but did not want to be identified.

The couple says they contacted us because Northside officials have refused to notify parents about the experiment, and some may still be unaware it took place.

The Long History of this Experiment​

The segregation experiment at Leon Springs Elementary appears to have been patterned after a famous exercise devised by a teacher named Jane Elliott back in the 1970’s. Elliott has since become an internationally known diversity trainer and lecturer. According to her website, Elliott’s original exercise labeled students as inferior or superior based solely on the color of their eyes and exposed them to the experience of being a minority. Over the years other teachers have copied the experiment, sometimes using hair color as the distinguishing factor.
All of this racial divisiveness was over . . . somewhere around 1980. Americans of all backgrounds and cultures were living together in relative harmony. Racism was not a thing. Twenty-eight years later all of that changed, immediately after the election of Barack Obama to the White House. Since 2008 radical leftists and others—plenty of so-called republicans as well—went out of their way to make racism a "thing" again and to sow seeds of racial chaos in the hearts and minds of a new generation of Americans. Social media mass instant communication was perhaps their most useful and diabolical tool for regressing US racial relations back to where they had been half a century earlier. Today racial disharmony between Americans is at a higher hellishness than ever before in our history. Seems to me that's just the way our government wants it, likes it.
I remember the days when I had black friends. Good friends. We ate at one another's homes and had sleepovers. Just giggly girls like any giggly girls. We went shopping and to the movies.

It's impossible now.
I remember the days when I had black friends. Good friends. We ate at one another's homes and had sleepovers. Just giggly girls like any giggly girls. We went shopping and to the movies.

It's impossible now.
My mom did volunteer work at St. Francis, an massive urban church 1/2 city block long, back when I was .....maybe 5 or 6 years old. So me and my brother were walking around the block and these 2 black kids kidnapped us, they had must have been black power arm bands or something like that. 10 minutes later were shooting basketballs and running around on the playground. Must have been 71' or 72'.
All of this racial divisiveness was over . . . somewhere around 1980. Americans of all backgrounds and cultures were living together in relative harmony. Racism was not a thing. Twenty-eight years later all of that changed, immediately after the election of Barack Obama to the White House. Since 2008 radical leftists and others—plenty of so-called republicans as well—went out of their way to make racism a "thing" again and to sow seeds of racial chaos in the hearts and minds of a new generation of Americans. Social media mass instant communication was perhaps their most useful and diabolical tool for regressing US racial relations back to where they had been half a century earlier. Today racial disharmony between Americans is at a higher hellishness than ever before in our history. Seems to me that's just the way our government wants it, likes it.
Race botherers.
My mom did volunteer work at St. Francis, an massive urban church 1/2 city block long, back when I was .....maybe 5 or 6 years old. So me and my brother were walking around the block and these 2 black kids kidnapped us, they had must have been black power arm bands or something like that. 10 minutes later were shooting basketballs and running around on the playground. Must have been 71' or 72'.
My dearest friend is black. We have been friends for more than 60 years. As girls together we were inseparable. Her father was a general in the army. He and his wife were always invited to officer's dinners when the navy ships would come into Port at Oakland or Treasure Island. The General always asked if he could bring his four daughters. Three black girls and me, No one ever said a word. You might see such a relationship in the movies or a TV show but no more in real life
Nope racist CRT is just a conspiracy.

SAN ANTONIO - Children at a local elementary school segregated by the color of their hair. The children in one group told they're not as smart as the others. It was supposed to be a lesson on racism, but some parents are furious neither they, nor their kids, were told about it ahead of time.

The parents we spoke to say they want their children to learn about racism and civil rights but feel Northside ISD went too far with the segregation experiment and by making children watch a documentary it admits was not age appropriate.

Mike and Brandi Lininger say their ten-year-old daughter was confused and hurt by a classroom experiment in January at Leon Springs Elementary. Students were separated according to hair color, with one group receiving preferential treatment.

“All of the dark-haired kids, the brown- and black-haired kids, were treated as the privileged ones and the blonde haired and the redhead kids were the ones treated not so nicely," said Brandi Lininger.

The Lininger's say teachers told students children in the fair-haired group were not as intelligent. That group was purposely given a game with pieces missing so they could not play. Later they were made to clean up after the other children.

“She was hurt, her friends, and she named to the principal and to district officials, names of her friends that were crying," Brandi Lininger said.

Fifth graders were also shown a Spike Lee documentary called "4 Little Girls" about the 1963 bombing of an Alabama church. The film includes graphic autopsy photos of the girls' bodies.

The teacher says she fast-forwarded past those parts, but the Lininger’s say the children in their daughter’s class did see the photos.

“The things that she said that she skipped over, my daughter was able to describe to us to a ‘T.’ So that night our daughter was unable to go to sleep in our own room, she was scared," Mike Lininger said.

Northside ISD declined News 4 San Antonio’s request for an interview but said in a statement: “The activity and video in question were part of a larger fifth-grade project-based lesson around the inequity of segregation . . . While the campus did receive positive feedback from several parents . . . District and campus administration recognize the parent’s concerns and agree that the activity and video are not age-appropriate and will not be used again.”

The Lininger's say the main issue for them is transparency.

“They send us notes and newsletters about everything else. Your child is going to see The Polar Express and it's pajama day on Friday before winter break, and we get no notice that they're going to do a social experiment on segregation," Brandi Lininger said.

News 4 spoke to another Leon Springs parent who confirmed the Lininger's story but did not want to be identified.

The couple says they contacted us because Northside officials have refused to notify parents about the experiment, and some may still be unaware it took place.

The Long History of this Experiment​

The segregation experiment at Leon Springs Elementary appears to have been patterned after a famous exercise devised by a teacher named Jane Elliott back in the 1970’s. Elliott has since become an internationally known diversity trainer and lecturer. According to her website, Elliott’s original exercise labeled students as inferior or superior based solely on the color of their eyes and exposed them to the experience of being a minority. Over the years other teachers have copied the experiment, sometimes using hair color as the distinguishing factor.
Whoever is responsible needs to be lashed in public.
Oprah did that bullshit test many years ago to her audience. Except she went with eye color. It didn't go over well.
their ten-year-old daughter was confused and hurt by a classroom experiment in January at Leon Springs Elementary. Students were separated according to hair color, with one group receiving preferential treatment.

THE FAILING in all of this is that these schools are trying to evoke an adult interpretation out of children! These kids are simply too young for this crap, but the point of CRT is to try to brainwash, er, indoctrinate kids to these ideas while they are impressionable.
At least the cops didn't let a nut murder them all.
All of this racial divisiveness was over . . . somewhere around 1980. Americans of all backgrounds and cultures were living together in relative harmony. Racism was not a thing. ....
Racism was not a "thing" in 1980? Um, yes it was.

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