Parents should be on high alert for signs of radicalization, experts say


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
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Parents should be on high alert for signs of radicalization, experts say
After a teen was arrested in Ottawa on terrorism charges for an alleged plot to attack the Jewish community, experts are urging parents to be on high alert for signs of radicalization.

Remote : 2023-12-18(Monday) 03 : 25 : 15
Local : 2023-12-18(Monday) 03 : 25 : 15
Found via World Headlines on

as if there wasn't enough to worry about when dealing with your teenagers and 20-somethings.. :S
Violence, death & destruction, the breakfast of islam!
The Left is using academia all across the world to radicalize they youth to kill Jews.
Jews to begin with. The staff at Charlie Hebdo wasn't Jewish. The partiers at Paris Bataclan weren't Jewish. 49 gays killed at the Pulse nightclub weren't Jewish. Omar Mateen didn't care. They were infidels. The couple that shot up their office in San Bernardino were killing infidels for Allah.

All Palestinians want is dead Jews that's all. Just let them, help them, kill Jews and free Palestine.

How can any thinking person still believe this vomit?
Jews to begin with. The staff at Charlie Hebdo wasn't Jewish. The partiers at Paris Bataclan weren't Jewish. 49 gays killed at the Pulse nightclub weren't Jewish. Omar Mateen didn't care. They were infidels. The couple that shot up their office in San Bernardino were killing infidels for Allah.

All Palestinians want is dead Jews that's all. Just let them, help them, kill Jews and free Palestine.

How can any thinking person still believe this vomit?
anyone that believes this crap is not a thinking person, he/she is a f-ing (targeted) zombie.
Parents should be on high alert for signs of radicalization, experts say
After a teen was arrested in Ottawa on terrorism charges for an alleged plot to attack the Jewish community, experts are urging parents to be on high alert for signs of radicalization.

Remote : 2023-12-18(Monday) 03 : 25 : 15
Local : 2023-12-18(Monday) 03 : 25 : 15
Found via World Headlines on

as if there wasn't enough to worry about already when dealing with your teenagers and 20-somethings.. :S

It's always been this way, young people are idealistic, angry, ignorant, they'll find something to do .
Lovely. Now they're trying to turn parents against their children. These statists are fucked up, buncha goddamn psychopaths.
The dark side of the spiritual world some how manages to reflect itself into the dark side of humanity. Unfortunately for the anti-dark people we have to live with the spiritually dark people that seem to rejoice in everything from breaking up families to causing physical death & everything dark in between. The large occult organizations like islam are absolutely the worst of the worst.
The dark side of the spiritual world some how manages to reflect itself into the dark side of humanity. Unfortunately for the anti-dark people we have to live with the spiritually dark people that seem to rejoice in everything from breaking up families to causing physical death & everything dark in between. The large occult organizations like islam are absolutely the worst of the worst.
They don't think I'd notice if my daughter became a Muslim?

Started wearing a head scarf all the time?

They don't think I'd notice if my daughter became a Muslim?

Started wearing a head scarf all the time?

SCARY! U want to keep an eye on her for any unusual behavior traits, like U do not want to lose her to a freaking occult organization.
Jews to begin with. The staff at Charlie Hebdo wasn't Jewish. The partiers at Paris Bataclan weren't Jewish. 49 gays killed at the Pulse nightclub weren't Jewish. Omar Mateen didn't care. They were infidels. The couple that shot up their office in San Bernardino were killing infidels for Allah.

All Palestinians want is dead Jews that's all. Just let them, help them, kill Jews and free Palestine.

How can any thinking person still believe this vomit?
Islam is a VERFIED death cult as their very actions of unprovoked outright murder more than proves. Islam is also a global occult(moon god worship) criminal organization that needs to be isolated from civilized humanity. Thanks EC B I both agree & appreciate your strong stance on this subject!
Parents should be on high alert for signs of radicalization, experts say
After a teen was arrested in Ottawa on terrorism charges for an alleged plot to attack the Jewish community, experts are urging parents to be on high alert for signs of radicalization.

Remote : 2023-12-18(Monday) 03 : 25 : 15
Local : 2023-12-18(Monday) 03 : 25 : 15
Found via World Headlines on

as if there wasn't enough to worry about already when dealing with your teenagers and 20-somethings.. :S
WOW, Canadians going nazi???
SCARY! U want to keep an eye on her for any unusual behavior traits, like U do not want to lose her to a freaking occult organization.
It could go the other way, she could end up looking like this.


I have a question. How come the guys get the curls?
Being radicalized by what? Trannies, fags, anti Americans, anti whites, climate change gurus, pronoun warriors, Jews, anti Jews, COVID freaks, democrats, black lives matter, gangs, muslims? The list goes on and on and on.

Course none of this would be a problem if America had it's morals, values, standards and pride. But nope, those are going away and kids are being raised by social media. So we have a generation of dumb, stupid, lazy, irresponsible and bored kids raised to believe they are the most important ever and they spend their lives online being fed garbage from social media.
The parents only see their offspring for about two hours a day. During which the radical stuff is hidden away.

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