Paul Craig Roberts: By Winter Unemployment Explodes


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
New Jersey
More Foreclosures-Worse than Great Depression
[ame=]Paul Craig Roberts: By Winter Unemployment Explodes, More Foreclosures-Worse than Great Depression - YouTube[/ame]
Interesting unemployment info...
90,609,000: Americans Not in Labor Force Climbs to Another Record
October 22, 2013 -- The number of Americans who are 16 years or older and who have decided not to participate in the nation's labor force has climbed to a record 90,609,000 in September, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The BLS counts a person as participating in the labor force if they are 16 years or older and either have a job or have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. A person is not participating in the labor force if they are 16 or older and have not sought a job in the last four weeks. In from July to August, according to BLS, Americans not participating in the labor force climbed from 89,957,000 to 90,473,000, pushing past 90,000,000 for the first time, with a one month increase of 516,000. In September, it climbed again to 90,609,000, an increase of 136,000 during the month.

In January 2009, when President Barack Obama took office, there were 80,507,000 Americans not in the labor force. Thus, the number of Americans not in the labor force has increased by 10,102,000 during Obama's presidency. The labor force participation rate, which is the percentage of the non-institutionalized population 16 years or older who either have a job or actively sought one in the last four weeks, was 63.2 percent in September. That was unchanged from August. When President Obama took office in January 2009, the labor force participation rate was 65.7 percent.

The percentage of the civilian non-institutionalized population over 16 that was employed also remained constant from August to September at 58.6 percent. When President Obama took office in January 2009, the employment-population ratio was 60.6 percent. The overall national unemployment rate--which is the percentage of people participating in the labor force who actively sought a job and did not find one in September--was 7.2 percent. That was a slight drop from the 7.3 percent unemployment rate in August. When President Obama took office in 2009, the unemployment rate was 7.8 percent.

The number of people actually employed increased by 133,000 last month, climbing from 144,170,000 in August to 144,303,000 in September. When Obama took office in January 2009, there were 142,153,000 Americans employed--meaning the number has increased by 2,150,000 over the past 57 months. One reason for the increasing number of people not in the labor force is the aging of the Baby Boom generation, whose members have begun retiring--and are not being replaced by an equal number of young people entering the labor force.


See also:

154,000 Fewer Women Held Jobs in September; Female Participation in Labor Force Matches 24-Year Low
October 22, 2013 -- American women participated in the nation’s labor force in September at a rate that matched the lowest level in 24 years, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
At the same time, the number of women actually holding jobs declined by 154,000 from August to September. Because the number of women participating in the labor force declined in September, the drop in the number of women who were actually employed did not cause an increase in the unemployment rate for women. In fact, even though 154,000 fewer women worked in August than September, the unemployment rate for women dropped from 6.8 percent to 6.7 percent.

As calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a person participates in the labor force if they are 16 or older, not institutionalized, and either have a job or have actively sought a job in the last four weeks. The labor force participation rate is the percentage of people over 16 in the non-institutionalized population who either have a job or actively sought one in the last four weeks. In September, according to BLS, the labor force participation rate for women was 57.1 percent, down from 57.3 percent in August and 57.4 percent in July. The female labor force participation rate had also dropped to 57.1 percent this March.

Prior to this March and September, however, the last time the female labor force participation rate dropped as low as 57.1 percent was in February 1989—24 years ago. The BLS has been tracking the participation of women in the U.S. labor force since 1948. In January 1948, 32.0 percent of the non-institutionalized female U.S. population over the age of 16 participated in the labor force. That percentage generally climbed over five decades, peaking at 60.3 percent in April 2000. Since then, the labor force participation rate among women has been generally declining.

In August, according to BLS, the female civilian labor force was 72,973,000. In September it dropped to 72,705,000—a decline of 268,000. Similarly, the number of women working in America dropped from 68,005,000 in August to 67,851,000 in September—a decline of 154,000. However, because the decline in the number females in the civilian labor force was greater than the decline the number of females actually holding jobs, the unemployment rate for women actually dropped from 6.8 percent in August to 6.7 percent in September.

154,000 Fewer Women Held Jobs in September; Female Participation in Labor Force Matches 24-Year Low | CNS News
Head for those underground bunkers everyone; they're coming to get us. I'm so afraid......

So the Obama regime is shown to be playing games with our economic indicators like the unemployment rate via reducing the overall work force numbers, and his policies have been an unmitigated disaster, losing TEN MILLION workers, and all you can come up with is some pissy sarcasm?

Whatever happened to love of countrymen?
Head for those underground bunkers everyone; they're coming to get us. I'm so afraid......

The only thing missing from this brilliant exclamation is the ubiquitous "oh noes", which is shocking considering the obvious juvenile brain attempting to function and serve up some sarcasm.

And leftists wonder why they are seen as roundly stupid.
Head for those underground bunkers everyone; they're coming to get us. I'm so afraid......

And they all have that warm tingle running up their leg - they are just SO HAPPY things are going to get worse for their fellow Americans.

Sadistic bastards.

I'm ready- Time to weed out the communist


You bet, bring on the collapse of this progressive hell we are living in. It's going to happen soon anyway so let me deal with it rather than my unborn grand-kids.
And they all have that warm tingle running up their leg - they are just SO HAPPY things are going to get worse for their fellow Americans.

Sadistic bastards.

I'm ready- Time to weed out the communist


You bet, bring on the collapse of this progressive hell we are living in. It's going to happen soon anyway so let me deal with it rather than my unborn grand-kids.

My recommendation, and that's all it is; be prepared. Own at least one gun, or multiple guns in the same caliber if you want to protect what you have from those who will come for it. And I can't blame those folks. If I had a baby, and was not prepared in a SHTF scenario, and my neighbor was, I would be paying you a visit. We need to expect this. Living in California I need to have long term supplies in case of Earthquake so my hand has already been forced. But for others, the SHTF scenario requires preparation whether it happens or not.

Only difference today is, these same people are taking from us 'legally' through legislation. Once the final collapse of our intended Republic, which has been reduced to a Democracy happens, you will need supplies and a gun


Tolstoy would like to have a word with you ass clowns.


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Head for those underground bunkers everyone; they're coming to get us. I'm so afraid......

And they all have that warm tingle running up their leg - they are just SO HAPPY things are going to get worse for their fellow Americans.

Sadistic bastards.

Lol, no, it is libtards like you and Matthews that get the tingling legs syndrome, and its usually down the leg like you've just pissed your pants.

Conservatives are not sadistic bastards for opposing stupid, badly implemented policies and the destruction of our freedoms as a police state is set u p, and all you libtard jack-boots can do is deny (without a single fact), and make counter accusations of no merit or fact.

In simple terms, you people have stopped being 'liberals' a very long time ago and now are simply full fledged fascists in stealth mode.
Conservatives are sadistic bastards who want to see this country fail. You are a treasonous lot of disgusting vipers, and I hope you never have a moment's peace or happiness in your life.
Tolstoy would like to have a word with you ass clowns.

Your Tolstoy quote is an EXACT description of the mind of libtards like you.

Take the Obamacare rollout for an example. It is an unmitigated disaster, it was implemented with the greatest incompetence imaginable, and yet you little brown shirts seem to think that if you close your eyes and talk happy talk it wont be so bad after all. That is how a five year old thinks and libtards, too.

This President is destroying our country, economically, militarily, and diplomatically.

Blind libtard support of him like yours amounts to treason in the face of plain facts.
Conservatives are sadistic bastards who want to see this country fail. You are a treasonous lot of disgusting vipers, and I hope you never have a moment's peace or happiness in your life.

Bullshit, bitch. You can keep saying that conservatives are sadistic, but ALL the facts are contrary to your lies.

Obama has reduced employed Americans by more than TEN MILLION; FACT, bitch.

Obama has lied about intending to make his regime 'transparent' and instead he has set up the worst police state this country has ever seen before. FACT.

Obama has deliberately caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs and health insurance due to his disastrous Obamacare law that was signed without him even reading the damned thing; FACT.

I could go on and on and on, but it is plain, you are a fucking lying ass hat, and people are getting sick of libtard bullshit. I know I sure as hell am.

This country is heading into a disaster of libtard invention and you morons refuse to look at what you were doing, Obamacare being only the latest example. You are destroying the greatest republic this planet has ever seen and all you can do is shout 'RACISM!' and other names as you and your butt-buddies link arms and sing koombahfuckingyah.
And they all have that warm tingle running up their leg - they are just SO HAPPY things are going to get worse for their fellow Americans.

Sadistic bastards.

I'm ready- Time to weed out the communist


You bet, bring on the collapse of this progressive hell we are living in. It's going to happen soon anyway so let me deal with it rather than my unborn grand-kids.

I hope you realize that what you are talking about is this nation being formally split into two halves. The criminal oligarchs in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and Boston will not simply walk away and leave the rest of us the hell alone. They see us as their cattle for herding and slaughtering when they want and they wont give us up any more quickly than southern slave owners did a century ago.
I'm ready- Time to weed out the communist


You bet, bring on the collapse of this progressive hell we are living in. It's going to happen soon anyway so let me deal with it rather than my unborn grand-kids.

My recommendation, and that's all it is; be prepared. Own at least one gun, or multiple guns in the same caliber if you want to protect what you have from those who will come for it. And I can't blame those folks. If I had a baby, and was not prepared in a SHTF scenario, and my neighbor was, I would be paying you a visit. We need to expect this. Living in California I need to have long term supplies in case of Earthquake so my hand has already been forced. But for others, the SHTF scenario requires preparation whether it happens or not.

Only difference today is, these same people are taking from us 'legally' through legislation. Once the final collapse of our intended Republic, which has been reduced to a Democracy happens, you will need supplies and a gun



Couldn't agree more man. I am one of those people they label a nut for thinking ahead and looking out for my family and I. :eusa_shhh:

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