Paul Krugman, Nobel Laureate Economist, slams Paul Ryan (R)

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Remember when the likes of Paul Ryan accused Ben Bernanke of printing too much money, solemnly intoning that “There is nothing more insidious that a country can do to its citizens than debase its currency”?

I mean, it could be that the inflation hawks have learned their lesson, that they realize that volatile commodity prices aren’t a very good guide to policy, and that it makes sense to focus on core inflation. But I’ve seen no sign of a rethink.

Or it could be that inflation phobia is deep pure and simple, and no evidence will shake the state of perm-fear.

Paul Krugman is the best :) Theres a reason he was bestowed the Neobel Prize. He knows what he's talking about in re: economics


Remember when the likes of Paul Ryan accused Ben Bernanke of printing too much money, solemnly intoning that “There is nothing more insidious that a country can do to its citizens than debase its currency”?

I mean, it could be that the inflation hawks have learned their lesson, that they realize that volatile commodity prices aren’t a very good guide to policy, and that it makes sense to focus on core inflation. But I’ve seen no sign of a rethink.

Or it could be that inflation phobia is deep pure and simple, and no evidence will shake the state of perm-fear.

Paul Krugman is the best :) Theres a reason he was bestowed the Neobel Prize. He knows what he's talking about in re: economics



Should Greece issue a $1 Trillion EU coin?
Remember when the likes of Paul Ryan accused Ben Bernanke of printing too much money, solemnly intoning that “There is nothing more insidious that a country can do to its citizens than debase its currency”?

I mean, it could be that the inflation hawks have learned their lesson, that they realize that volatile commodity prices aren’t a very good guide to policy, and that it makes sense to focus on core inflation. But I’ve seen no sign of a rethink.

Or it could be that inflation phobia is deep pure and simple, and no evidence will shake the state of perm-fear.

Paul Krugman is the best :) Theres a reason he was bestowed the Neobel Prize. He knows what he's talking about in re: economics



There is no Nobel Prize for economics. Krugman won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, an award not bestowed by Nobel.
A dyed-in-the-wool loony leftist, Krugman has been thrashing about with a severe case of butthurt over his Greek Tragedy assessments.
Rather than admit he was very, very wrong he blames the incompetence of Greece's loony left gov't for their highly predictable escapade and capitulation.
One need not be a Nobel laureate - or even a Sveriges Riksbank Prize winner - to have spotted the gaping holes in the Tsipras-Varoufakis plan to have Greece eat the cake and have it, too.
Not only did they not have a viable back-up plan, they didn't have any viable plan - other than to insist their debt must be forgiven and new funds must be provided - at all.
There is a valuable lesson in all this for the loony left but, like Krugman, I doubt you have the humility or the smarts to recognize and accept it.
Remember when the likes of Paul Ryan accused Ben Bernanke of printing too much money, solemnly intoning that “There is nothing more insidious that a country can do to its citizens than debase its currency”?

I mean, it could be that the inflation hawks have learned their lesson, that they realize that volatile commodity prices aren’t a very good guide to policy, and that it makes sense to focus on core inflation. But I’ve seen no sign of a rethink.

Or it could be that inflation phobia is deep pure and simple, and no evidence will shake the state of perm-fear.

Paul Krugman is the best :) Theres a reason he was bestowed the Neobel Prize. He knows what he's talking about in re: economics



I would agree....

Krugman is the best reason to think for yourself.

He was a good economist at one time.

When he stepped into (and I mean that literally) policy discussion....he became just another hack.

But people always say.....but he won "a prize". I don't ask my mechanic to work on my teeth and I don't ask my dentist to work on my car.
Why are we discussing something that happened 6 years ago ?

Do we really believe any of these people provide the correct context for a discussion.

Remember when the likes of Paul Ryan accused Ben Bernanke of printing too much money, solemnly intoning that “There is nothing more insidious that a country can do to its citizens than debase its currency”?

I mean, it could be that the inflation hawks have learned their lesson, that they realize that volatile commodity prices aren’t a very good guide to policy, and that it makes sense to focus on core inflation. But I’ve seen no sign of a rethink.

Or it could be that inflation phobia is deep pure and simple, and no evidence will shake the state of perm-fear.

Paul Krugman is the best :) Theres a reason he was bestowed the Neobel Prize. He knows what he's talking about in re: economics



There is no Nobel Prize for economics. Krugman won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, an award not bestowed by Nobel.
A dyed-in-the-wool loony leftist, Krugman has been thrashing about with a severe case of butthurt over his Greek Tragedy assessments.
Rather than admit he was very, very wrong he blames the incompetence of Greece's loony left gov't for their highly predictable escapade and capitulation.
One need not be a Nobel laureate - or even a Sveriges Riksbank Prize winner - to have spotted the gaping holes in the Tsipras-Varoufakis plan to have Greece eat the cake and have it, too.
Not only did they not have a viable back-up plan, they didn't have any viable plan - other than to insist their debt must be forgiven and new funds must be provided - at all.
There is a valuable lesson in all this for the loony left but, like Krugman, I doubt you have the humility or the smarts to recognize and accept it.
link? :eusa_eh: kthanks
Remember when the likes of Paul Ryan accused Ben Bernanke of printing too much money, solemnly intoning that “There is nothing more insidious that a country can do to its citizens than debase its currency”?

I mean, it could be that the inflation hawks have learned their lesson, that they realize that volatile commodity prices aren’t a very good guide to policy, and that it makes sense to focus on core inflation. But I’ve seen no sign of a rethink.

Or it could be that inflation phobia is deep pure and simple, and no evidence will shake the state of perm-fear.

Paul Krugman is the best :) Theres a reason he was bestowed the Neobel Prize. He knows what he's talking about in re: economics



There is no Nobel Prize for economics. Krugman won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, an award not bestowed by Nobel.
A dyed-in-the-wool loony leftist, Krugman has been thrashing about with a severe case of butthurt over his Greek Tragedy assessments.
Rather than admit he was very, very wrong he blames the incompetence of Greece's loony left gov't for their highly predictable escapade and capitulation.
One need not be a Nobel laureate - or even a Sveriges Riksbank Prize winner - to have spotted the gaping holes in the Tsipras-Varoufakis plan to have Greece eat the cake and have it, too.
Not only did they not have a viable back-up plan, they didn't have any viable plan - other than to insist their debt must be forgiven and new funds must be provided - at all.
There is a valuable lesson in all this for the loony left but, like Krugman, I doubt you have the humility or the smarts to recognize and accept it.

Wow....what a wie
Remember when the likes of Paul Ryan accused Ben Bernanke of printing too much money, solemnly intoning that “There is nothing more insidious that a country can do to its citizens than debase its currency”?

I mean, it could be that the inflation hawks have learned their lesson, that they realize that volatile commodity prices aren’t a very good guide to policy, and that it makes sense to focus on core inflation. But I’ve seen no sign of a rethink.

Or it could be that inflation phobia is deep pure and simple, and no evidence will shake the state of perm-fear.

Paul Krugman is the best :) Theres a reason he was bestowed the Neobel Prize. He knows what he's talking about in re: economics



There is no Nobel Prize for economics. Krugman won the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, an award not bestowed by Nobel.
A dyed-in-the-wool loony leftist, Krugman has been thrashing about with a severe case of butthurt over his Greek Tragedy assessments.
Rather than admit he was very, very wrong he blames the incompetence of Greece's loony left gov't for their highly predictable escapade and capitulation.
One need not be a Nobel laureate - or even a Sveriges Riksbank Prize winner - to have spotted the gaping holes in the Tsipras-Varoufakis plan to have Greece eat the cake and have it, too.
Not only did they not have a viable back-up plan, they didn't have any viable plan - other than to insist their debt must be forgiven and new funds must be provided - at all.
There is a valuable lesson in all this for the loony left but, like Krugman, I doubt you have the humility or the smarts to recognize and accept it.
link? :eusa_eh: kthanks

News to me.....

I thought there was an actual Nobel Prize....

List of Nobel Memorial Prize laureates in Economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, officially known as The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (Swedish: Sveriges riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne), is awarded annually by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to researchers in the field of economics.[1]

However, it appears that a Nobel Prize committee makes the selection....

Sounds like a Nobel Prize to me......

Nomination and Selection of the Laureates in Economics

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is responsible for the choice of the Laureates in Economics from among the candidates recommended by the Economics Prize Committee.
57 views? :eusa_think:

why do I get the feeling that 40+ of those are supply-side types :eusa_whistle:
^ no low- IQ posters in my thread thank you very much.
Remember when the likes of Paul Ryan accused Ben Bernanke of printing too much money, solemnly intoning that “There is nothing more insidious that a country can do to its citizens than debase its currency”?

I mean, it could be that the inflation hawks have learned their lesson, that they realize that volatile commodity prices aren’t a very good guide to policy, and that it makes sense to focus on core inflation. But I’ve seen no sign of a rethink.

Or it could be that inflation phobia is deep pure and simple, and no evidence will shake the state of perm-fear.

Paul Krugman is the best :) Theres a reason he was bestowed the Neobel Prize. He knows what he's talking about in re: economics



I think Krugman has Alzheimer's. The old Stalinist fails to make any sort of sense anymore.
dot com is afraid to post on his own thread!! He thought he could hide under Krugman's dress!!

Dog Cum thinks that Krugman is more than the dottering old fool that everyone pretends is still lucid...

I strongly suspect that Paul routinely shits on the cat because he forgets what a toilet is, and circles the kitchen for hours because he can't find his way back to to the couch. Yes, he diligently stops and salutes the life size portrait of Mao in his living room, but forgets to put his pants on....

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