PBS report: DACA man deported under Trump's policies! Oh wait...


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
PBS just ran a report on a man who formerly held DACA status under Obama and had lived most of his life in America. He was enrolled in Community College and seemingly doing fine. Then suddenly he was deported. So why was he deported under Trump's policies? It turns out he was arrested for DUI. That must have done it right? Nope, he was still ok with a first offense. But then a year later he got another DUI. Apparently under President Trump's deportation policy, if you are a repeat offender you are gone.

Should we feel sorry for this person? Is it reasonable to deport repeat offenders? What say you? I'm not a hardliner when it comes to DACA youth. If they are educated and working and not causing problems, let them stay IMO. But if they are irresponsible enough to commit multiple crimes knowing what the consequences are, they do not deserve the privilege to live in this country.
Works for me. Too bad we can't deport all repeat offenders to some shithole. You want these drunks and druggies cruising your hometown?
PBS just ran a report on a man who formerly held DACA status under Obama and had lived most of his life in America. He was enrolled in Community College and seemingly doing fine. Then suddenly he was deported. So why was he deported under Trump's policies? It turns out he was arrested for DUI. That must have done it right? Nope, he was still ok with a first offense. But then a year later he got another DUI. Apparently under President Trump's deportation policy, if you are a repeat offender you are gone.

Should we feel sorry for this person? Is it reasonable to deport repeat offenders? What say you? I'm not a hardliner when it comes to DACA youth. If they are educated and working and not causing problems, let them stay IMO. But if they are irresponsible enough to commit multiple crimes knowing what the consequences are, they do not deserve the privilege to live in this country.
I don't think anyone is really gonna disagree with this.
Driving intoxicated can kill...of course he must be deported...
DACA is the "camel's nose in the tent." Life would be simpler if we treated everyone in the country illegally under the same set of protocols.

If i were Emperor, I would say, "if they jump through the appropriate hoops, they can stay, but if they came here illegally, they can NEVER be voting citizens."

THis is my version of "Comprehensive Immigration Reform."

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