Peanut Grass


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Does anybody have this?

Our designer is suggesting we use it for our lawn at our new place, but I'm not sure. It is low maintenance but I don't think it looks as good as regular grass.
Nope. Never heard of ot.

An 80/20 mix of tall fescue and annual ryegrass is a nice lawn, though. Really nice.

So, 80 percent tall fescue and 20 percent annual ryegrass mixture. Seed it, straw it, andspray it with tackifier.
Nope. Never heard of ot.

An 80/20 mix of tall fescue and annual ryegrass is a nice lawn, though. Really nice.

So, 80 percent tall fescue and 20 percent annual ryegrass mixture. Seed it, straw it, andspray it with tackifier.

I have Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue, Creeping Red Fescue and Annual Rye Grass right now. I am surprisingly having really good luck when I cover the seed with potting soil. I just potting soil wasn't so troublesome to transport in my little car.

The three bags I bought were probably seventy pounds each (it is sold in cubit foot not by weight so I don't know specifically). I hauled all of that in one trip but I think I need about 15 more to finish the job. Creeping Red Fescue is good stuff. At least it is good in the short term. I guess I will know more in a couple of years.
I'm partial to Kentucky bluegrass, featherbed bent, and northern California sinsemilla.

I have read that Kentucky Bluegrass is used in baseball stadiums a lot because it tolerates shade really well. Kentucky Bluegrass is very popular. I don't know anything about featherbed bent or sinsemilla. I live in Eastern North Carolina. Do you think it would grow well here?

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